
  Research on the legal issues of international cooperation in crossborder insolvency in China
  —taking the bankruptcy of Hanjin as an exampleLIU Yao
  (Law school,Zhongnan University of Economics and Law,Wuhan 430073,China)
  Abstract:The previous dichotomy of “localist principles” and “popularism” is gradually broken. The legislative model of “corrected territorialism”, “corrected universalism” and “international judicial consultation” has become the mainstream of the extraterritorial effect in crossborder insolvency proceedings. In the construction of international cooperation in crossborder insolvency in China, the case of Hanjin bankruptcy has farreaching influence on the choice of China’s international cooperation model. China should choose the “corrected territorialism” legislative model, actively recognize the effectiveness of foreign bankruptcy procedures, introduce the concepts of main bankruptcy process and subsidiary bankruptcy procedure, and take part actively in crossborder insolvency cooperation. Under the background of the Belt and Road proposal and the internationalization of China’s judiciary, the principle of reciprocity of Article 5 of the Bankruptcy Law of the People’s Republic of China should be refined and improved further, the reciprocal approach as promised by the Nanning Declaration should be adhered. China should give firstparty legal assistance to the other party and actively promote a mutually beneficial relationship with others. In the absence of specific procedures for crossborder insolvency, China should draw on the specific content of the Model Law and applys the model of bankruptcy protocol to the specific case, so as to make China’s crossborder insolvency cooperation system more scientific and reasonable.
  Key words:crossborder insolvency system;extraterritorial effect of insolvency proceedings;international mutual legal assistance;reciprocity principle
  韩进海运公司的破产是近期国际投资领域极为热门的话题,作为世界第七大航运公司,韩进海运的轰然倒塌不仅是自身公司经营的问题,更是世界航运市场不景气的缩影。2016年8月31日,韩进海运正式向其总部所在地的韩国首尔中央区法院提出破产保护申请,次日,法院宣布同意对韩进进行破产保护并指派了第三方作为破产管理人,韩进海运正式进入破产重整程序。目前债权人申报程序已经结束,来自全球的3 000多家债权人已经申报完毕,其中包括300多家中国债权人①

推荐访问:国际合作 法律问题 中国 破产 跨境