
  摘要:为了解决自然环境下,环境光照变化和复杂背景等因素对视频监视和目标识别带来的干扰,提出了一种基于人体肤色特征遵循环境光照变化规律的自适应光照法运动人体定位方法。自适应光照法,即在HSV颜色模型下,分别计算不同光照条件下所有肤色像素点的平均色调H、平均饱和度S、平均亮度V;再计算不同光照条件下每幅帧图像所有像素点的相对亮度值 ;以相对亮度值为横坐标,肤色的H、S、V的平均值分别作为纵坐标,拟合出肤色相对于亮度的规律公式,通过自动选取阈值,进一步消除了环境光照变化对肤色检测的影响,使肤色区域定位更为准确,且计算量小、不需要消耗大量的存储空间和处理时间。以一年为周期采集并处理和分析了大量不同季节和时段的视频图像数据,实验结果表明,在运动区域查找人体肤色,自适应光照法提高了复杂自然环境下光照下对运动人体定位的实时性和准确性。
  关键词:运动区域 人体肤色 自适应光照法
  中图分类号:TP301 文献标志码:A 文章编号:1007-9416(2015)01-0000-00
  Abstract:In order to solve the interference of environmental illumination change and complex background to the video surveillance and target recognition in natural environment, this article puts forward an adaptive illumination method to position moving human body based the theory on that the human skin feature follows the illumination change. The adaptive illumination method is, respectively calculating the average H,S,V of all the skin color pexels in the HSV color model,then calculating the relative value of V of the entire image; fitting the formula by taking the relative value of V as axis of abscissas, and the average H,S,V as the respective axis of ordinates. It eliminates the influence of environmental illumination change by means of choosing threshold automatically, making the positioning of skin area more accurately, and it doesn’t need to consume large amounts of storage space and processing time. The experiment collects and processes a great deal of video image data of different seasons and time, the results shows that the adaptive illumination method improves the instantaneity and the accuracy of positioning moving human body in complex natural entironment and illumination intensity.
  Keywords:moving regions;human skin color;the self-adaptive environment illumination method
  图2中a所示为含有运动区域的当前帧;运用改进帧差法[3]提取的运动区域,如b所示; 应用直立人体高宽比的先验知识筛选满足条件运动区域,如c为满足宽高比运动区域定位图。即当不满足宽高比例时判断目标为非人体,否则进行后续工作近一步判断。直立的运动人体外接矩形的高宽比a的定义如下:a=w/h,其中w为矩形的宽,h为矩形的高。经过多次试验得到的结果如公式(1)所示。
  λ1≤a≤λ2,(λ1=0.35,λ2=0.5) (1)

推荐访问:光照 肤色 自适应 人体 运动