
  “吃”字左边有个“口”。象形字的汉语,从它的外形我们就可以很容易理解这个字的含义――“吃”当然关乎嘴巴。在英语中,这样关乎嘴巴的“吃”一般可以翻译成take或have,比如take food,have dinner等。有时可以翻译为dine,feed,taste等词,比如dine with mom,have you fed yet,taste the food。还有些时候翻译为like,love,prefer,enjoy,care for, be fond of等,比如,I like/love/prefer/enjoy/am fond of ice-cream。但是汉语中的“吃”在更多的时候并不仅仅表达关乎“嘴巴”的“吃”动作,这个字在汉语里有更多的含义,比如“吃亏”、“吃得开”、“吃不消”等,这种时候“吃”字的英译单单用刚才所提到的英语翻译就很难传达。若想正确无误地传递这些“吃”字所包含的信息,就必须从文化角度综合考虑,以便找到最贴切的翻译方式。以下我们就从“吃”字表达的实指和虚指两方面来分析其在英语中的翻译方式。
  1. 汉语中表达“吃”字实意的短语在英语中的表达方式:
  因为在两种语言中同是表达“吃”字的实际含义,我们在翻译这一类短语的时候大可以用上文所提到的take、have、dine、feed、taste、like、love、prefer、enjoy、care for、 be fond of等来表达。例如:
  吃饭――eat; have a meal;make a living
  吃馆子――eat at a restaurant
  吃素――be a vegetarian
  吃白饭,吃白食――eat without paying
  吃不得――not good to eat;uneatable
  吃不来――not be fond of certain food; find that the food doesn’t suit one’s taste
  吃不了――cannot finish so much food
  吃不服――not used to eating something
  吃不上――have nothing to eat;miss a meal
  吃得上――can afford to eat
  吃得下――be able to eat
  吃光――mop up with one’s meal;squander; use up
  2. 汉语中表达“承受”等含义的短语在英语中的表达方式:
  吃闭门羹――be denied entrance; be left out in the cold
  吃不了兜着走――be unable to bear; land oneself in serious trouble
  吃不消――be unable to bear
  吃耳光――set a box on the ear;be slapped in the face
  吃官司――be sued; involve in a legal action
  吃回扣――receive rebate
  吃空额――more salaries by making a false report on the number of employees
  吃枪子,吃枪子儿――be executed by shooting
  吃请――accept an invitation to dinner
  吃硬不吃软――yielding to force but rejecting soft approach
  吃鸭蛋,吃零蛋――score zero
  吃哑巴亏――be cheated or suffer a loss but unable to talk about it for one reason or another
  吃小灶――give special care
  吃一堑,长一智――a fall into the pit, a gain in your wit
  吃劲――be a strain; be able to bear or support(经得住)
  吃苦――suffer for it;bear hardships
  吃苦耐劳――be hardworking and able to endure hardships
  吃亏――mischief; get the worse of it; in an unfavorable situation;unfortunately
  吃老本――get meal by capital; live off one’s past achievements
  吃软不吃硬――be open to persuasion, but not to coercion
  吃重――entail strenuous effort
  吃罪――bear the burden; have on own’s shoulders
  3. 汉语已失去“吃”字本身含义的短语在英语中的表达方式:
  吃白眼――be treated with disdain
  吃不开――be unpopular; won’t work
  吃不准――be not sure
  吃醋――be jealous of a rival in love;wear yellow stockings
  吃大锅饭――get or supply pay at a fixed rate]
  吃刀――penetration of a cutting tool
  吃得开――be a favorite of; be much sought after;be popular
  吃豆腐――take liberties with(female);joke; make fun of girls
  吃肥丢瘦――gain extra advantage
  吃黑枣儿――be executed by shooting(比喻被用枪打死)
  吃紧――be critical ;be hard pressed
  吃劲――make difference关系重大,要紧
  吃惊――amaze; astonish; surprise
  吃里爬外――work for the interest of an opposing group at the expense of one’s own吃力――painful; be a strain
  吃偏食――be specially treated
  吃人不吐骨头――ruthless and greedy
  吃水――absorb water(吸收水分);draw ;draft; draught(船体浸入水中)
  吃透――have a thorough grasp
  吃闲饭――lead an idle life
  吃现成饭――enjoy the fruit of somebody else’s labor
  吃香――be very popular
  吃斋――practise abstinence from meat
  吃准――be sure
  吃租――receive rent
  吃嘴――eat sundry foods in small amounts

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