
  中图分类号:X825 文献标识码:A 文章编号:0439-8114(2017)21-4031-04
  Site Soil Contamination Investigation and Ecological Health Risk Assessment for
  A Pesticide Factory
  CHEN Dong1,2,XU Cheng-hua2,TIAN Kai-yang2,WANG Zhen-xiang2,MAO Lin-qiang1,ZHANG Wen-yi1
  (1.School of Environmental and Safety Engineering,Changzhou University,Changzhou 213164,Jiangsu,China;
  2.Geological Party,Jiangsu Bureau of Geology and Mineral Exploration,Nanjing 210041,Jiangsu,China)
  Abstract: The pesticide factory site soil pollution would arouse ecological health risk problems, in this study, water and soil samples were collected from the pesticide factory site. The main pollutant content and distribution were determined by a portable photoionization detector(PID), GC-MS and X ray fluorescence spectrometer. The potential ecological hazard toxicity risk coefficient method and ecological risk method were used to evaluate ecological health risk of high concentration pollutant detected. The results showed that the main pollutants in contaminated sites were 2,4-two chlorophenols, chromium and benzo (b) and fluoranthene; the concentrations of heavy metals within the plant were higher than that outside soil. Most of sample points in the factory were classified as the level of strong ecological risk, and most of sample points outside of the factory were classified as the level of moderate ecological risk. The non carcinogenic risk of 2,4-two chlorophenols, chromium and benzo (b) fluoranthene were below the acceptable risk control value.
  Key words: soil pollution; investigation; potential ecological hazard coefficient method; ecological health risk assessment
  1 材料与方法
  1.1 区域概况
  调查区域地处某化学工业园新材料产业园北部。该区域原为丘陵,随着周边用地规划调整作为工业用地开发,形成了目前工业园区、村庄、农田与工厂混杂分布的局面。该厂区南边濒临河流,北边绿山工业大道经过,交通发达,占地约28 000 m2,主要生产乙烯利、2,4-滴、敌敌畏。目前调查区域内相关企业已经全部停产搬迁,厂房空置,煤渣浅埋在土壤表层,污染严重,空气中能闻到明显的刺鼻气味。

推荐访问:土壤污染 场地 生态 风险 调查