
  阅读下面的短文,从短文后各题所给的四个选项 (A、B、C、D) 中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。�
   In our discussion with people on how education can help them succeed in life, a woman remembered the first meeting of an introductory �36� course about 20 years ago.�
  The professor �37� the lecture hall, placed upon his desk a large jar filled with dried beans (豆), and invited the students to �38� how many beans the jar contained. After �39� shouts of wildly wrong guesses the professor smiled a thin, dry smile, announced the �40� answer, and went on saying, “You have just �41� an important lesson about science. That is: Never �42� your own senses.”�
  Twenty years later, the �43� could guess what the professor had in mind. He �44� himself, perhaps, as inviting his students to start an exciting �45� into an unknown world invisible (无形的) to the �46�, which can be discovered only through scientific �47�. But the seventeen�year�old girl could not accept or even �48� the invitation. She was just �49� to understand the world. And she �50� that her firsthand experience could be the �51�. The professor, however, said that it was �52�. He was taking away her only �53� for knowing and was providing her with no substitute (替代). “I remember feeling small and �54�,” the woman says, “and I did the only thing I could do. I �55� the course that afternoon, and I haven�t gone near science since.”�
  36. A. art
  B. history�
  C. science
  D. math�
  37. A. searched for
  B. looked at�
  C. got through
  D. marched into�
  38. A. count
  B. guess�
  C. report
  D. watch�
  39. A. warning
  B. giving�
  C. turning away
  D. listening to�
  40. A. ready
  B. possible�
  C. correct
  D. difficult�
  41. A. learned
  B. prepared�
  C. taught
  D. taken�
  42. A. lose
  B. trust�
  C. sharpen
  D. show�
  43. A. lecturer
  B. scientist�
  C. speaker
  D. woman�
  44. A. described
  B. respected�
  C. saw
  D. served�
  45. A. voyage
  B. movement�
  C. change
  D. rush�
  46. A. professor
  B. eye�
  C. knowledge
  D. light�
  47. A. model
  B. senses�
  C. spirit
  D. methods�
  48. A. hear
  B. make�
  C. present
  D. refuse�
  49. A. suggesting
  B. beginning�
  C. pretending
  D. waiting�
  50. A. believed
  B. doubted�
  C. proved
  D. explained�
  51. A. growth
  B. strength�
  C. faith
  D. truth�
  52. A. firm
  B. interesting�
  C. wrong
  D. acceptable�
  53. A. task
  B. tool�
  C. success
  D. connection�
  54. A. cruel
  B. proud�
  C. frightened
  D. brave�
  55. A. dropped
  B. started�
  C. passed
  D. missed�
  36-40 CDBDC41-45 ABDCA�
  46-50 BDABA51-55 DCBAA�
  高考完形填空有些题目选项给人的感觉似是而非,模棱两可。但文章主题突出,前后照应。当考生对其中一题的答案举棋不定时,不妨在下文中搜索,可能会发现与之相同的原词或同义词,从而确定最佳选项。例如:2011年高考全国Ⅰ卷 (下文略) 第36题,到底是什么课?文中提到“计数”,提到“教学方法”,也提到“20年前”,好象A、B、D项都有理由选用。其实不然,文章第二段倒数第二句有“an important lesson about science”的表述,有原词science。因此,应为“科学课”,选C项。再如第38题,四个选项语法功能都正确,意义也都说得通,到底是“数数”、“观看”还是“猜测”,下文复现的单词guess验证了最佳选项应是B项。再请看第43题,四种身份的人文中都涉及到,但下文倒数第二句中有the woman原词,排除A、B、C三项,选D。�
  The parents said that most of the homework was a waste of time, and they wanted to �1� it. Spain and Turkey are two countries which stopped homework already. �
  1. A. delay
  B. stop
  C. block
  D. prove�
  stop 在下文复现,选B项。 �
  How does a tooth go bad? The �2� begins in a little crack in the enamel(珐琅)covering of the tooth. This happens after germs and bits of food have collected there. Then the decay slowly spreads inside the tooth. In the end, poison goes into blood, and we may feel quite ill. �
  2. A. destruction
  B. decay�
  C. fault
  D. hurt�
  At the meeting, the people were �3� by the kindness and natural beauty of his mother �4� the scar, but the little boy was still embarrassed and hid himself from everyone.�
  3. A. impressed
  B. surprised�
  C. excited
  D. comforted�
  4. A. in sight of
  B. by means of�
  C. by way of
  D. in spite of�
  第3题通过关联词but把握上下文的转折意义。下文是负面意义“小男孩仍然尴尬,躲避其他人”。上文就应该是正面意义,不是奇怪,而是印象深刻,选A项。第4题的四个选项中只有D项含转折让步意义,心灵美和外貌的天然之美与脸上的疤痕形成强烈对比,转折关联词in spite of明确表达了“尽管她脸上有丑陋的疤痕,但美丽的心灵和天然之美的外貌受到人们的赞赏,选D项。�
  高考完形填空测试注重考生的综合语言运用能力。组篇设题时,在考虑文脉主线大语境的同时还在每一段,甚至每一句都设置一定的小语境。小语境指紧随在空档后,甚至在同一句中的特殊的语境场合。下文的小语境能反射出上文的最佳选项。例如第37题,下文的小语境是把坛子置于讲台上,只有走进课堂才有可能发生下文的行为动作。所以不是“搜索”、“看”和“穿过”,而是“走进”。为了描绘教授自命不凡的形象,用了marched into,D项正确。再如第44题,下文小语境是“作为吸引学生开始激动人心的,进入未知世界的航行”,锁定最佳选项应为C,see ... as ... 意为把……看作为。此处指教授自以为是,“把自己的教法看作为是一种吸引”。再请看第45题,本句后部小语境就是“进入一个肉眼看不见的未知世界”。根据下文小语境就可以排除“运动”、“改变”和“猛冲”,确定“航行、驶入”比较合理,A项正确。此句意为:或许,他把自己的教法看作引领学生开始进入不可见的未知世界的航行。再请看另外四例高考试题:�
  When he realized I had made up my mind, he said, “Richard, when I was 23, my dad �5�me to go into law. And I�ve �6� regretted it. I wanted to be a biologist, �7� I didn�t pursue my �8�. You know what you want. Go fulfill it.”�
  5. A. helped
  B. allowed�
  C. persuaded
  D. suggested�
  6. A. always
  B. never�
  C. seldom
  D. almost�
  7. A. rather
  B. but�
  C. for
  D. therefore�
  8. A. promise
  B. task�
  C. belief
  D. dream�

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