
  【摘要】 目的 制备治疗银屑病的药膏“银立克”并进行安全性和疗效观察。方法 按一定比例将多种名贵中药材调制成外用药膏,对其重金属、微生物含量进行检测,观察皮肤刺激性、皮肤变态反应和经口毒性,并对临床治疗病例进行疗效和安全性分析。结果 银立克的重金属和微生物含量均符合化妆品卫生规范。动物实验表明本药属于无毒、无刺激性、弱致敏产品。银立克对银屑病患者的有效率为100%,不良反应率为0。结论 银立克处方及制备方法合理,安全、无毒副作用,疗效确切,是一种有效治疗银屑病的药剂。
  【关键词】 银屑病;制备;疗效;安全
  Security and curative effect of Yinlike ointment on treating psoriasis ZHANG Shumei, GAO Wei, REN Haishan, et al.Hospital of Jinan Iron and steel Company,Shandong 250101,China3, Dusi town Centre hospital of Mudan district, Zhouzhuang, Dusi town, Heze, Shandong, 274000,China
  【Abstract】 Objective Preparating Yinlik,a psoriasis treating ointment,and observeing its security and curative effect. Methods Valuable chinese traditional medicinal materials were mixed and confected according to a certain proportion and Yinlike was cranked out. Heavy metal and microbe of Yinlike were checked. The skin irritation and sensitization test and oral toxicity test of Yinlike were operated also. The clinical effect and security of Yinlike was demonstrated also after psoriasis patients being treated with Yinlik. Results Heavy met al and microbe content of Yinlike was conform to Hygienic Standard for Cosmetics, and it was innocuity and without irritaion. Efficient rate of Yinlike to psoriasis patients was 100% and badness response rate was 0.Conclusion Yinlike was a security and high curative effect antipsoriasis medicament.
  【Key words】 Psoriasis; Preparation; Curative effect;Security
  作者单位:250101 济南,济钢集团有限公司总医院药剂科(张树梅);济南市市中区人民医院药剂科(高伟);菏泽市牡丹区都司镇中心卫生院(任海山 张化博) 银屑病是一种常见的红斑鳞屑性皮肤病,又称牛皮癣。银屑病成因复杂,与遗传、感染、内分泌、免疫和神经精神因素有关[12]。目前对牛皮癣的治疗,国内以内服中药为主,治疗周期长,药物副作用大,对患者身体危害很大[3,4]。而常见的外用药,对改变病情缓慢,疗效不好。笔者查阅并总结国内外文献,对治疗银屑病的多种药物配方和药物剂型进行比较,根据银屑病的发病机理和传统中药的作用机理,研制成中药复方药膏银立克。现将本品的制备,安全性检测及应用效果报告如下。
  1 材料与方法
  1.1 处方 乳香10%,没药6%,轻粉1.5%,麝香5%,硫磺0.6%,樟脑5%,明矾10%,雄黄5%,冰片0.7%,凡士林55%,75%乙醇1%,二甲基亚砜0.2%。
  1.2 制备工艺 ①将乳香放入研钵中80℃水浴研细。②将没药用火加热熔化。③樟脑、明矾、雄黄和硫磺分别研细后混匀在一起。④地塞米松用二甲基亚砜溶解。⑤将冰片用75%乙醇溶解。⑥将麝香置一密闭容器底部,将③放在容器上方,点燃麝香熏蒸。⑦将①②③④⑤与凡士林一起搅拌均匀后,倒入⑥中搅拌均匀即为银立克药膏。
  1.3 重金属含量检测 根据化妆品卫生规范GB 7917.187 化妆品卫生化学标准检验方法汞,GB 7917.387 化妆品卫生化学标准检验方法铅和GB 7917.287 化妆品卫生化学标准检验方法砷对银立克中的汞、铅、砷含量进行检测。

推荐访问:药膏 疗效 银屑病 性及