
  Abstract:Sports moral cultivation has been one of the hot topics in academic field for a long time; however, there is not enough understanding in the existing research for the cause of sports moral behavior and it is difficult to form effective moral education results. Using literature and logic analysis, and based on the theories of sports education model and sports education origin, it puts forward that the development of the two theories are highly conjunct, so it is possible to implement sports moral education under sports education model. On this basis, it further clarifies the value of sports moral education on sports moral cultivation: 1) The formation of "non-materialized" students" sports moral education; 2) the practice of non-dogmatic sports moral education; 3) the creation of "free" sports moral education situation and atmosphere; 4) the embodiment of etymological meaning of sport; 5) the development of social responsibilities of sports ethics. It is concluded that as the two theories are highly-fit, the connotation and features of sports education mode and the teaching goal help promote students to achieve sports moral character, and it can most stimulate students" individual and social responsibility through sport education mode, making sports education mode an effective way to cultivate moral values; teachers should use the right strategy to encourage the formation of the "contract responsibility" and avoid the occurrence of "sports and morality deviation".
  Key words:sports education model; sport moral; influence; education; value
  以“体育道德”、“运动道德”、“道德”“德育”“运动教育模式”为关键词,在浙江财经大学图书馆、中国知网、SAGE、 ScienceDirect 、EBSCO 体育类全文学术资料检索平台进行文献查阅,文献起止年限为 1976-2015,共计查阅相关科研文献89篇、专著5 部,其中引用、参考文献 26篇、专著3 部。

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