[一些和颜色有关的英语常用俚语] 英语词组大全

  在国外进修期间,我特意留意了一下当地的报纸,发现其中有太多的英语俚语。如有一篇题为“Farmers Battle Red Tape”的文章。很多人被这个俚语“red tape”卡住,不知其意。但如果换用 a lot of rules and paperwork (especially for the government) 来表达,我想大家都能知道它的意思,意为来自政府部门的大量的文件和规章制度,相当于我们汉语中的“繁文缛节”。在这篇文章中谈到,由于遇到久年不遇的干旱,政府部门准备帮助那些遭受损失的农民们,但具体怎样落实,却有着太多繁琐的公事程序。而农民们也因此失去了耐心,决心同这些官样文章作斗争。
  而在另一篇题为“Success out of the Blue”的文章中,如果你对“out of the blue”这个俚语不熟悉,同样也会对这个标题束手无策。在英语中,“out of the blue”意为出乎意料地、突如其来地。这篇文章介绍了一名中年男子曾经辗转各地干过无数行业,都一事无成,然而一次偶然的机会,却让他大获成功,所以标题的意思是“突如其来的成功”。
  在英语中,人们常用red tape来形容一些繁文缛节、繁琐和拖拉的公事程序。如:The old couple wanted to adopt a child from another country. But they found out that it was a very difficult process. There was such a lot of red tape.(那对老夫妻想从国外收养一个小孩,但他们发现这过程太难了,有那么多繁琐和拖拉的公事程序。)see red意为发怒,冒火。如:When I see people throw litter on the ground,I see red.(当我看到人们把垃圾扔在地上时,我很生气。)而in the red 意为负债。如 I spent all my money. My account is in the red now.(我花完了所有的钱,我的账户现在透支了。)red-handed 意为正在作案时,当场、就地。如He was caught red-handed when he was shoplifting.(他在商场行窃时被当场抓住。)
  He was a green hand. 意为他是个生手、门外汉,而He was green. 意为他很嫉妒。如:When my colleagues found out that I got a promotion,they were green.(当我的同事们发现我被提职时,他们很嫉妒。)The grass looks greener on the other side. 人们习惯认为在别的地方或干别的工作等总比他们的现实处境要好一些,相当于汉语中的“这山望着那山高”。 如: John is always changing his job because the grass is always greener to him on the other side.(约翰常常更换工作,因为“这山望着那山高”,他总觉得别的工作要比现在的好。)
  He looks blue. 意为他看上去很忧郁、沮丧。而 blue book 指的是黄色书刊。人们用blue moon 来形容很长时间,因此once in a blue moon意为很少、极难得。如:I only eat at restaurants once in a blue moon because it is very expensive.(我很少去餐馆吃饭,因为它太贵了。)out of the blue意为蓦地、突然地,所以a bolt out of the blue意为晴天霹雳,而“It came out of the blue.”意为这太突然了。如:The general manager had resigned. It came out of the blue. We were all very surprised.(总经理辞职了,这太突然了,我们都很吃惊。)talk/tell till one is blue in the face 意为说个不停;说的人说到累也无所期望的结果。如:She is a lazy girl; you can tell her to tidy her room until you are blue in the face,but she won’t do it. (她是个很懒的女孩,你就是嚼烂舌根让她去整理自己的房间,她也不会去干的。)
  He is very black and white.意为他有着非黑即白的简单化是非观;非常绝对化。如:He wants his son to study abroad,and nothing can make him change his mind.He is very black and white.(他想让他的儿子出国学习,任何事情都不能让他改变想法,他太绝对了。)而“The rules are very black and white.”意为这些规章制度非常清楚、严格。如:If a student is caught cheating in an exam,he will get a zero mark. The university is very black and white on cheating.(如果有学生在考试时作弊,他将得0分,学校在作弊这件事上一点也不含糊,非常严格。)in black and white意为用白纸黑字写下来;以书面形式。如:If these conditions are in black and white,it’s hard for you to change them.(如果这些条件被白纸黑字写下来,你就很难再去改变他们了)。the black sheep指害群之马,集体中的败类。如:Three of my sons have wonderful jobs,but my youngest son has stayed at home for two years after leaving school. He is the black sheep of the family.(我的三个儿子都有很好的工作,只是我的小儿子学校毕业后待业在家已两年了,他是个败家子。)
  It’s a grey area.意为没有明确规定的灰色领域。如:In America,if you go to a restaurant,you must tip the waiter at least 15%. In Australia,there is no clear rule on this. It’s a great area. Everyone can make his own decision.(在美国,如果你上餐馆,你要给服务员至少15%的消费。而在澳大利亚,对此没有确切的明文规定,每个人可由自己做决定。)

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