
  摘 要:四、六级英语作文多数是说明文或议论文,应该采用较正式的语体的词语和结构。教师在教学中应做些适当的文体分析,增强学生的文体意识,让学生熟记一些书面表达中常见的句型,扩大词汇量,写出得体的作文。
  关键词:四、六级写作 非正式文体 普通文体 正式文体 文体分析教学
  四、六级英语作文(composition, essay or article)是书面性的,作文多数是说明文或议论文,因此用比较正式的语体才贴切,正如一个人穿一件得体的衣服去参加正式集会一样。
  语言学者一般将语言的正式程度(levels of formality)分为三种语体:非正式的(informal)、普通的(一般的)(general or normal)、正式的(formal)。同样的意思可以用三种文体表达。例如:
  General: One of the pleasantest things in the world is a trip in the country. I can enjoy friends indoors; but on the open road, nature is all the friend I need. When I am alone like that, I do not feel alone at all.
  Formal: Although few of the world’s pleasures exceed that of a journey through the countryside, the real secret of that pleasure is to go by oneself. Companionship can be enjoyed indoors; whereas to a traveler on the open road, nature is a sufficient friend. One is then never less alone than when alone.
  Informal: Say! I think there’s nothing in the world so neat as a spin in the country side. And I like to go by myself! Of course I like people, but you can enjoy them indoors. When you’re on the open road, nature’s all you need. You’re not lonely a bit when you’re all by yourself out in the fresh air.
  同样,“生意兴隆通四海,财源茂盛达三江”可以简单地表达为“Far and wide trade booms;here and there money comes”,但在正式场合最好表达为“Home and abroad business thrives;hither and thither profit arrives”更好,因为这样用词较为庄重和古雅(hither and thither是here and there在古英语中的说法)。
  Because I think learning English is very important, especially to me. Well if you ask me why, I’ll tell you there are lots of reasons. Let’s look at something in job market. And if you can’t speak English, you can’t get a good job. Don’t you believe? Then another is communicate with foreigners. You know, if you can’t speak English, how can you make your idea understood by them? Anyway, spoken English is getting more and more important. So a test of spoken English is necessary.
  很多学生的文章中充塞着I think/believe,I’m sure,I see, I mean, more and more,lots of,kind of,let’s ...等口语化的表达,很多句子都以口语化的词because,anyway,well,you know,so,and,then开头。很多学生喜欢用感叹句,疑问句尤其是反问句,缩略语和第二人称代词这些口语化的形式。
  Formal: First the seed is scattered evenly over the ground; then the soil is raked lightly and firmed with a roller.
  Informal: First you scatter the seed; then you rake it in and firm the soil with a roller. Or: First scatter the seed; then rake it in and firm the soil with a roller.
  Formal: When a soldier salutes, he must stand up straight and bring his right hand up smartly to the visor of his cap.
  Informal: When saluting, you must stand up straight and bring your right hand up smartly to the visor of your cap.

推荐访问:六级 得体 写作