

 -取包裹 - Hey, where"ve you been? - Just getting the mail. -晚饭吃什么

 -香槟和鱼子酱 - What"s for dinner? - Champagne and caviar. 我靠

 我有什么包裹到了 Oh, shit, what"d I get? 中间的是你的 This is you in the middle. -这都是什么


 -应该是 - What are those, new kicks? - Yeah, I think so. 使命召唤还有 10 分钟 Yo, 10 minutes, Call of Duty. 你等不及了啊 You"re on. -是他们等不及了

 -凯尔 - It"s on, bitch. - Hey, Kyle. 看看他们给我寄了什么 Look what some creep sent me. 怎么了


 这是给你的 What"s going on, Princess? This is you. 干嘛呢


 这是给你的 What"s up, kid? That"s you. 好像是高跟鞋 Kinda feel like stilettos. 别闹


 我正表演呢 Seriously, Kyle"? I"m in the middle of a show right now. 抱歉

 我这不是给你送东西么 I"m sorry. I"m just bringing your stuff. 我替你去邮局取的

 别没心没肺的 I went to the post office for you, come on. 真要命 That"s sick. 谁今晚想跟我来个私密接触啊 All right, who wants to go private tonight, huh? 你们赶紧点啊

 给我点激♥情♥ Come on, guys. Keep me entertained. 告诉我你好哪口 Just tell me what you"re into 我们就可以私密接触了 and we can go private. 堵嘴球

 Ball gags. Sassy777: 你真的 18 岁吗 是的


 我 18 岁 Yes, Sassy, I"m 18 years old. 这是你第一次私聊吗 Is this your first time going private? 是的

 现在干点什么呢 随你所愿 Whatever you"re in the mood for. 喜欢我的钻石吧 You like my diamond, huh? 我们能不能就聊聊天 得了吧

 Sassy Come on, Sassy. 你什么情况啊

 胆小鬼么 What are you, some sort of chick? 你说对了

 我就是胆小鬼 我喜欢胆小鬼 I love chicks. 你家人都不在吗

 没有父母吗 不是啊

 我有好多辣妈辣爸 No, I have, actually, I have lots of hot mommies and daddies. 你看见我的愿望清单了吗 Did you see my wish list? 你可以这样回报我 That"s how you can reward me. 很聪明嘛 Very clever. 那么你是自己住吗 你的问题有点多啊

 姑娘 You ask a lot of questions, girl. 来吧宝贝

 要什么样的 Come on, baby, what do you want? 你想让我来干点什么呢 What do you want me to do, huh? 是想让我给你打飞机吗

 是不 Do you want me to jack off for you? Is that it? 我的天啊 Oh, my God. 还是来个自我爱抚

 你想看什么 You want me to touch myself? What are you in the mood for?



 我会付你钱的 这么说你什么都不看 So you don"t. 不想看我撸一发 You don"t wanna see me jack off 玩玩情趣玩具什么的吗 or play with these toys or anything? 你真的只想... 聊个天 You really just wanna... You just wanna chat. 断 线 肌肉真♥他♥妈♥发达 Fucking muscle heads. 血管都要蹦出肱二头肌了 All the veins popping out of his biceps. 伙计 Dude! 没错

 但是你看... Yeah, but did you see... 不错啊

 哥们 That was good, man. 太帅了 This is awesome. 这可太搞了

 哥们 So fucked up, man. 跆拳道

 免费入门课程 他来了 Here he goes. 他会拿的

 他会拿的 He"s gonna get it. He"s gonna get it. -是我们的


 是我们的 - That"s ours! -It"s ours? It"s ours. -要买♥♥点什么吗


 -是 - Can I help you? You sure? - Yeah. 我的神啊 Oh, my God! 你♥他♥妈♥看什么呢 The fuck you looking at? 不要在家模仿

 因为这相当危险 Don"t do this at home "cause it"s really, really dangerous. 还相当傻&hrts;逼♥ And really, really stupid.

 绳上的电锯 是真的吗 Is that real? 真是疯了 That"s nuts! 这是工作 This is a job, man. 我让你负责这些门店 I put you in charge of these stores 可是丝毫没有起色 and nothing"s happening. 你能给我个说法吗 Do you have any kind of answer for me? 我实在是受够这些鸟事了 I"m really tired of this shit, man. 博兰医生 Dr. Borland. 你好 Hi. 是吗 Really. 我们下个周期可以再试一次

 是吗 Well, we can try again our next cycle, right? 谢谢你

 医生 Thanks, Doctor. 博兰医生说我们可以再试一次 So, Dr. Borland said we could try again. -是吗

 -对 - Yeah? - Yeah. 我们能晚点再谈这个吗 Can we talk about that a little later? -我要迟到了

 -好的 - I"m just running a little late. - Yeah. 不爆这个网站的料你就是疯了 You"d be crazy not to go for this Internet story. 你再给我提个醒 You gotta remind me again. 儿童


 聊天室 Kid. Online. Chat room. 我知道

 我不大懂 I know. Look, I don"t get it.

 他整天坐在那儿吗 He sits there all day? 不是的

 可以单独约他 No. No. He goes private with people. 他很聪明

 可能是被迫的 He"s a bright kid. He"s probably trapped. 等一下


 这听起来太黑暗了 One minute. Nina, it just sounds so dark. 和你以前做过的相比

 噱头太浓了 It"s more of a feature than what you"re used to. 我就是... That"s what I"m... -谢了

 -我就是... - Thank you. - I"m just... 看

 有上千名这样的孩子 Look. There are thousands of kids like this. 我真心觉得这是个重磅事件 I really think this could be powerful, you know? 有关性

 有关心灵 It"s got sex, it"s got heart. 让我试试 Just let me try, 就算让我每天 24 小时坐在桌子前 and I will not complain about sitting behind this desk 24/7 写你给我的那些无聊报道 writing those fluff pieces 我也不会有怨言 you give me. 不

 你会的 Yes, you will. 好了


 我找到他了 All right. Dude, I found him. 本·博依德 Ben Boyd. 是我们学校十年级的 Says he"s in 10th grade at our school. -是我们学年的

 -是的 - He"s in our grade? - Yeah. 我热爱音乐

 从席格若斯到电台司令皆我所爱 "Music is my passion. Everything from Sigur Ros to Radiohead." 席格若斯是他妈的什么玩意

 What the hell is Sigur Ros? 谁知道呢

 我们写什么 Who knows? What do we write? 好吧

 就写... Okay. Write... 本



 我是里奇伍德学校的 "Hi, Ben, my name"s Jessica. I go to Ridgewood." 席格若斯是我的最爱 "Sigur Ros is my fave." -说说他的歌♥

 -好的 - Say something about his song. -Okay. -我很喜欢主页上你唱得歌♥

 -好 -"I loved your song on your page." - All right. 你唱得真好 "Your song was so amazing." 它触及了我的灵魂

 太好听了 "It touched me. It"s amazing." -它触及了我的灵魂


 -触及了我的灵魂 -"It touched me." That"s good. -"It touched me." -孩子们

 -爸爸 - Hey, guys. - Hey, Dad. 你好

 迪克森先生 Hi, Mr. Dixon. 我差点把这撞倒了 I almost ran this over, genius. 抱歉 I"m sorry. -你说抱歉

 -是啊 - You"re sorry? - Yeah. 加拿大冰球运动员 -比赛怎么样

 -和格雷茨基差不多 - How was the game? - Played like Gretzky. 你们干嘛呢 What are you guys doin"? -做作业

 -写报告 - Homework. - Reports. -做作业

 -做作业 - Homework? - Homework. -做作业还是玩手♥机♥

 -用手♥机♥做作业 - Homework or that? - Homework on that. 上网查资料

 I"m online. 好吧

 你没穿那件 T 恤上学 Okay. You didn"t wear that shirt to school? -我把这件穿在外面

 -是吗 - I wore this one over it? - Yeah? 是的 Yeah. -你在撒谎吗


 我撒谎了吗 - Are you lying? - Frye, am I lying? -我看见了


 好吧 - I was there. - Yeah? All right. 弗莱

 我只买♥♥了两人份的鸡肉 Frye, I only got chicken for two, 所以你滚出我家吧 so you got to get the hell out of my house. 开个玩笑

 弗莱 Kidding, Frye. 没关系

 反正我爸让我回家了 It"s okay. My dad wants me home, anyway. 好的


 走吧 All right, good. I got two cases to get to, so come on. 弗莱

 很高兴见到你 Frye, it was good seeing you. 我也是

 先生 You, too, sir. 看 Look at that. 你知道爸爸多爱你吗 You know how much Daddy loves you? 妈妈

 怎么了 What"s up, Mommy? 快看 Look at that. 不要一个人承担悲伤 在线好友 和他们聊天或者发消息告诉他们你在线 你在线... 上线一会儿了

 你过得如何 很痛苦

 今天本该是伊森的生日 我理解

 我妻子去世后 生日和节日是最难受的 告诉我



 你丈夫怎么样 很消沉

 他都不愿提这事 好像内心已经崩溃 他去埃尔帕索出差了 所以你是独自在承担 那人抓住了一条很有说服力的条款 The guy"s got a non-compete clause 简直无懈可击 and it"s pretty airtight. 我知道 I understand that. 什么

 他们要对他提出控诉 What, are they just gonna sue the guy 之后再提问吗 and ask questions later? 好吧

 他们不能这样做 Right. Well, they can"t do that. 那就让他给麦克特兰&帕特里奇打电♥话♥吧 So, just have him call McCortland & Partridge 我们会处理的

 好吗 and we"ll work something out, okay? 就当是和解

 好啦 Like a settlement, come on. 别那么咄咄逼人了 Put your fangs away. 好了

 再见 All right. Bye. -孩子


 -她应该在楼上 - Hey, kiddo, where"s Mom? - Hey, she"s upstairs, I think. 小莫扎特呢 What about Mozart? 弹钢琴呗

 他还能去哪 At his piano. Where else? 我叫杰西卡





 希望你能给我写一首 你干嘛呢 Now what are you doing? 又在研究烹饪吗 Learn Cuisine again? 你应该把它们混合在一起 You really need to mix it up.

 你应该回去念书 我在世界的校园里

 宝贝 I"m a student of the world, baby. 你不能永远干这行吧 我也不知道 I don"t know. 你一定想过吧

 未来有何打算 靠


 得了吧 Fuck, no. Come on. 你也开视频吧

 我就能看见你了 Let"s go cam-to-cam. That way I get to see you, too. 这样不公平


 别羞涩了 This isn"t fair, come on. Don"t be shy. 我不会另收你钱的 I"m not going to charge you anything more. 都是一个价

 来吧 It costs the same price. Come on. 很简单的

 点下按钮就行了 It"s easy, just click the button. 你好啊 Hello? 与 Boitoi18 进行私人视频 你真是... Wow. You"re... 你真是太漂亮了 You"re really hot. 嘴真甜 That"s very sweet. -你真是美爆了

 -得了吧你 - You"re... You"re smokin". - Please. My God. 你都能当我小弟了 You could be my little brother. 天啊

 你是...是个辣妈 God, you are... You"re a MILF. -辣妈?


 也不算是 - I"m a MILF? - No, maybe you"re not so much a MILF. 还不是熟♥女♥

 因为你没那么老 Like, you"re not a cougar yet, "cause you"re not that old. -你是轻熟♥女♥

 -什么是轻熟♥女♥ - You"re like a puma. - What"s a puma? 比熟♥女♥还年轻一些

 It"s like the step before a cougar. 这话好伤人 That"s really depressing. 我们玩个游戏吧 You know what? Let"s play a game. 给你一百万块 For a million dollars, 你会和一个脏兮兮臭烘烘 would you fuck a dirty, smelly, 满身汗毛的流浪汉滚床单吗 hairy homeless guy? 我的妈呀

 不会 Oh, my God, no. -不会


 -不 - No? For a million dollars? - No! -好吧


 -不会 - Okay, two million. -No. 得了

 别扯了 Bullshit. Come on. 五百万呢

 给你五百万 Five million. Five million. 五百万

 行 Five million? Okay. 看

 人人心里都有个价 You see, everybody has their price. 他回了 Okay, this is what he wrote. 谢谢你喜欢我的歌♥ "Hey, thanks for liking my song. 我发布的时候很紧张

 我知道我很古怪 "I was nervous about posting it. I know, I"m weird." -回什么呢

 -杰森 - Okay, say... - Jason. 干嘛啊


 就回... What"s up, Billy? Say... 我觉得古怪也是一种性感 "I think weird is sexy." 好

 就这么回 Oh, yeah, that"s good. 绝了

 回完了 Perfect. Okay.


 -收到了 - Did he get it? - He got it. 他笑了 He"s smiling! 妈

 我的天啊 Mom, oh, my God, 今天发生了一件特他妈逗的事 the f-ing funniest thing happened today. 阿比盖尔

 你能不这么说话吗 Abigail, would you stop that please? 怎么了 What? -别总把脏字挂嘴边


 不过 - F-ing. The f-ing thing. - Sorry. Anyway... -你在干嘛

 -吃饭 你知道那个叫玛琳达·古德曼的女生吗 You know that girl Malinda Goodman? 不知道 No. 她做了一个像是 Yeah, well, she had, like, 激光治疗的东西

 剃光了头发 this laser treatment thing, you know, hair removal. 副作用是 Anyway, there can be this side effect 有时候会长出更多毛发 sometimes where you grow more hair. -有意思吗

 -我姐叨逼叨个不停 我说真的

 那女生居然他妈的长胡子了 I know. I swear, the girl has a fucking beard. -我说

 -抱歉 - Hey. - Sorry. 好了

 够了 OK, that"s enough. 本

 你能不能别在饭桌上玩手♥机♥ Hey, Ben. Can you please not do that at the table? 他也在玩 He is. 是个烦人的客户

 爸爸是在工作 This is an annoying client, that"s what this is. Dad is working. 跟谁聊天呢


 What is it, your girlfriend? 他什么 His what? -女朋友


 -就是个朋友而已 - Girlfriend? Ben! -It"s just a friend. -跟她说一会再聊

 -是学校里的朋友吗 - You type away. - Now, is this a friend from school? -是里奇伍德学校的

 -是怪胎学校的吧 -It"s from Ridgewood. - Freakwood. 你俩行了吧

 我跟妈妈都烦了 Guys, come on, you"re boring your mother and I. 好吧

 我走了 It"s okay, I"m out, anyway. -什么



 我也走 - What? Come on. - Yeah. Me, too. 行

 你们俩走吧 Okay. Well, you"re excused, both of you. 本是到了那个年纪了吧 Well, Ben"s officially there, huh? 哪个年纪 Where? 一个什么都不愿意跟父母说的年纪 He"s at that age where you have to pull every word out of him. 他 15 岁

 我得接一下 He"s 15. I gotta take this. 我 17 岁之前都是沉默寡言的 I was 17 before I started talking, you know"? 亨利


 听我说 Henry, I understand that. Listen, 那是你的工作好吗


 没错 that"s your job, okay? Yeah, exactly. 所以我们谈什么呢 So what do we talk about? 克里斯维尔议员 State Senator Crisswell, 谁在反对使用该标志的项目 who"s backing plans to stop the sign program 还联合了几个州阻止该标志的使用 and would join a dozen states to stop using the sign. 我觉得我们要是再生个孩子的话一切都会好起来 别放弃

 有个人聊天真好 抱歉!您未支付成功

 请联♥系♥您的银行以获取更多信息 我理解你的感受

 就像一切都颠覆了 我们处境相同 也许我们什么时候可以见个面 -埃尔帕索怎么样

 -很不错 - How"s El Paso? - Oh, it"s great. 你用信♥用♥卡♥了吗 Have you used the MasterCard for something? -没有

 -卡用不了了 - No. - Well, it got declined. -你刷爆了吗


 当然没有 - Did you max it out or something? -No, of course not. -你打电♥话♥就是问这个

 -是的 - Is this why you"re calling? - Well, yeah. 我就想问问为什么信♥用♥卡♥不好使了 Yeah. I want to know why the credit card isn"t working. -我不知道

 -好吧 - I don"t know. - Great. 所以现在我人在埃尔帕索 So now I"m in El Paso 身上没有信♥用♥卡♥ with no credit card. 肯定是哪里出错了

 德里克 I"m sure it"s a mistake, Derek. 照着卡背面的号♥码打个电♥话♥ Just call the number on the back of the card. -好的


 -好 - All right. All right, I"ll talk to you later. - Okay. -再见

 -再见 - Bye. - Bye. 也许我们什么时候可以见个面

 也许可以 我觉得我家人都很虚伪 不是亲生的 我可能也不是 你♥爸♥这人怎么样 是个白♥痴♥ 你的呢 是个律师 他觉得音乐一无是处

 我爸是个警♥察♥ 所以每天都像在蹲监狱 你能核实昨天向百思买♥♥ Can you verify a $5,300 charge 支付了 5300 美元吗 at Best Buy yesterday? 不可能 That"s not possible. 太离谱了

 一定是出错了 That"s crazy. There"s gotta be a mistake. 两天前向维多利亚的秘密支付了 28 美元 A charge for $28 at Victoria"s Secret two days ago. 绝对没有 Absolutely not! 好了


 我们会把账户冻结 Okay, Mrs. Hull, we"ll freeze that account. 什么情况 What the fuck? 好的


 我照做了 Yeah, yeah, well, listen, I did that. 我和警♥察♥谈过了 I talked to the cops, 我填过报告了

 他们告诉我去... I filled out that report, and they told me to go... 不是

 他们说由于不足一万块 No, they said because it"s under $10,000, 得由你们处理 I have to deal with you guys. 现在你又让我去找他们 And now you"re sending me back to them 他们还是会说... and they"re gonna say... 好吧

 如果你们要调查这事 All right, so, if you"re gonna investigate this, 我怎么可能同时花这钱

 你们... how am I gonna pay for shit in the meantime? You... 我付你们钱了


 我就这么 You guys have my money. That"s it. That"s it. That"s all I have. 是

 因为我现在已经无法自动支付了 Yes, because my automatic payments are bouncing right now. 大概需要一个月

 In about a month. 我不能等你们调查一个月 Well, I can"t wait a month for an investigation. 好吧


 谢谢你们了 Okay, thank you very much. Thank you. 真谢谢你们

 我晚点打给你 Thank you very much. I"ll call you later. 这些人真♥他♥妈♥没用 These people are fucking useless. 到底什么情况 What the fuck happened? 哥们


 他来了 Dude, dude. There he is. -哥们


 -好 - Dude, send him a message. - All right. 干嘛 What? 妈妈说让你放学载我回家 Mom said you were driving me home from school. 不

 我今天坐特雷西的车 No, Tracy drove me today. 你坐公交吧 Take the bus. 我带着吉他呢 I have my guitar. 不准把它拿上我的车 That"s not getting in my car. 抱歉啦 I"m sorry. 他可真的只是个工具 He really is a tool, man. 我跟他说杰西卡的妈妈死了 I told him Jessica"s mom died. 我想他现在肯定为她感到伤心呢 I think he really feels fucking sorry for her now. 你告诉他你妈死了 You told him that your mom died? 不

 是杰西卡的妈妈死了 No, Jessica"s mom died. 你开玩笑呢 Are you kidding me?


 咱得赚点同情心 Yeah, dude. You gotta create empathy. -一个黑暗的故事

 -这有点怪怪的 - A whole back story. - It"s weird, man. -你妈妈去世了


 -是啊 - Your mom died. Yes? - Yeah, 兄弟


 就是编个故事嘛 dude, whatever, just creating a story. 好吧

 我们开始了 Okay. All right, we have lift off. 准备好了吗


 你在干嘛 You ready? I said, "What are you up to?" 他说

 和朋友吃午饭 He says, "Having lunch with friends." 撒什么谎啊


 我看看 What a lying sack of shit, dude. Let me see. -真♥他♥妈♥好啊

 -好吧 - This is fucking awesome. - Okay. 本

 你饥渴不 "Hey, Ben, are you horny? 我一到午餐室里就饥渴 "I always get horny in the lunch room. 于是很想给你发张照片 "Makes me wanna send you a picture." -发照片

 -照片 -"A picture"? -"A pic." 反正他相信我们

 我们就玩的再狠一点 He trusts us, we need to step it up a bit. 没错 That"s true. 你觉得哪张适合杰西卡 Which pic would you call a Jessica? 我的妈呀 Oh, my... Mama! 这张


 我来发 This one? This one? I"ll do this. -好的

 -发吧 - Yes. - Send. -发了吗

 -发了 - You sent it? - I sent it. 我们看看

 Here we go. 哥们

 我觉得他能吓尿了 Dude, I think he just pissed his pants, man! 狂野尤物 你回发给我一张怎么样 "How about you send me one back?" 你真不错

 太爽了 You are amazing. That was amazing. -彼得

 -怎么了 - Peter? - Yeah? 我问你点事

 你答应我 I"m gonna ask you something and you"re going to say yes. 怎么了

 怎么了 What? What? 干这些就是为了这事 Is that what this is about? 不错 Nice. 你好

 你是妮娜 Hi. You Nina? -想坐会吗

 -当然 - So, do you want to sit? - Yeah, sure. 一切可好 How"s it going? -不错


 不错 - Good. Yeah, good. - Yeah? Good. 不管怎么说

 谢谢你见我 Well, anyway thanks for coming to meet me. 当然 Yeah, of course. 我们直接进入正题吧 Let"s do this. 我知道前面就有个地方 I know a place right up the strip here, 如果你愿意去的话 if you wanna go. 听我说

 凯尔 Listen, Kyle, 有些关于我的事我没跟你说 there"s something I didn"t tell you about myself. 什么


 What, are you a dude? 不是啦


 我看起来像男的吗 No. No. Wait, hang on. Do I look like I could be a dude? -不像


 -好吧 - No. No. - Good. 我就是... No, I"m just... 我就是觉得你的故事很有意思 I just think your story is really interesting, 我在想

 我不知道 and I was wondering, I don"t know, 你能否让我采访你 if you would let me interview you. 干嘛

 你要写书吗 What, for like a book? 我在一家小电视台工作

 做新闻的 Well, I work for a small TV station, a news station. 我是个记者 And I"m a reporter. 新闻

 你要让我上电视访谈 The news? You wanna interview me on TV? 是的 Yeah. -烟


 -没有 - Smoke? You have a smoke? - No. 哥们

 现在没有 Not right now, bro. Okay. 你的故事真的很棒 Because you have a really great story. 真的很棒

 很特别 You have a really great... It"s a really unique, 很有意思

 我想做个报道 interesting story, and I"d love to report it. -很特别


 这... -It"s special. - Wow, I... I don"t know. That"s... -为什么不呢


 -真的 - Why not, Kyle? - Really? 你来见我就为了这个 This is why you came down here. 不是


 没人会认出你 No, but you see, nobody would recognize you

 我们会给你打阴影 because you"d be in shadow 对你的声音进行处理 and your voice would be distorted. 我觉得我这样很好

 谢了 I think I"m good, you know. Thank you. 是完全匿名的 Totally anonymous. 你不想有比这更好的生活吗 Don"t you want something better than this? 想啊

 我想要钱 Yeah, I wanted some money. 实话说

 我来这 I came down here, honestly, 就是因为我觉得我能捞到点钱 because I thought I was gonna get some cash. 真的很抱歉我骗了你 And I"m really sorry that I lied, 但我知道你不会... but I knew you wouldn"t... 我只是想了解你 I just want to get to know you, 这是我的名片

 我的名片 so here"s my card. Here"s my card. 也许你用得上 Just, you just never know. 给我打电♥话♥

 上面还有我的邮箱 Call it. And my e-mail"s on there as well. 兄弟

 等等 Yo, bro, wait up. 请找一下麦克·迪克森 Mike Dixon, please. 你好

 我是德里克·哈尔 Hello, my name is Derek Hull, 是曼特斯侦探给我介绍您的 and I was referred by a Detective Mantos. 我打电♥话♥问一项诈骗案 Well, I"m calling regarding a fraud case. 等我再给打给你 I"ll just call again. I"ll call again. -早安


 - Hey, good morning. - Hey. 是德里克吗

 我是麦克·迪克森 Derek? Mike Dixon. 是的


 德里克·哈尔 Yeah, Derek. Derek Hull. 很荣幸

 谢谢你这么早就来 My pleasure. Thank you for coming so early. 我真的很感谢 I really appreciate it. 有没有上什么社交网站 How about social networking sites, 聊天室

 留言板什么的 you visit those? Chat rooms, message boards? 没有


 我没有 No. No. Well, she spends her life online, but I don"t. -我在网上卖♥♥艺术作品

 -谢谢 - I sell my artwork online. - Thank you. 我♥干♥这行的 It"s sort of my business. 我有时候上聊天网站 Well, I go on a chat site, sometimes. 什么样的聊天室 What kind of chat rooms? 是个支援小组的网站 It"s a... It"s a support group website. 问题就在这 Well, here"s the thing. 有人盗取了你所有的个人信息 Someone there stole all your information. 好了

 这样 All right, here"s what"s gonna happen. 我克隆你的硬盘 I am gonna clone your hard drives, 浏览所有的信息和活动 and I"m gonna go through all the information and the activity 看看我能否查明时间 and see if I can figure out how 以及前因后果 and when this happened. 真有必要这么做 Is this really necessary?

 你就不能拿那张信♥用♥卡♥去查吗 Can"t you just take the credit card numbers and run that somehow? 非常有必要 No. This is very necessary. 因为现在他们很可能 Because right now they could 开一张你名下的信♥用♥卡♥

 进行贷款 have credit cards in your name, take loans out. 他们可以弄到你的密♥码♥ They could have your social security number. 用你的名字进行犯罪活动

 你明白吗 They could commit crimes in your name. Do you understand? 他们可以把你的信息卖♥♥给二十几个人 They can sell this information to 20 more people. 这可能才是刚刚开始 This, this could just be the beginning. 人们真是蠢得要死 It"s amazing how clueless people are. 就好像你在车里挖鼻屎 It"s like picking your nose in the car 还觉得没人看你 and you think nobody"s watching you. 之后就纳闷 And then they wonder how in the world 别人怎么会弄到他们的社交密♥码♥ someone got their social security number. -完事了

 -是的 - You done with this? - Yeah. -爸


 亲爱的 - Hey, Dad? - What, babe? 能不能...能不能给我买♥♥个平板电脑 You think maybe... Maybe I could get an iPad? 老师说可能会对学习有帮助 My teacher said it would, like, help with all my school work. 是吗 我把你笔记本的屏幕修好了 Really? I told you I fixed the screen on your laptop. 在我办公室里 It"s up in my office. 不需要买♥♥平板的

 孩子 You don"t need an iPad, bud. 你怎么回事啊

 What"s this thing with you 每次我说点事就翻白眼 rolling your eyes every time I say something? 包好了 Wrap that up good. 再接再厉啊

 黄油手 Way to go, butterfingers. 午饭没有鸡肉沙拉吃了 No chicken salad for lunch. 把地板赶紧擦了 And clean the floor. 别用刷碗的抹布 And don"t use the dish rag. 我遇到了同一个人 Yeah, so I got that same guy. 关着灯

 整个人前后摇晃 Keeps coming back on with the lights turned off. 我只能看见他脸的影子 I can just see, like, the shadow from his face on the thing. 真的


 太恐怖了 It"s, like, come on, creeps me out. It"s fucked up. 一团糟


 凯尔 That"s fucked up. What"s up, Kyle? -哈维



 小弟 - Harvey, this is Shane. - What"s up, man? 他就是我在滑板公园遇到的那个孩子 He"s that kid I met at the skate park. 肖恩

 你饿不 You hungry, Shane? -吃吧

 -他做的意大利面很好吃 - Dig in. - He makes really good fucking spaghetti. 开动吧 Dig in. 我是意面专家

 我很会做意面 It"s my thing, spaghetti. I make spaghetti. -你从哪来

 -得梅因 - So, where you from? - Des Moines. -流落街头

 -让那孩子吃点 - Yeah, you been on the streets? - Let the kid eat. 肖恩

 你知道我们在这做什么吗 You know what we do here, Shane?


 -15 岁 - How old are you? -15. 我问你个问题

 你打飞机吗 Let me ask you a question. Do you jerk off? 是吗

 你想不想靠它挣钱 Yeah? You wanna get paid for it? -那太棒了


 老弟 - That would be fucking awesome. - Good, man. 有一个规定

 肖恩 One rule, Shane. 只相信我


 好吗 Trust me, no one else. Okay? -我应该怎么做

 -把裤子脱了 - So, what am I supposed to do? - Take off your pants. 卖♥♥个萌

 脱♥光♥了你会让别人欲♥火♥焚身 Just look cute. They"re dying for you to take it all off. 玩玩那些玩具 Now, play with the toys over there. 人们会一下子都和你说话 Guys talk to you all at once 你的目的是让他们跟你私聊 and your goal is to get them to go private. 赢得注意要多久 And how long does it take for someone to be interested? 看

 他才 14 岁

 就想跟人私聊了 Look, he"s already got 14 that want to go private. 这个怪胎想要面对面 Look, this freak wants to go C2C. 面对面有点恶心

 你得直视他们 C2C is kinda gross "cause you have to look right at them. 但可以收更多钱 But cam to cam costs more 所以如果他们要

 你就得照做 so if they wanna do it, you gotta do it. 好吧 Okay. All right. 这家伙是谁 Who is this guy? MumboJumbo27 如果我这么做

 没人会发现吗 -感觉还好


 - You feel good? - Yeah, I feel good. 那就开始吧 You just gotta do it. 我保证 不好意思我发了那照片

 你好像没这意思 一比零

 去他妈的 One nil! Big fuck you! 去你的

 重新选个队 Fuck you. Pick new teams. 好吧


 反正你还是会输的 All right. Let"s do it again. I"ll beat you anyway, so... -兄弟


 -怎么了 - Dude. Holy shit. - What? -我的天啊

 -他发了 - Oh, my God! - He sent it. 我没想到他他妈真会发 I didn"t think he"d fucking do it. 他真做了

 光着屁♥股♥ He did it! He"s butt naked! 我的天

 什么情况 Oh, my God! What the fuck! 他还真发了 He actually sent it. 用唇膏在大腿上写了个"爱的奴隶" He fucking wrote "Love slave" On his leg with lipstick! -上帝啊

 -太恶心了 - Oh, my God. - That is fucking disgusting. 绝了

 像根粉色的香肠 That"s awesome. It looks like a pink sausage! 这实在太... This is so... 怎么

 你感到愧疚了 What, do you feel sorry for him? -不是

 -你爱上他了 - No. - Are you in love with him? -弗莱


 -你爱上他了 - No, Frye. - Are you in wuv with him? -别闹

 -你爱上本·博依德了 - Dude, stop. - Are you in wuv with little Ben Boyd? 太恶心了


 我都感觉到你硬了 Gross, man! I can feel your boner!


 我现在想说的是 Okay, what I"d like to tell people at this point is that... 我不是婚姻顾问 I am not a marriage counselor. 我不知道你们二位了解对方多少 I don"t know what you two know about each other. 这都不重要 And that"s OK. 我不想知道

 这是你的 CD I don"t wanna know. That being said, here"s your CD 还有一份所有可疑行为的综述 and a printed overview of all suspicious activity. 我认为你的某些个人信息 Now, I think some of your personal information 已被这个叫 fear&loathing 的人 may have been retrieved 在聊天中获取 with your communications with fear&loathing. -什么

 -谁是 fear&loathing - What? - Who"s fear&loathing? 就是个认识的人 It"s just some guy. 聊天室里的 He"s in the chat room I go to. 你做的就是点击了他给你的链接 All you would have had to do was click on a link 或是打开了他给你的附件 or open an attachment from him, 然后他就... and then he would"ve... 他就在你的系统里安装了木马病毒 He would"ve installed a Trojan virus onto your system. 一旦他成功 Now, once he does this, 他就可以用你的电脑为所欲为 he can do anything he wants with your computer. 你登陆输入密♥码♥的时候 You log on, you punch in your passwords, 他在屏幕上也会看见 it comes up on his screen. 你做的一切他都看得见

 Everything you do, he can see. 他可以打开你的摄像头

 看着你 He can turn on your camera. He can watch you. fear&loathing 是谁

 他是谁 Who is fear&loathing? Who"s he? 他怎么会有我的密♥码♥ How does he have my password? 你的密♥码♥就是你的生日 Your password is your birthday. 德里克

 赌博网站也一直都被黑 And, Derek, gambling websites are hacked all the time. 你也在和银行联络 And you"re also corresponding with the bank 讨论二次按揭问题 regarding your second mortgage. 等等

 我们没有二次按揭 Wait, we don"t have a second mortgage. 是啊 Yeah. 你们收到过要求附加信息的邮件 And you received an e-mail requesting additional information. 因此银行不会通过邮件询问 Now, banks would never ask for 那样的敏感信息 sensitive information like that via email. 因此我想他就是这样 So, I think that"s how he 拿到了你的个人账号♥ possibly got your personal account numbers, 社保号♥

 你母亲的姓名等此类信息 your social, your mother"s maiden name and all that other stuff. 这个人是谁

 他叫什么 Who is this guy? What"s his name? 据我所知

 他叫史蒂芬·舒马赫 The name I came up with is Stephen Schumacher. 来自奥克代尔

 公开地址 He"s from Oakdale, PA. -他跟我说他叫芬

 -没错 - He told me his name was Finn. -Yeah. 我现在要做的就是找到证据 What I need to do now is find proof.

 只要我找到了 And then once I do that, 我就联♥系♥奥克代尔当地警方出动 I need to contact the local PD in Oakdale and bring them into it. 找什么样的证据 What kind of proof? 银行票♥据♥

 信♥用♥卡♥账单之类的 Bank receipts, credit card statements. 如果他进行大额转账

 就能抓到他 If he makes any large transaction, it could nail him. 好吧

 那要多长时间呢 All right. And how long will that take? 可能三个星期 Could take three weeks. -也可能三个月

 -我们没有那么多时间 - Could take three months. - We don"t have three months. 警♥察♥不可能什么都管的 The cops couldn"t do shit for us, 所以我们才雇了你 that"s why we hired you. 我明白


 德里克 I understand that, but it"s just not that easy, Derek. 你得耐心 You have to be patient. 我有耐心

 但我的钱没耐心 I"m patient. My bank"s not patient. 我明白 I understand that, 但这些人只收信件

 使用邮政信箱 but these people use mail drops, they use PO boxes. 他们第一天开的户

 第二天就注销了 They open an account one day, they close it the next. 很抱歉

 我得回去工作了 Well, if you"ll excuse me, I gotta get back to work. 我不想连工作都丢了 Don"t want to lose my job, too. 不好意思让你看到这些 I"m sorry you had to see all this. 不不


 没事的 No, no, no. Don"t be sorry. It"s okay. 其实


 I"m sorry to say that I"m used to it. 拿着这个 Take that. 你做这一行很久了吗 You been doing this long? 做私♥家♥侦♥探♥六年了吧 Privately, like 6 years. 之前做了 20 年警♥察♥ I was a cop for 20 years. 在网络犯罪调查科 Computer crimes unit. 我老婆去世了 My wife passed away, 我就退休了


 所以 so I retired to spend some more time with my kid. So. 抱歉 I"m sorry. 一切都会过去的 It"s gonna be okay. 都会好起来的

 我保证 It"s gonna be okay, I promise you. 所有的记录都在里面

 全都会被他看到 It"s in there. He"s gonna see everything in there. 我不是


 我只是 I didn"t, wasn"t really doing... I just... 网络犯罪报告 这是我长发时的照片 有时我觉得这都是我的错

 可能我注定无法成为母亲 他再也没有碰过我 -你看着我就行

 -好的 - You"re just going to look at me. - Okay. 我的声音会被处理的吧 You"re gonna change my voice for this, right? 是的 Yeah. 我妈的男朋友是个酒鬼 My mom"s boyfriend was a drunk. 脾气暴躁而且很暴♥力♥ Rager with a wicked left hook. 那么

 你是怎么走到今天的 So, how did you end up here?

 我在商场遇到一个人 I met this guy at the mall. 他说可以帮我

 还给我找地方住 He told me he could help me out, give me a place to stay. 然后我到了那个地方

 那儿还有别的孩子 And then I got there and there were other kids. 就是有点冷 It was just kind of chill. 他其实并不坏 He"s really not a bad guy. 你们在那里是怎么工作的 So, how does it work in the house? 很多人的笔记本电脑都有内置摄像头 You know, some people have built-in cameras on their laptops, 有些是普通摄像头 some have just webcams. 我们的工作就是 All of our stuff is kinda 登上主网站 streamed through a site that hosts everything. 然后

 大概他们会从中抽成 And then they kinda, like, take out a commission, I guess, 再给我们寄支票 then just send us our checks. 我也不明白


 长得越年轻 I don"t know, I mean, the younger you look, 挣得就越多 then the more you make. 等你长大了怎么办 And what happens when you outgrow it? 如果你年龄越来越大 When you get older and 吸引不了那么多客户怎么办 you"re too old to bring in enough customers? 你觉得你可以永远做下去吗 Do you think that you"ll do this forever? 我不知道

 我还没 I don"t know. I haven"t really... 我还没认真考虑过这个问题 I haven"t really thought about that. 就是他

 That"s the guy! 爱的奴隶 Love slave! -爱的奴隶

 -爱的奴隶 - Love slave! - Love slave! 为什么 本 Ben? 你回来的这么早

 没什么事吧 You"re home so early. Is everything all right? 没事 Yeah. 乐队没排练吗 No band? 取消了 Canceled. 你在干嘛 What are you doing? 写作业 Homework. 你没事吧

 宝贝 You okay, sweetie? 没事

 我有很多事要做 Yeah. I hav...

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