新族群 [新族群时代]

  光怪陆离的世界里,生活着各式各样的我们。新奇的人越来越多,每个人都有自己的生活形态,每个人也都能找到自己的同类。又到了盘点时间,让我们来   看看新的族群有哪些吧。
  Sunflower Clan 向日葵族
  Meaning: Used to refer to people who, just like a sunflower, always look on the bright side of life and are resilient[有复原力的] to pressure as they easily forget about unhappiness.
  e.g. People in the sunflower clan always believe that less desire can lead to more happiness.
  Slow Traveler慢旅族
  Meaning: Travelers who often do not travel by plane. They prefer to travel more gently, by train, bus, cargo ship, even bicycle. They want to luxuriate[沉迷(在),享受] in the experience of a stress-free journey, not rush to a destination.
  e.g. Lots of work made Jenny want to be a slow traveler very much.
  DINK Exit Clan悔丁族
  Meaning: Used to describe those who opt out[退出] of their earlier decision for a DINK (dual income no kids) family and decide to start a family. However, as many of them are well beyond their prime reproductive age, getting pregnant can be really painful.
  e.g. Many DINK families did not expect that they would become a part of the DINK exit clan someday.
  Office Dwellers赖班族
  Meaning: Referring to those who linger at their offices after official work hours, most of whom are in the country’s first-tier cities. Some lingerers are demanded to work overtime, some choose to evade[规避] traffic congestion[(交通的)拥挤] during peak hours and some people, mainly living alone, are not willing to go home and prefer to kill time in the office.
  ―Oh, my god. My husband has been such an office dweller recently.
  ―Really? How long does he work every day?
  ―He just comes back home for sleep! You see, he is off at 6 p.m., but he usually leaves his office around midnight.

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