
  摘要: 随着科学技术的高速发展,我们周围遍布着各种嵌入式产品。在运输方面,磁导的方案还是稀少的,特别在于现在各个频段的都有不同的运用。本文设计了一种选择适当的频率进行自动地对物品进行选择和分类的运输车,基于意法半导体的STM32,构建了以Cortex-M3为核心的嵌入式系统。
  Abstract: With the rapid development of science and technology, various embedded products can be found everywhere. In transport, the programs of magnetic permeability are scarce; its use of each frequency range is different. This paper introduces a design of transport cart which choose the proper frequency to automatically choose and classify the goods, whose embedded system taking the Cortex-M3 as the core is based on the STMicw Electronics.
  关键词: 嵌入式系统;磁导运输;STM32;Cortex-M3
  Key words: embedded system;magnetic permeability transport;STM32;Cortex-M3
  中图分类号:TM141 文献标识码:A 文章编号:1006-4311(2012)03-0146-02

推荐访问:嵌入式系统 运输车 设计