
以下内容是2018年12月英语六级写作范文供各位考生参考!频道第一时间更新公布。同时广大考生还可随时微博及新东方网四六级微信xdfcet46,与线上老师以及考生随时互动答疑,敬请广大考生密切关注。  想知道新东方老师如何点评12月考试→_→

How to balance work and leisure 卷面分析: 本次六级考试延续上半年四级考试的风格,再一次出现问题解决型作文,按照以往分析的逻辑,足以应付此次六级考试,现提供一篇六级同学们足矣应付的文本可供参考。 For workers with Monday to Friday jobs, Sunday nights can be disheartening. After two days of downtime and space away from the grind, they might feel unprepared for the week ahead, experiencing stress and anxiety. Accordingly, the public is growing concerns for this problem. Approaches to this status quo abound well, while two respects stick out. Admittedly, the first solution can be found in the preparation on Friday. Before we welcome the weekend on Friday, we are advised to create a list of priorities for the following week. This ensures that we won"t forget assignments or tasks after the break. Additionally, try to find an "active leisure" activity! The author recommends activities that engage our body and mind, like classes at the gym, outings with friends and family, or cooking Saturday night feasts. Ultimately, finding a balance between work and leisure tops the list in life. Accordingly, the top priority is for college students to find the proper way to make a balance between these two fronts. In the long haul, the word of “chaos life” will be removed from dictionary and work is going to be more efficient than ever.

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推荐访问:武汉 英语六级 写作 学校 范文 2018新东方英语百度云 2017新东方英语百度云