


We traveled,day and night

In the sun,in the moonlight.

We traveled,up and down

Across the big river and to the little town.

We traveled,near and far

With strong wind and bright star.

We traveled,traveled and found

Our mother Earth big and round.

In Picture A,there is a ball on the bed.In Picture B,there are two dolls on the bed.




People born in 1986,1998,2010 and 2022 are Tigers.I was born in 2010 and my animal sign is Tiger.In China,Tigers stand for power.

I was born in ____ .My animal sign is ____.


( )1.Betty’s cousin has short and curly hair.

( )2.The girl is Amy.

( )3.Monica didn’t enjoy herself at the party.

( )4.Lisa likes working with kids.

( )5.The trousers aren’t cheap.

What We Do Me Dad Mom Uncle Aunt Listening to music Washing the clothes Doing homework Playing chess

( )1.When was the policeman born?

( )2.Which sports star are Lynn and Mike talking about?

( )3.How did Alice feel yesterday?

( )4.What animal did William see at the zoo first?

( )5.Which country does Mary want to go?

Tom loves climbing very_____trees.

Ilove kicking old brown leaves.

Tom likes_____in cold lakes.

Ilike eating coffee cakes.

Tom loves fishing_______________.

Ilove going on the train.

Tom likes playing his CDs.

Ilike watching_____!

Tom likes looking for_____bats.

And Ilove w earing funny hats!

A.lion B.have a picnic C.doctor

D.bedroom E.lovely w eather

( )1.This is a very big animal that comes from the cat family.

( )2.You go to this room in a house to sleep.

( )3.You should see this person if you are sick.

( )4.Blue sky,sunny 25℃.

( )5.You can have food and drink in a park.

1.Tom will leave for Shanghai by(a)____tomorrow.

2.Lynn wants to have a new(c)____ for her birthday gift.

3.Every morning my mother(m)____breakfast for us.

4.The Tortoise and the Hare is a(C)____ story.

5.Exercise can make my body(s)____and healthy.

( )1.There is____orange and five____on the table.

peaches B.an;
peaches C.an;

( )2. ____book is here.____is there.

Hers B.Your;
Her C.Yours;

( )3.They enjoyed____stories.

A.reading B.read C.to read

( )4.Isaw this movie__TV and__Tuesday.

on B.from;
on C.on;

( )5.__beautiful the flowers are!

A.What B.How C.How a

( )6.He__three pictures yesterday.

A.drew B.draw C.draws


Mary:I’m fine,thanks.And you?

Bill:I’m fine,too.2____

Mary:We had Easter party at my home.Bill:Great!3____

Mary:It was fine.We played games.We looked for eggs and ate chocolate.


Mary:Yes,Itook lots of pictures.


Mary:Of course.They are on my comput⁃er.Let’s go home together.

A.Can Isee your pictures?

B.What will you do tomorrow?

C.Did you take pictures of the party?

D.How are you,Mary?

E.What did you do yesterday?

F.How was your party?

The word“mahu”(马虎)means someone is careless(粗心的).Here is a story about.

Later,the young son saw a tiger.He thought it was a horse and wantedit,but the tiger ate him.Then,the old son went hunt⁃ing(打猎)for a tiger,he killed a farmer’s horse.He had to payof money for it.

The painter regretted(后悔)very much.

( )1.A.it B.on C.at

( )2.A.was drawing B.draws C.is drawing

( )3.A.on B.about C.for

( )4.A.child B.childs C.children

( )5.A.Where B.When C.What

( )6.A.tell B.told C.telling

( )7.A.the B.a C.an

( )8.A.to ride B.ride C.riding

( )9.A.it B.to C.but

( )10.A.lots B.many C.much

Mr.Black is a businessman.He is very fat.He always gets up very late in the morn⁃ing.He never has breakfast.After he gets up,he sits in a chair and works for about four hours.Next,he eats fast food for lunch.Then,he plays computer games in the afternoon.In the evening,he drives to buy some ice cream and cake for dinner.He never goes to bed be⁃fore 2:00 in the morning.



Mr.Black’s bad habits My suggestion(1)Go to bed and get up very late.(2)No breakfast.(3)Eat unhealthy food.(4)Sit and w ork for a long time.

Dear Danny,

How are you?Ihad a great day yesterday.

It was a sunny Saturday.The sun w as shining.The sky was blue.Igot up at 7 in the morning.I had some bread and milk for breakfast and did my homework.Then I went to Rainbow Park with my classmates.It is near our school,so w e went there on foot.The park is very beautiful.We had lunch on the grass.Then I flew kites with Oliver.Sarah,Amy and Helen played hide and seek.

We w ere all very happy.We w ent back at 4∶30.

After I got home,I helped my mother w ith housew ork.Ihad a good time yesterday.

What about you?Tell me something about your w eekend.


Li Ming


( )1.Yesterday was a sunny day.

( )2.Li Ming had breakfast in the park.

( )3.Li Ming and his classmates w ent to the park on foot.

( )4.Sarah flew kites with Oliver.


1.This is a letter to____.

2.Yesterday was Saturday.Today is____.

3.Li Ming had some____and milk for breakfast.

4.Li Ming did____after he got home from the park.


Do you have a good friend?What did you do last weekend?Please write to your good friend.

Dear ,


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