
  摘要 苏御糯是种植历史悠久的苏州市地方品种,按照当前主栽品种的种植技术,生产中苏御糯常出现穗数不足、结实差、易倒伏和易感稻瘟病几大问题,影响其产量和品质,本研究通过探索其栽培技术,以促进苏御糯种质资源的保护和利用,扩大在本地区的种植面积。以播期为主区,肥料运筹为副区,采用裂区试验设计,通过调查分析不同处理对苏御糯株高、穗长、产量构成因素、抗性等的影响(方法)。结果表明:施用化肥对苏御糯结实性、稻瘟病抗性及抗倒性有一定的负面影响,带来较大生产风险,施用有机肥有助于提高苏御糯的产量、抗倒性和稻瘟病抗性;生产苏御糯稻谷7 800 kg/hm2左右的最佳产量构成指标为有效穗数270万穗/hm2左右,单穗总粒数90粒左右,结实率92%~94%,千粒重39 g左右;有利于生产的播种时间为6月上旬,在翻耕前一次性作基肥施用腐熟有机肥6 000~7 500 kg/hm2,若施用化肥亦宜作基蘖肥一次性施用纯氮不超过180 kg/hm2,可为地方品种苏御糯的保护和开发提供技术支撑。
  关键词 水稻地方品种;苏御糯;播期;肥料运筹;抗倒性;稻瘟病
  中图分类号 S511 文献标识码 A 文章编号 1007-5739(2017)01-0015-03
  Effects of Sowing Date and Fertilizer Application on Yield and Resistance of Rice Landraces Suyunuo
  ZHU Zheng-bin DAI Hua-jun XIA Yi-feng ZHOU Jian-ming CAO Min-xu SHEN Xue-lin LIN Yi-bo
  (Seed Adminitrative Station of Suzhou City in Jiangsu Province,Suzhou Jiangsu 215009)
  Abstract Suyunuo is a local rice variety in Suzhou City with a long history. According to the planting technology of the current main cultivars,Suyunuo shows some problems such as insufficient number of panicles,low seeding rate,poor lodging and rice blast resistance,which will affect its quality and yield. In this split-plot designed study,sowing date factor was assigned to the main plot and fertilizer application factor to the subplot to investigate the influence on plant height,panicle length,yield components and resistance of Suyunnuo. The results showed that the chemical fertilizer treatment had negative effects on fecundity,rice blast and lodging resistance,while the organic fertilizer treatment could help to improve the grain yield and resistance to the lodging and rice blast. The best yield components to achieve 7800 kg per hectare were as follows:the number of effective panicles was approximately 2.7 million spike per hectare,the number of grain per panicle was around 90,seeding rate from 92% to 94% and 1 000-grain weight of 39 g. It should be sowed in early June and the field should be applied with 6 000~7 500 kg organic fertilizer per hectare or no more than 180 kg pure nitrogen per hectare as base-tiller nitrogen fertilizer before plowing. The results can provide technical support for the protection and development of Suyunuo.
  Key words rice landraces;Suyunuo;sowing date;fertilizer application;lodging resistance rice blast
  蘇御糯为太湖地区苏州地方品种,属于早中熟籼型糯稻品种[1],全生育期140 d左右,高秆大穗,叶片披散,粒型呈扁椭圆形,粒重高,米粒雪白,米饭光泽好,黏度适中,口感滑爽,蒸煮时有十分浓烈的香味。相传1692年,康熙皇帝在京城丰泽园澄怀堂召见大臣时说:“朕巡幸江南,将江南香稻及菱角带来此处栽种”稻米由苏州府历年解供,故名“苏御糯”,是十分珍贵的优良种质资源[2]。随着农产品特色化、品牌化方向的发展,苏御糯的稻米市场需求越来越旺盛,但生产中常出现穗数不足、结实差、易倒伏、易感稻瘟病几大问题,严重影响其产量和稻米品质。20世纪90年代中期江苏省农业科学院通过矮化育种来改良苏御糯的缺陷,育成了抗倒性和抗病力明显增强的矮秆苏御糯,但其品质却有所退位,难以取代苏御糯[3]。周家麟等[4]、祁正汉等[5]人研究通过喷施多效唑来控制苏御糯株高增强其抗倒伏能力,但发现苏御糯穗的发育会同时受到抑制,影响产量;除此之外,对苏御糯系统的栽培研究报道少之又少。

推荐访问:抗性 运筹 水稻 肥料 产量