论英语学术论文标题的写作 英语学术论文写作怎么分析标题

  摘 要:文章的标题,就好比书的封面或电影的名字,提供给读者或观众的是至关重要的第一印象。因此,标题在论文写作中是非常重要的一个方面,读者甚至在阅读文章摘要之前就通过标题对整个文章有所了解。更重要的是,标题给读者留下的第一印象将是深刻与长久的。Swale(1990)指出,英语学术论文中标题字数虽然不多,但构思标题耗时不少,需字斟句酌。本文在分析大量具体的英语学术论文标题的基础上,总结其特点与常见模式,并提出几点标题写作方面的建议。
  关键词:学术论文 标题 模式
  1.不同于小说与报刊文章的标题,学术论文的标题通常要长一些。APA(The Publication manual of the American psychological association, 5th ed., 2001)建议学术论文的标题应包含10-12个单词。但有些学术论文的标题字数也可能超过这个范围。例如:
  1) A comparison of the use of citation in Chinese and English academic discourse
  2) Shaping written knowledge: The genre and activity of the experimental article in science
  2. 学术论文的标题主要体现出文章的主旨,而非刻意去吸引读者的注意力。非学术性文章的标题往往更注重于吸引读者的眼球,通过文字游戏体现作者的智慧。例如某些杂志里面的文章标题:
  3)Coffee: New grounds for concern
  4) The scoop on the best ice cream
  3. 学术论文的标题是严肃、正式的,要尽可能清楚、具体地反映出文章的内容。使用率最高的一种标题就是罗列出文章中的关键词。例如:
  5) Genre, intertextuality and social power
  6) The power of reflexive language(s): Code displacement in reported speech
  1. 标题之中包含论文里面最为重要的关键词,有效告知读者文章的主旨,适应学术交流和信息传递的需要。例如:
  7) The hedging strategy in Chinese and English academic writing: A contrastive rhetoric perspective
  8) The hedging strategy in academic writing and the principle in politeness: Chinese and English
  2. 好的论文标题应用尽少的词汇来尽量充分地体现文章的内容。前面虽然提到学术论文标题通常长于非学术论文标题,但也应该做到简单易读。太长的标题会使读者理解起来比较困难。例如下面的标题,包含24个单词,不简洁、不易懂。
  9) A study of contrastive rhetoric between East Asian and North American cultures as demonstrated through student expository essays from Korea and the United States
  10a) Korean and American student expository essays: A contrastive rhetoric perspective
  10b) Contrastive rhetoric: Differences between Korean and American student expository essays
  10c) Rhetorical patterns in Korean and American student expository essays
  然而,权威的学术期刊里面确有一些过长的标题。例如TESOL Quarterly里面的某些标题:
  11) Cross-cultural comparison of second language learning: The development of comprehension of English structures by Japanese and German children
  12) Teaching listening comprehension: An interim report on a project to use uncontrolled language data as a source material for training foreign students in listening comprehension
  这里需要强调的是:在写作标题过程中最好坚持KISS原则,亦即使标题简短与简单(keep it short and simple ),没有特殊原因与需要时避免使用过长的标题。
  3. 好的论文标题应该做到具体、一针见血。一方面,标题切忌过于宽泛、笼统。一个好的、具体的标题应该与论文所研究、探讨的范围相符合。另外,模糊的词汇或者短语反而会使论文标题缺乏具体性。应该避免使用夸张的、不精确的词或者反映出作者个人偏好的词。例如:
  13) The best way to translate Chinese ancient poems
  14) Reading as an important strategy in teaching writing
  15) Planned and unplanned discourse
  16) The place of stylistics in the study of verbal art
  17) Chinese and Western thinking on translation
  学术论文的标题很少采用句子形式。Haggan (2004)发现,在307个科技论文标题、237个文学论文标题、207个语言学论文标题之中,使用句子作为标题的分别只有26个、10个、9个,分别占总数的8.5%,4.2%,和4.3%。而在句子标题里面,最常见的是问句。例如:
  18) How writers orient their readers in expository essays: A comparative study of native and non-native English writers
  19) Initiating ESL students into the academic discourse community: How far should we go?
  2.许多学术论文标题包含两个部分,且中间加冒号,该模式为一般:具体(General: Specific)。
  Swales(1990)在分析了the Journal of Personality and Social Psychology中的94个标题之后发现,60%的论文标题采用该模式。Haggan(2004)把该模式称作复合式(compound titles),即:两个名词短语之间加冒号或者破折号。例如:
  20) The pragmatics of argumentation in Arabic: The rise and fall of a text type
  21) Second language acquisition research: issues and implications
  22) The Whorfian Hypothesis: A cognitive psychology perspective
  23)Controlling cultural variations in the preparations of TESOL materials
  24) Resisting linguistic imperialism in English teaching
  25) Adapting and composing reading texts
  26) Improving student writing: An integrated approach to cultural adjustment
  27) Comparing textual features in high school students writing: A cross-cultural study
  28) Spoken and written textual dimensions in English: Resolving the contradictory findings
  4. 有些标题里面包含“towards”,“toward”,后面加“a science”, “a theory”, “an understanding”,这类标题暗示着论文将呈现给读者一个系统的理论或对某一学科领域新的见解。例如:
  29) Text production: Toward a science of composition
  30) Rhetorical structure theory: Toward a functional theory of text organization
  31) Vowel phonology of Asian Englishes: Toward a characterization if international English
  1. A Study of――, An Analysis of, A Discussion of, An Investigation of, 这种使用“研究”、“分析”、“讨论”、“调查”等词语的标题应该避免。因为毫无疑问,论文就是要分析、讨论、调查或者解释某问题。作者需要呈现出的则是更具体的某一研究层面。例如:
  32) A study of text types可以修改为:
  33) Text types: A systemic functional perspective
  2.不要以介词on来开始论文的标题。英语本族语作者(native writers of English)确实使用该种结构,但也只是偶尔用之。该结构的问题在于,它反映不出论文作者的研究目的,读者通过题目看不出作者的新发现。例如,On Hamlet 与 On Shakespeare"s Hamlet,二者均未能反映出作者要研究名著《哈姆雷特》的哪个方面或角度。建议修改为更具体的标题:
  34) Fathers and Sons in Hamlet
  类似“试论”、“试析”、“浅析”、“浅谈”、“谈谈”这些词语,出现在汉语论文标题里面是常见的,是作为标识语(MARKERS)而出现的,使标题更看似标题,并不直截了当的体现作者观点。但是,英语写作不同与此,英语写作更加直接,不会使用诸如“experimental investigation”, “tentative analysis”, “superficial study” 等。这些词会削弱学术论文的说服力。
  35) “teaching English to speakers of other languages” 可以缩写成TESOL。
  [1] Haggan, M. Research paper titles in literature, linguistics and science: dimensions of attractions. Journal of Pragmatics, 2004.36,(2):293-317.
  [2] Swales, J. Genre analysis. Cambridge, UK: Cambridge University Press. 1990.

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