场面调度 [机场场面飞机滑行调度优化问题的MILP模型及算法]

  摘要: 本文考虑了顺序约束、安全约束、起始与终止时间约束和速度约束四种约束,建立了以总滑行时间最小为目标函数的机场场面飞机滑行调度优化的MILP模型。该模型求解分解为两步,先用遗传算法求解各航班经过交叉点的顺序,然后再求解各航班到达各节点的时间。最后结合国内某枢纽机场的航班信息,对模型进行仿真实验,结果表明本文提出的MILP模型有效解决了滑行冲突。
  Abstract: An optimization MILP model for aircrafts taxi scheduling in the airport surface has been presented in this paper. The proposed model takes into account four kinds of constraints which are sequencing constraints, safety constraints, origin and destination timing constraints, speed constraints, and aims the minimization of the total taxi time as objective function. The optimization model firstly determines the sequence of all the aircraft at each taxi intersection, and then solves the time of all the aircraft at each vertex. At last a domestic hub airport taxi scheduling simulation shows that the proposed MILP model is an effective solution to the taxi conflict.
  关键词: 机场场面;滑行调度;MILP模型;遗传算法
  Key words: airport surface;taxi scheduling;Mixed Integer Programming model;Genetic Algorithm(GA)
  中图分类号:TP39 文献标识码:A 文章编号:1006-4311(2012)03-0144-03

推荐访问:滑行 调度 算法 模型