
 rural credit cooperatives 农村信用社改革 status as legal persons 法人 deposit insurance system 存款保险制度 cross-border system 跨境支付 deferred adj. 延期的 state-owned enterprises 国企 longstanding problems 历史遗留问题 non-public sector 非公有制经济 enterprise-legal persons 企业法人 housing provident fund 住房公积金 new competitive edges 新的竞争优势 processing trade 加工贸易 foreign capital 外资 go global strategy 走出去战略 scale up 扩大规模 broaden the channels 拓宽渠道 foster v. 构建 logistics n. 物流 interior and border 内陆和延边 economic and technological development zones 经济开发区 uphold v. 支撑;鼓励;赞成 government procurement 政府采购 enterprising adj. 有事业心的;有魄力的 champion v. 支持;拥护 complement each other 相辅相成 transformation n. 转型 private consumption 大众消费 curb v. 抑制 domestic services 家政 fiber-optic networks 光纤网络 broadband 宽带 logistics and express delivery services 物流快递

 counterfeit v&n. 伪造;假冒品 shoddy n. 赝品 adj. 假冒的;劣质的 every drop of spending builds to creat a mighty river

 汇小溪成大河 public goods 公共产品 rebuild rundown urban areas and renovate dilapidated building

 棚户区和危房改造 renovate v. 更新;修护 perform an investment soliloquy 独角戏 ongoing adj. 正在进行的 stimulate enormous domestic demand 刺激巨大内需 better off 更富更强 arable adj. 适于耕种的 arable land areas 可耕地 launch an initiative to 实施 water-efficient agriculture 节水农业 crop varieties 新品种 market demand 市场需求 grain processing 农产品加工 feed crop cultivation 饲料作物 grain crop cultivation 粮食作物 ropeway 溜索 refuse and sewage treatment 垃圾污水治理 urban-rural gap 城乡差距 alleviation n. 缓和;镇痛物 on the premise of 在…前提下 pasture n. 牧场;草地 a new type of skilled farmer 新型职业农民 the rural collective property rights system 集体产权制度 diminish v. 减少;减小 deteriorate v. 恶化;变化 rural supply and marketing cooperatives 供销社

 grain purchase price 粮食收购价 subsidy v. 平息;减弱 narrow the gap between urban and rural areas

 people-oriented 以人为核心 unit 套 government-subsidized housing 保障性安居工程 earthquake resistant 抗震性 phase in the policy of 按照…政策前进 phase n. 阶段 v. 逐步前进 provision of physical housing 实物保障 allocation of housing subsidies 货币补贴 public rental housing 公租房 housing to be sold to those bing relocated 安置房 assign primary responsibility to local governments

 落实地方政府主体责任 real estate market 房地产市场

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