


 伊 "我总觉得自己善于言辞" I guess I"ve always been pretty good with words. "干我们这行的" In my line of business "其实

 描述清楚我所从事的工作" it"s as important to be able to describe what I"m doing "与做好自己的本职工作同等重要" as it is to do what I"m doing. "什么时候说什么话

 如何措辞" When to say what.What words to select. "哪些话男人不喜欢听" Some men hate to hear certain terms. "哪些事男人不喜欢做" They can"t stand specific moves and "但哪些他们离了又活不成" then they can"t live without others. "我的工作就是要巧妙利用自己的双手" It"s part of my job to know where to place my hand, "嘴唇



 甚至是心思" my lips, my tongue, my leg and even my thoughts. "力道


 收放自如" What kind of pressure, for how long, when to stop. "我可以是你的初吻..." I can become your first kiss... "也可以是你少不更事时" Or a torn out image from a Playboy magazine "从《花♥花♥公♥子♥》偷偷撕下的一页" that you found when you were nine years old. "做你的秘书" Am I your secretary "或是你的女儿" or am I your daughter? "又或者是让你曾经恨透的中学老师" Maybe I"m your seventh grade math teacher you always hated. "我只知道

 只要投你所好" All I know is that if I do it just right, "我就能成为你的呼吸

 生命" I can become your living, breathing, "以及永不动摇的梦

 却又在转眼间" unflinching dream, and then I can actually

 "化为泡影" disappear. 斯图尔特医生 Dr. Stewart. 您该会诊最后一位病人了 Your last appointment"s ready. 好的

 谢谢茱莉 All right. Thanks, Julie. 你初潮什么时候? When was your first period? 呃.十四岁那年 Uh... I was fourteen. 做什么职业? And what"s your occupation? 舞蹈演员 I"m a dancer. 是吗?跳什么的? Oh, yeah? What kind? 古典芭蕾 Classical ballet. 你们做过节育吗? Do you use any form of contraception? 没有 No. 那就是想要孩子喽? So you want to have a baby? 不


 没有 No. Not at all. No. 也不采取安全措施? You don"t practise safe sex? 我从没达到过高♥潮♥ I"ve never had an orgasm. 性高♥潮♥? From intercourse? 我自己来吧

 谢谢 We"re okay, thanks. 我们几乎不怎么行房♥ I"ve barely ever had sex. 其实这个我也不太懂 There"s something about it I don"t get. 高♥潮♥其实就是一连串的肌肉收缩

 Well, an orgasm is simply a series of muscle contractions. 是的

 它通过刺♥激♥阴蒂获得 That"s it. It comes from manipulating the clitoris. 没什么好神秘

 也没什么好惊奇 There"s nothing mysterious and there"s nothing magic about it. 我给你找几本书带回去读

 好吗? I"ll give you some literature to take home, okay? 好的 Okay. 把衣服穿上吧 You can get dressed now. 谢谢 Thank you. 现在进入第二幕 《唐璜》 Here we are at scene two where Leporello 莱波雷洛列举唐·乔万尼的光辉情史 catalogues Don Giovanni"s conquests. 绘声绘色


 滔滔不绝 Country by country. Age by age. Shape by shape. 是淑女还是泼妇?是奴婢还是公主? Is she sweet or cruel? A peasant or a princess? 少女?熟♥妇♥? Single? Married? 然后他又说:"管它呢

 是女人就行" As he says, "It doesn"t really matter. She wears a skirt." 谁能说出这段独白的名字? If we look at the title of this aria which is? 你来 You. 《夫人》

 出自《夫人》一章 Madamina, il catalogo e questo. 讲的什么内容? And what"s he saying? 小伙子 Sir? "意大利

 六百四十个" "In Italy, six hundred and forty. "德国

 二百三十一个" In Germany, two hundred and thirty-one. "西班牙

 一千零三个" Spain, a thousand and three."


 就有唐·乔万尼一千多个情人 Lovers that Don Giovanni took in Spain alone. 他肯定很忙 A very busy man. 请讲 Yes? 我们几个同学想请您吃个饭

 能赏光吗? A few of us would like to take you to dinner. Can you come? 谢谢

 乐意前往 Thank you. I"d love to. 荣幸之至

 可是...今天是我生日 And I"m honoured. But... today"s my birthday. 再过一个半小时

 我就要飞回家了 And I"ve got a flight back home in an hour and a half. 祝你生日快乐 Happy birthday to you 祝你生日快乐...生日快乐 Happy birthday to you... Happy birthday 祝你生日快乐... Happy birthday to... 嗨

 你好吗? Hi, how are you? 你拿饮料了吗? Did you get a drink? -当然

 -好的 - Sure. - Okay. 礼物都放我办公室

 好吗? Oh, presents go in my office, okay? 你要是敢这么对我

 我绝饶不了你 You realize I"d have to kill you if you ever did this to me. 你这个做妻子的也太称职了吧 You are a very brave wife. 我都试了差不多二十五套礼服了

 这套怎么样? Oh, I changed my dress, like, twenty-five times. Is it okay? 太漂亮了

 太迷人了 You look beautiful. You look amazing. -谢谢

 -他几点到? - Thank you. - What time is he supposed to be here? 嗯


 所以他随时会到 Well, his flight arrived, like, forty minutes ago. So any minute now. 给你的

 Here you go. 谢谢! Thanks. So? 迈克尔 Michael! 嗨


 你也一起来吧 Hey, your dad"s going to be here any minute. Come and join us. 当年那个只爱黏着妈妈的小男孩哪儿去了? Where did the little boy who used to run into his mommy"s arms go? 这会儿小女朋友可能正给他吹的起兴 His girlfriend is probably going down on him right about now. 这话不能当着他老妈的面说吧 That"s a horrible thing to say to a mother. 他越来越棒了 He"s doing a lot better. 是啊 Yeah, he is. 特里娜 Trina. 特里娜

 见过凯瑟琳 Trina. This is Catherine. 女主人

 也是我同事 Our hostess and my office mate. 嗨 Hi. 嗨

 真是幸会 Hi. Lovely to meet you. 你们家真是太漂亮了 What an amazing house you have. 谢谢 Thank you. 哦!可能是他!大家安静! Oh! That"s probably him. Quiet, everybody! 喂? Hello? 嘿

 凯瑟琳 Hey, Catherine. 嗨

 亲爱的 Hi, honey. 你到了吗? Are you home?

 我可能要迟一会儿 I"m going to be a little late. 我打电♥话♥问过

 航♥空♥公♥司♥说你的航♥班♥已经到了啊 Well, I talked to the airline. They said that your flight landed. 我迟了几分钟

 没赶上 I missed it by a few minutes. 你说过不能来机场接我了

 所以... You said you couldn"t pick me up at the airport. So... 好吧

 那你什么时候能到家? Well, do you know when you"ll be home? 最快一班飞机也要再等两个小时 The next flight isn"t for two hours. 你先睡吧

 不用等我 I don"t think I"ll be in before you go to sleep. 真对不起 I"m so sorry. 凯瑟琳?宝贝儿 Catherine? Sweetheart. 呃...等你回来再说吧 Um... We"ll see you when you get back then. 看来惊喜要留给我们自己了

 他没赶上航♥班♥ Looks like the surprise is on us. He missed his flight. 不如我们租架飞机

 去给他个惊喜吧 We could charter our own flight and surprise him down there. 必须承认这是我考虑不周 I have to admit this wasn"t part of the plan, 但不能因此而扫了兴

 对吧? but no reason to stop the party, right? 迈克尔


 你朋友该回家了吧 Michael! Your friend will have to go home. It"s late. 嗨 Hi. 对不起 I"m sorry. 真应该提前告诉你的 Guess I should have told you. 是啊

 应该说的 Yeah. You should have. 但说了还叫什么惊喜啊 But then it wouldn"t have been a surprise.


 都一大把年纪了 Geez, at my age. 生日我躲还躲不及呢

 凯瑟琳 You know I try and ignore my birthdays, Catherine. -真是太...

 -难堪? - It"s so bloody... - Embarrassing? 没错 Yeah. 你的礼物都在我办公室

 还有我买♥♥的一瓶威士忌 Your presents are in my office. I got you a bottle of Scotch. 今晚我可能还要晚回来会儿

 参加没完没了的例会 I"ll be a bit late again tonight. More boring Curriculum Committee crap. 是啊

 可你现在又没晚 Yeah. But you"re not late now. 我路上还要喝杯咖啡嘛 I"ll pick up a coffee on the way. 早 Morning. 迈克尔


 我光着身子被她看见了 Michael. Your mom"s in the hallway and she just saw me naked. 上帝


 不能这么做 Jesus, Michael. This is not okay. 我刚刚才到 I just got here. 鬼才相信 You"re lying. 我还是回家吧 I should probably go home. 老爸知道的 Look, Dad knows. 你♥爸♥爸知道这事? Your father knows about this? 她...她在我家过夜

 居然我都不知道 She"s... she"s in my house all night and nobody tells me? 安娜

 她叫安娜 Anna. Her name"s Anna. 你们采取措施了吗? Are you using protection? 他有戴套套的 We use condoms. 不要太频繁

 This is not happening every night. 听见了吗? Understand me? -孩子们待会儿见

 -一会儿见 - See you kids a little later. - See you later. 拜拜

 亲爱的 Bye, honey. Bye. 在这儿 Over here. -嗨

 -嗨 - Hi. - Hi. -你换发型了

 -戴维就没看出来 - You changed your hair. - Yeah. Hasn"t noticed. 那是因为他喜欢你的披肩发 Well, that"s "cause he likes it down. 你怎么知道 How do you know? 我也是男人嘛

 长发披肩更容易让男人想入非非 Well, all men do. They imagine it wrapped around their? 够了

 弗兰克 That"s enough, Frank. 请坐


 亲爱的 Here, please. Sorry, darling. 嗨 Hi. -嗨



 弗兰克 - Hi, David. - Hey, Frank. 那么... So? 我叫黛莉亚

 今晚由我招待各位 I"m Delia. I"ll be your waitress this evening. 几位要点儿什么喝的? What can I get you to drink? 你会点什么呢

 黛莉亚? What do you like to drink, Delia? 我? Me? 我会点迈巴♥赫♥葡萄酒 I like the Maybach Vineyard. 口感绵甜

 余味香醇 It"s a very intense pure and deep taste.


 我就要这个了 Oh... Well, I guess I better have one of those, then. 有见地! Good choice. 您呢? And you? 我也一样 I"ll have the same. 洗手间在哪儿?弗兰克? Where"s the bathroom? Frank. 哦

 在后头 Oh, it"s over there. 那么... So... 你没事吧? Are you okay? 嗯


 谢谢 Yeah. I"m fine, thank you. 需要帮忙吗? Can I do anything? 这边的厕纸用完了 There"s no toilet paper in this stall. 我这儿有 I have some. 给你 Here you go. 男人没一个好东西 Men are such assholes. 是啊 Yeah. 谢谢你 Thank you. 不客气 You"re welcome. 这个是你掉的吧 I think you dropped this. 哦

 不是我的 Oh, that"s not mine. 你就拿上吧 Take it anyway. 为什么?

 Why? 因为我想给你 I want you to have it. 我老公还在等我 I have to get back to my husband. 我们在玩"点小姐"的游戏 We"re playing "Spot the Hooker." 嗯

 真会玩儿 Mm. That"s pleasant. 嗯

 这个宾馆很高级 Mm, this is a nice hotel. There"s a lot of 住的净是些外地商人

 既有钱又好色 horny and wealthy out-of-town businessmen. 真是个香艳的地方 This is a sexy situation. 而且他们就隐形于普通人之间 And they mix in with the normal people. 那是因为他们就是普通人 Well, they are normal people. 我可不觉得他们有啥普通的 I don"t know how normal they are. 你也有过这种经历? Have you ever been with one? 我? Me? 就说你啊 What am I saying? 没那个习惯 It"s not a habit. -我坚持要买♥♥单的


 省省吧你 - I liked paying. - Oh, spare me. 要是你不想牵扯任何感情

 只是逢场作戏 When you want a little dusting and cleaning with no emotional repercussions? 把人甩了之后拍拍屁♥股♥走人 You want to avoid rejected women coming after you? 那你就买♥♥单 You pay for it. 不是吗? No? 你是不是觉得那个服务员很火♥辣♥? Did you find that waitress sexy?

 哪一个? Which one? 就是你打情骂俏那个 The one you were flirting with. 拜托

 我只是试图友好 Oh come on. I was being friendly. 人们总是对服务人员冷眼相待 People are usually so rude to service people. 我知道了

 所以你才站出来补偿他们? I know. So you like to be extra nice to make up for it? 你的飞机是没赶还是没赶上? Did you run to catch your plane? 什么? What? 好吧

 你说只是晚了一小会儿 Well, you only missed it by a minute, 那说明本来应该能赶上的啊 you said, so you must have run. 呃

 是晚了好一会儿 It... it was a few minutes. 那你到底是不是故意错过航♥班♥的? Did you intentionally miss the flight from New York? 有意还是无意

 这... What difference does it make if I... 这又有什么分别嘛 if I missed it by mistake or intentionally? 因为你说弄错了

 可那是你的生日 Well, because you said it was a mistake. And it was your birthday. 是生日惊喜 Surprise birthday. 既不是有意也不是疏忽

 可事情都过去了 It was neither intentional nor by mistake, it"s just what happened. 你是出去喝酒了吧 Did you go out for a drink? 没有 No. 喝点什么? What would you like? 请给我来杯夏多奈 I"ll have a Chardonnay, please. 能给我也来杯喝的吗?

 Do you want to buy me a drink? 想要什么? What do you like? 你点的什么? What are you having? 慢用 Here you are. 请给她也来杯夏多奈 Another Chardonnay for her, please. 好的 Sure. 我从没接待过女客户 I don"t usually meet with women. 夫妻倒是有过

 但是...单身女性... Couples, yes, but... a single woman... 谢谢 Thank you. 我觉得我丈夫可能会喜欢你 I think my husband would like you. 你这是为他选女友来了? Do you choose his women for him? 不 No. -他自己来不了?

 -不 - He can"t come in himself? - No. 那是为什么? Why not? 你叫什么名字? What"s your name? 克洛伊 It"s Chloe. 我丈夫有外遇了 My husband"s cheating on me. 至少我感觉有 At least I think he is. 所以想证明一下 I want to find out. 想看看如果有人投怀送抱他会怎么办 See what he does if you present yourself to him. 我的大部分客人都是有妇之夫 Most of my clients are married.

 他不是你的客人 He"s not the client. 他长什么样? What does he look like? 高大

 强壮... He"s tall, strong... 栗色头发 He has chestnut hair. 非常英俊 He"s very handsome. 戴维经常在外交酒吧吃午餐 David usually has lunch at the Cafe Diplomatico. 手里总是不忘拿份报纸 And he"s almost always reading the newspaper. 如果他问我是做什么的... If he asks what I do for a living... 你想我怎么回答? ...what do you want me to say? 就说是个学生

 将来打算做个翻译 Say you"re a student, studying to be an interpreter. 你会讲外语吗? Do you speak any other languages? 会几句日语 Some Japanese. 很好 Okay. 不好意思 Excuse me. 抱歉

 我能用一下你的糖吗? I"m sorry. Can I borrow your sugar? 当然 Sure. 谢谢 Thank you. 你没认出我来? Did you not recognize me? 不太确定 I wasn"t sure. 我见他了 I saw him. 如你所说


 Just like you said, he had his newspapers right there and 我上前问他借了糖 I went up asked him for his sugar. 然后他假装接着看报 And he pretended to read his newspapers. 然后他起身走到我身边

 问我是不是学生 And he got up and came over to me and asked me if I was a student. 我就按你说的回答


 日语 And I said that I was studying language, like you told me to, Japanese. 然后他又让我说几句日语给他听 And he asked me if I could say something in Japanese, 这让我很尴尬

 最后只说了句"你好" which made me blush. And I ended up just saying, "Konichiwa." 接着他又问起我的名字

 我就告诉他我叫克洛伊 And then he asked me what my name was and I said Chloe. 好

 很好 Okay. That"s okay. 什么也没发生 Nothing happened. 除了他走近跟你搭话 Except that he approached you and he spoke to you. 美女

 酒吧... Pretty girl, cafe... 他只是试图友好

 没什么出格的举动 He barely flirted. He was just friendly. 他很帅 He"s cute. 为什么做这行? How do you do this? 我试图从每个人身上找到可爱之处 I try to find something to love in everybody. 即使是细枝末节 Even if it"s a small thing. 一个微笑足矣 Something about the way someone smiles. 总有一点吸引你 There"s always something. 也必须有 There has to be. 我想做个落落大方的人

 做了许多不喜欢做的事 I try to make myself generous. I do things I don"t want to do.

 也不愿过于苛求 I think about what not to criticize. 可还是会遇上非比寻常的事 And the strangest things come back to me. 比如? Like? 你 You. 我? Me? 是的 Yeah. 是的

 你这样的人走进我的生活 Yeah, people like you walk into my life. 钱在信封里 The money"s in the envelope. 我想你再做一次

 看他什么反应 I want to do this one more time just to see what he does. 然后就结束

 好吗? And then we"ll stop, okay? 好的 Okay. 听着



 懂吗? Look, Michael, it"s not like we"re engaged. Okay? 即便有了别的男生

 也跟你没关系 If there are other guys, it"s got nothing to do with you. 好吧



 这样...这样很怪 Alright. I need to see you, okay? This... this is weird. 你在见我呀 You are seeing me. 我是说...面对面那种

 现在...这算什么 I mean... I mean face-to-face. This is... this is fucked. 我知道



 难道... I know but, look, we are face-to-face. Let"s just... 听着

 哪儿有好好的然后说分就分的? Look, people don"tjust break up with each other out of nowhere, okay? 我知道你肯定是有别人了 I know there"s someone else. 我...我觉得... I just... I don"t think that... 马上就要毕业了



 Graduation"s coming up, you know, Michael. 我...我不想所有事情都围着你转 I just... I don"t want to feel tied down by you or anything. 操蛋!妈妈! Fuck! Mom! 在跟谁聊天? Who were you on with? 一个学生

 反正也聊完了 One of my students. We were done anyway. 我们的宝贝儿子刚被人甩了 Our little boy"s being dumped. 你怎么知道的? How do you know? 我真不知道到底该担心哪个了... I don"t know what bothers me more... 是他们在一起还是不在一起 that he"s sleeping with her or that he isn"t. 你跟他谈过了? Did you speak to him? 他根本就不搭理我 He doesn"t talk to me. 凯瑟琳

 一切都会好的 Catherine, this is going to be okay. 我都不知道该怎么当这个妈了 I don"t know how to be his mother anymore. 他会挺过来的 He"s going to be fine. 这就像理疗

 他很快就会... He"s in therapy. He"s going to be? 他女朋友在家过夜的事你知道吗? Did you know his girlfriend was sleeping over? 拜托

 谁没年轻过啊 Come on. You remember what it was like. 嘿!干嘛不来尝尝这个

 意下如何? Hey! What do you say we... what do you say we taste this? 不

 我...我头有点疼 No. I... I have a headache. -那就吃片儿雅维(镇痛药)

 -吃过了 - Well, take an Advil. - I did. 再吃一片 Take two.


 伙计 Oh, boy. 玉液琼浆 Oh, nectar. 谢谢你的威士忌 Thank you for the scotch. 也谢谢你的热情宴会 And thank you for the fecking party. 我喜欢看你笑 I love your smile. 你少来 No, you don"t. 从什么时候起我们不再去机场迎接对方了? When did we stop picking each other up at the airport? 不记得了 I don"t know. 在出口望眼欲穿 And waiting for each other at the gate? 呃? Eh? 我在试图回忆...回想当年 I"m trying to remember when... when it happened. 最后把保安都招来了? When they upped security. 我是认真的 I"m serious. 谁知道呢

 我们都太忙了吧 I don"t know. We just got so busy. 怎么? What? 还有三十份论文要批阅

 明天要用的 I"ve got thirty papers to read and comment on by tomorrow. 是啊

 你应该...应该去工作 Yeah. You should... you should get to work. 你没事吧? Are you okay? 没事

 当然 Yeah, of course. 是我

 爸爸... Yeah, Dad... 我快受不了了


 It"s kind of crazy, you know, when... 每次我一见她

 就感觉... when and I met, it was like 我以前还从没有过这种感觉

 完全被她... I"ve never really felt that way about anyone. She totally just kind of, 我是说...老爸... I mean, you... Dad, 你以前是不是对老妈也有过这种感觉? did you feel that way like about Mom? 就像

 怎么形容当年你们见面来着? Like, was that how it was when you guys met? 以前我老缠着你讲你们认识的经过呢 I used to make you tell me that story over and over again about how you two met. 她是你一生中见过最漂亮的女人 She was the most beautiful woman you"d ever seen. 她是你的另一半世界... That she was everything that you weren"t... 你在这儿啊 There you are. 嗨!他们真棒 Hey! They"re amazing. 抱歉

 我...我感觉自己好像正在经历... Sorry. I think... I think I was going through some... 经历某种危险期或者是中年危机 some weird form of insecurity or a mid-life crisis or something 但我们还是把这件事忘了吧 but let"s just forget this whole thing happened. 我已经做了 Well, I already did. 忘了? Forget it? 不

 我已经见过他了 No. I already saw him. 你见他了?在哪儿? You saw him? Where? 当时我在酒吧...按你的吩咐我去跟他接触 I was at the cafe and I... I approached him like you asked me to, 然后又一起吃了午饭 and we went to lunch. 你...等等

 你和我老公一起吃饭了? You... wait, you had lunch with my husband?


 其实更像个野餐 Yeah, it was a picnic, kind of. 我们带了些三明治 We bought some sandwiches. 我问他上课的事 And then I asked him about his teaching 他就开始讲自己的音乐 and he started talking about his music. 然后他开始盯着我看 And he kind of stared at me. 再后来呢? And then what? 他问能不能吻我 And then he asked me if he could kiss me. 我可没让你做这些 I didn"t ask you to do that. 但他接着又说不行

 因为他有妻子 But then he said he could not kiss me because he"s married. 你看

 开始他还在作斗争 You see? At first he was hesitant. 开始? At first? 然后他又问我知不知道在哪儿 And then he asked me if there was somewhere 亲热不会引人注意 he could kiss me where no one would see us. 然后... And... 我说我们可以去艾伦园艺馆 I said to him that we should go to Allen Gardens. 就在这条街头有个大大的温室 You know that place down the street with the big... big greenhouse? 要我停下来吗? Do you want me to stop? 不 No. 我们穿过栽满奇花异草的长廊 We walked through this big long corridor with all these exotic flowers. 里面一个人也没有 There was nobody around. 我喜欢那里

 I love Allen Gardens. 四季如春 It"s always so warm. 空气怡人 And the airjust feels so beautiful. 就像一下子身处异域 It"s like you"re suddenly in a different country. 我知道后面有间小屋

 是用来存放工具的 I knew there"s a place in the back, where they keep tools and stuff. 而且从来没人进去 No one ever goes to that section. 是个难得的僻静之处 It"s like a secret hiding place. 他开始靠近我的嘴唇 He brought his mouth up to my lips 然后在那里缠绵了好一阵子 and we hovered there for a long time. 我能感觉到他下半身的蠢蠢欲动 I could feel he was excited through his pants. 够了 That"s enough. 我要你每次见完我丈夫之后 You were supposed to meet up with my husband 都向我报告他的所作所为 and see what he did and then report back to me. 我不明白你到底想要什么 I don"t really know what you want. 不该把你卷进来的

 是我的错 I shouldn"t have involved you in this. I made a mistake. 该死! Damn it! 上帝

 对不起!我只是想把车子移出来 God, I"m so sorry. I was just trying to get out of this spot. 你的...你的保险杠没事吧? Is your... is your bumper okay? 对不起

 你能不能再往前挪一点儿? I"m sorry. Would you mind moving up just a little? 噢! Ow! 你的急救包一直随车带吗? Do you carry that bag with you in the car?


 有备无患嘛 Uh huh. You never know when you might need it. 还是不要剪的好

 对不起 Actually, let"s not cut it. Sorry. 我... I"m... 我还是把它脱掉吧 I"m going to take them off. 压紧先止血

 好吗? Just hold that to stop the bleeding, okay? 对不起 I"m sorry. 会留疤吗? You think it will scar? 不

 应该不会 No. It shouldn"t. 我们当时就藏在树丛后面 We were hidden, deep in this forest of exotic plants and trees. 能听见远处传来的说话声 And we could hear voices in the distance 但可以断定不会被人看见 but we were pretty sure no one could actually see us. 然后我把手伸进他裤子里抚摩 And I pushed my hand down his pants and felt him. 接着...接着我又轻轻的抚摩 And then I... I moved my hand lightly on him. 继续 Right. 然后我就一直不停 And then I kept doing this. 一直抚摩他的下半身 Moving my hand on him in his pants. 他对我说:不行


 我还要去工作 And he said to me, "I can"t come. I can"t come. I have to go to work." 可我还是没有停 But I didn"t stop. 然后我轻轻咬了他的舌头 And then I bit his tongue. 然后...紧接着他就射到了我的手里 And then... just then he came in my hand. 然后呢?

 And then what? 然后他要去工作

 所以就走了 And then he had to go to work so he walked away. 并非冒犯 I don"t want to be rude. 呃

 我想确认... Uh... I want you... 你是干净的 I want you to be clean. 我是说

 我...我知道你很干净... I mean, I... I know you are clean... 哦

 我...不...我做过检查的... Oh, I... no, I... I"ve got tests... 所有的


 其他传染病... All of them, like HIV, STDs, 然后把结果给我看一下 and then show me the results. 好的

 没问题 Okay. Yeah. 有何贵干? Can I help you? 我找凯瑟琳 I"m looking for Catherine. 斯图尔特医生在看病人

 你是几点的预约? Dr. Stewart is in with a patient. When"s your appointment? 我没有预约

 我们是朋友 I don"t have one. She and I are friends. 这样啊


 她马上就好 Okay. Well, she should be out soon. 要不要坐这等? Would you like to sit down? 好的 Okay. 嗨

 迈克尔 Hi, Michael. 你妈妈还在瞧病人 Your mom"s still in with a patient. 我拿了礼服就走 I just need to pick up my tux. 在她办公室


 兴奋吗? It"s in her office. Exciting recital tonight, huh?

 是啊 Yeah. 我去复印一下乐谱 I need to copy some music. 你是斯图尔特医生的儿子? Your mom is Dr. Stewart? 你是我妈妈的病人? My mother"s your gynaecologist? 你和她真像 You look like her. 像吗? Me? 不

 我...我怎么没发现 No, I don"t... I don"t think so. 像

 你们俩眼睛一样 Yeah. The same look in your eyes. 我是说


 而是...眼神 I mean, not really the colour or the shape but... the look. 还有嘴唇 And your lips, too. 我叫克洛伊·斯温尼 I"m Chloe Sweeney. 哦

 迈克尔·斯图尔特 Oh, Michael Stewart. 幸会 Nice to meet you. 你是个作曲家? Are you a musician? 不

 我只是... No, it"s just... 只是做自己该做的 just what you"re supposed to do, I guess. 学习音乐 Study music. 多希望我也能学习一下啊 I wish someone had have given me lessons. 我喜欢音乐 I love music. 古典? Classical? 天鹅诗人

 Raised by Swans. 别告诉我你没听说过这个乐队 You never heard of the band Raised by Swans? 嗯

 没 Um, no. 你会喜欢的 You"d like them. 我肯定你会非常喜欢 I think you"d really like them. 我的预约就这么多了吧? That"s it for my appointments, right? 恩 Uh huh. 曼尼汽修店来电♥话♥

 你的车修好了 Mannie"s Motors called. Your tune-up"s finished. 好的 Okay. 艾丽西娅询问两点钟吃饭的事 Alicia called about lunch at two. 好

 好 Right. Right. 你儿子在里面复印东西 And your son is in the back making copies. 哦 Oh. 嗨

 医生 Hi, Doctor. 给你

 全部完工 Here you go. Full work up. 好的

 谢谢你送过来 Okay. Thank you for bringing them by. 我能跟你谈谈吗? Can I talk to you? 不



 要是你能打电♥话♥... No, I can"t. I"m jammed. If you could call and... 好吧

 尽快 Yeah. Quickly. 那是我儿子 That"s my son. 你没和他说话吧? You didn"t speak to him, did you?

 我来告诉你今天下午的事 I came to tell you about this afternoon. 就在今天 It"s today. 今天? Today? 是


 行吗? Yeah. After lunch. Okay? 我的礼服呢? You got my tux? 谢谢 Thanks. 我太兴奋了 I"m excited. 兴奋什么? About what? 今晚啊

 可以看你演出了 About tonight. About seeing you play. 我...我在你口袋里放了个幸运签 I put a... I put a good luck note in yourjacket. 好吧 Okay. 谢谢老妈 Thanks, Mom. 你自己说了 You said it. 她说她每天晚睡躺在床上 She says she lies in bed night after night 都在思考这种只有孩子在身边的生活 and tries to imagine a life where she only sees her kids 每隔一周都会说自己受够了 every other week and she says that she can"t do it. 那她还留在他身边喽 So she"s staying with him. 就这种情况而言

 显然是貌合神离 At this point, apparently, she"s just surviving. 或许她应该叫他去参加夫妻心理辅♥导♥... Maybe she"ll ask him if he"ll go to couples therapy... 是谁啊? Who was that? 一个病人

 A patient. 你这是怎么了? What"s going on with you? 没什么 Nothing. 听着

 我理解你的心情 Listen, I understand. 错过航♥班♥

 他真这么忙吗? Especially with missing flights, busy on his? 戴维很好

 我们早就说开了 David is fine. We worked it out. 只是没赶上飞机

 仅此而已 He missed his flight, that"s all. 而且偶尔有个一两次也没什么 He"s not the most organized man in the world. 不

 我是在说你 No. I"m talking about you. 你有别人了? Who have you met? 我?不




 没有 Me? No. No. Oh, gawd, no. 可你举手投足都像是有外遇了 You have affair written all over you. 我这个病人一有胎动什么的就大惊小怪 I have this pregnant patient who panics every time she gets a kick 真的

 她太害怕成为一个母亲了 or a cramp because, really, she"s terrified about being a mother. 所以我打算一直带她走出来 So I"ve decided to hold her hand through this. 可我这会儿...我必须给她回个电♥话♥ But I really need... I need to call her back. 今天到此为止

 好吗? We"re finished, right? -嗯

 -好吧 - Uh huh. - Okay. 谢谢你们的午餐

 拜拜 Thanks for lunch. Bye. 有人吗? Hello? 不


 别坐那儿 No. No. Not there.

 坐那边沙发上 Sit in that chair. 好吧... Okay... 说吧 Go ahead. 我们又在公园见的面 We met in the park again. 今天他没带三明治 This time he didn"t bring sandwiches. 然后又开了这个房♥间 We checked into this room. 他打开电视

 假装看新闻 He put on the news, pretended to be interested. 我在他身边坐了下来 I sat down next to him. 他转过头看着我

 吻我 He turned and looked at me. Kissed me. 小声说:我们上♥床♥吧 Whispered, "Let"s fuck." 上帝 Jesus. 他却一直起不来

 试了好几次都不行 He couldn"t get it up. We tried a few times. 他当时很尴尬 He was really embarrassed. 可我告诉他没关系

 我喜欢这样 But I told him it didn"t really matter, that I liked it. 大不了再多等一会儿 That it meant that we could just wait a little bit longer. 那会儿他还穿着衣服

 而我早就一♥丝♥不♥挂♥了 And at that point he was fully dressed. I was completely naked. 你是不是很生气? Does this turn you on? 他不想脱掉衣服 He wanted to stay dressed. 当时他就坐在那个长凳上 He sat right over there on that bench. 把我夹在两腿中间 He told me to get between his legs. 我给他口♥交♥


 I put him in my mouth and then he got hard. 你还好吗? Are you okay? 我想我大概是感冒了 I think I"m coming down with something. 去医院了吗? Did you see a doctor? 没有


 已经吃药了 No. It"s nothing. I"m taking zinc. 他射在你嘴里了? Did he come in your mouth? 没有 No. 我放开嘴

 给他戴上套套 I pulled him out of me, put a rubber on him. 然后骑到他身上 I straddled him. 然后...他刚一进去就射了 And... he came almost immediately after he entered me. 我把乳♥头♥贴在他脸上 I put my tits in his face. 好啊... Okay... 哦

 好吧 Oh, well... 你不数数吗? Do you want to count it? 不用

 没关系的 No, it"s okay. 你觉得吃药真的管用吗? Do you think the zinc really works? 只要吃的及时

 管用的 If you take it early enough, yeah. 你用什么牌子的香水? What kind of perfume is that? 是乳液 It"s lotion. 来 Here. 以前我们总是形影不离 We used to go everything together.

 都受不了独处的滋味 We couldn"t stand to be apart. 哪怕只有一会儿 Even for an hour. 除了在一起就是等着盼着在一起 We"d sit and wait for each other outside of appointments 就连每次相聚前的等待也是那么令人神往 just loving those moments of waiting until we could finally see each other again. 相互触碰 Touch each other. 我喜欢他的双手 I loved his hands. 抚遍我身上每一寸肌肤 They used to grab me everywhere. 不过都已经过去了 It used to be that way. 我已经年华不再 I used to be younger. 你也有过这种感觉吗? Have you ever had that with anyone? 有过 Yeah. 你还爱他吗? Do you still love him? 说不清楚 I don"t know. 还有件事 And one more thing. 他还说这是他第一次出轨 He said it"s the first time he"s ever done this. 可还是出了 Well, that"s a line. 上帝 Jesus. 真不知道该释然还是干脆撞死算了 I don"t know whether to be relieved orjust go hang myself. 妈的 Fuck. 不行...不行... I can"t... I can"t... 好样的!

 Bravo! 好样的! Bravo! 恭喜 Congratulations. 恭喜什么? On? 你的宝贝儿子 Your beautiful son. 他像你 He"s you. 不


 你知道的 No, he"s you. You know that. 这是什么? What is that? 你洒香水了 You"re wearing perfume. 是乳液 It"s lotion. 我喜欢 I like it. 斯图尔特教授! Professor Stewart! 麦德琳

 你好吗? Madeleine. How are you? 很好 Good. 他是怎么做的? How does he do it? 做什么? What? 抚摸你 Touch you. 哦

 上帝... Aw, God... 就停这儿吧 You can stop here. -你住这儿吗?

 -嗯 - This is where you live? - Uh huh. 哪一栋是你家? Which one is your house?

 就在后面 It"s back there. 剩下的够送她回家了 This is to take her home. 请别再见我丈夫了 Please don"t see my husband again. 等一下

 我... Hold on. I... 我有样东西给你 I have something for you. 我想...我想把它送给你 I want... I want you to have this. 不


 这是你的 No. I told you, that"s yours. 不

 其实...其实是我妈妈的 No. This is... this used to be my mother"s. 现在我想送给你 And I want you to have it. 当时你就是故意掉的吧? Did you drop this on purpose? 我只是想跟你搭话而已 I wanted to talk to you. 我得走了 I have to go. 我们还能再见面吗? Do you want to see me again? 不知道...我...我们都在同一个区上班 I don"t know. I... We work in the same neighbourhood. 会在大街上碰见你

 不是吗? I"ll see you on the street, right? 你会看见我站街(揽客)? You"ll see me on the street? 不是那个意思

 我是说我... I didn"t mean it that way. I mean, itjust... 说错话了 That came out wrong. 我太...我太疲惫了 I"m just... I"m exhausted. 那人是谁? Who is it? 你爱上别人了?

 Are you in love? 就算是

 又有什么分别? If I were, would it make a difference? 当然有分别了 Of course it would make a difference. 那你是不是爱上别人了? Are you in love? 出去鬼混的是你

 怎么还倒打一耙? You"ve been out all night. Now I"m under interrogation. 是吗


 我忘了 Oh, yeah. That"s right. I forgot. 你和别的女人鬼混倒要谨慎的多 You"re a lot more discreet with your women. 总是神不知鬼不觉

 当然不会这么晚回家了 You don"t come home late "cause you have it down with them. 我喜欢女性

 我欣赏她们的美丽和智慧 I like women. I appreciate their beauty, their intelligence. 可这不代表我会和她们纠缠不清 That does not mean I"m screwing them. 那你在办公室和女学生网聊的时候 How do you think I feel when I come into your office 有没有想过我的感受? and you"re instant messaging with a student? 那是要学生随时随地都能找到我 I make myself available to my students. 这样才能获取她们的信任! That"s how I gain their trust! -这是我教学的手段-哦

 上帝! - That"s how I teach! - Oh, God! -你就死不认账好了

 -认什么? - You won"t admit it. - Admit what? 你不觉得

 你跟每个该死的女人都打情骂俏吗? Do you know that you flirt with every single goddamn woman you come into contact with? 没猜错的话

 你还上了每一个人! For all I know you could be fucking them all! 我没有对你不忠! I"m not having an affair! 够了! Stop i...

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