
 破碎之家 根特

 2006 年

 六月 Ghent, June 2006 手臂伸开 Round your arm. 看着妈妈 Look at Mummy. 会有点疼 It"ll feel a bit tight. 不怕

 宝贝 Keep still, sweetie. 不哭不哭 Don"t cry. 打完了

 打完了 All done. All done. 已经打完了 Don"t do that. It"s all done now. 医生现在要见你们 Right. The doctor will see you now. -我和小姑娘待会 -乖

 好么? And I"ll stay with this little lady. -Be good, eh? 你好啊

 小姑娘 Hello, little lady. -这是什么 -我的背包 What"s this? -My rucksack. -这是只大瓢虫哎 -这是背包啦 No, it"s a giant ladybird. -It"s a rucksack! 大瓢虫 A giant ladybird! -你好

 医生 -请进 Hello, doctor. -Come in. 自己待会好么 Can you watch on your own for a moment? 爸爸妈妈出去会儿 Mummy and Daddy are just popping out. 真乖 There"s a good girl. 我们能说好么 Can we agree on one thing? 要哭回家哭


 好吗 We do our crying at home. When we"re in here we"re positive, OK?

 好啦 OK. 走吧 Come on. 你看她 Look at her. -她没事的 -对 She"s fine. -Yeah... 不是么 Isn"t she? 我们明天就打死它 We"re going to shoot it dead tomorrow. -我们要做什么 -把癌症打死 What are we going to do? -Shoot the cancer dead. 对

 对 Yes! Yes! 撞下脑袋 Bump heads! 睡觉啦

 小笨蛋 Go to sleep now, you silly sausage. -That"ll do. 七年前 7 years previously -这都是你的? -对 Does all that belong to you? -Yes. -真好 -但还要好好装♥修♥一下 Wow! Very nice! -But it needs a lot of work done to it. 所以我现在睡在那里 Still... -So for now I sleep... there. 那是大篷车? In that caravan? -你真是个牛仔 -我竭尽所能 You"re a real cowboy after all! -I do my best. -这匹马也是你的? -对

 它叫厄尔 Is that horse yours too? -Yes, that"s Earl. 还有鸡哎! Chickens! -它脾气坏吗? -不坏

 很温和 Is he bad-tempered? -No, he"s very sweet-natured. JD 克罗和新南方

 还有托尼·赖斯乐队 J.D. Crowe and The New South. Then the Tony Rice Unit. 《曼扎尼塔》 我最喜欢的 CD

 Manzanita is definitely my favourite CD ever. 他以前声音很好听 He used to have a fantastic voice. 后来不行了

 真可惜 But he lost it. It"s such a shame. 我不知道怎么回事 I don"t know how. 因为生病或者酗酒吧 Following an illness or something. Or a bit too much whisky! 你为什么弹班卓琴 Why do you play the banjo? 弹吆他太傻

 曼陀林又很闷 I"m too stupid to play the guitar and too dumb to play the mandolin. 开玩笑的

 我以前是朊克摇滚歌♥手 No, no. I used to be a punk rocker 班卓琴很明快

 让我想起朊克摇滚 and a banjo sort of snarls, which reminds me of punk rock. 我非常喜欢 I love it. 你怎么会有这么多纹身? How come you"ve got so many tattoos? 爱丽丝? Elise? 你好啊

 牛仔 Hi, cowboy. 看到你不喜欢纹身... Seeing as you don"t want a tattoo... 你喜欢吗? Do you like it? 是的 Yes. 梅布尔 下午好 Good afternoon. -Shhh, shhh. 我们在这吃中饭 Here we are with lunch. -她刚睡下 -医院有规定的时间 She"s just fallen asleep. -The hospital has its set times. -梅布尔病了 -亲爱的 Maybelle is ill! -Sweetheart... -病了 -亲爱的

 Ill! -Sweetheart... -迪迪埃

 你也吼几句啊 -吼什么啊 You could say something too, Didier. -Say what? Eh? What? 对不起 Sorry. 对不起 Sorry. 嗨

 梅布尔 Hey, Maybelle. 对不起


 妈妈不该那样吼 Sorry, sweetie. Mummy shouldn"t shout like that, eh? 对不起 Sorry. -对不起 -没事 Sorry. -It"s alright. 我们尽可能坐稳了 Now we"re going to do our best to sit very still. 你会觉得有点刺痛

 You"ll feel a little prick. 做的好 Well done. 准备好了 OK, ready? 好痛 That hurt. -你知道这是谁给我的? -你妈妈 You knew, eh? Who gave it to me? -Your mummy. 在那之前是我妈妈的妈妈 Before that it belonged to my mummy"s mummy. 之前是我妈妈的妈妈的妈妈 And before that to my mummy"s mummy"s mummy. 我现在把它给你 And now I"m giving it to you. 因为我是你妈妈 Because I"m your mummy. 等你长大了再给你的女儿 And when you"re grown up, you can give it to your little girl. 但在那之前

 如果你感到伤心... But until then I want you to hold on tightly to it when you feel sad, 害怕或者孤独

 就抓紧它 or when you"re scared or when you feel lonely.

 然后闭上眼睛想些快乐的事情 Then close your eyes and think of something nice. 要试一下吗? Shall we give it a try? 世界各地卑微贫贱的猎人 Dirt-poor fortune-hunters from all over the world 都来到阿帕拉契山脉 were there on the Appalachians, 踩在那些石板上

 那里对我而言很艰难 on that slate that was bloody difficult to mine. 西班牙人有吆他

 意大利人♥弹♥曼陀林 The Spaniard had a guitar, the Italian a mandolin, 犹太人拉小提琴

 非洲人演奏班查儿 the Jew a violin and the African a banjar, 后来成了班卓琴 from which the banjo is descended. 为了战胜饥饿和苦恼

 他们开始唱歌♥ To combat the hunger and the misery, they started singing songs 歌♥颂他们对那片希望土地的梦想 about their dreams of a promised land, 抒发对死亡的恐惧 often about their fear of dying, 表达对来世美好生活的憧憬 their hope for a better life in the hereafter 他们的不幸

 他们的艰难 and their sorrow, their hard life. 迪迪埃 Didier? 迪迪埃 Didier? 爱丽丝


 能过来帮个忙吗? Elise, can you come and help me, sweetheart? 你在哪? Where are you? 迪迪埃? Didier? 怎么? What? 怎么了? What"s the matter? 你不舒朋


 Are you alright, sweetheart? 我怀孕了 I"m pregnant. 三个月了 Three months. 怎么? What? 也许我没准备好 Maybe I don"t want that. 这怎么可能? 怎么可能? How did that happen? How come...? 我安全期一直不规律 I... I"ve never been regular. 你怎么想? What do you think? 你觉得我故意怀孕的? That I knew? That I"ve tricked you into this? 也许我不该替别人做决定 Maybe I don"t want to make decisions about someone else"s life. 我不知道 I didn"t know. 你想带个孩子在大篷车里过日子? D"you expect us to carry on living in that caravan with a baby? -你好

 梅布尔 -你好

 医生 Hello, Maybelle. -Hello, doctor. 我喜欢你的脸谱 I love your face. -你明天就能回家了 -是的 You can go home tomorrow. -Yes! 很棒


 但你几周后还得回来 Great, eh? But you have to come back in a few weeks. -就像我说的

 好吗 -好 Like I told you, eh? -Yes. 我们要看看化疗队长能不能打个胜仗 Then we can see if Captain Chemo won the fight. 谢谢你

 医生 Thank you, doctor. -你画的是什么? -老虎 What are you? -A tiger. 老虎 A tiger.

 -你妈妈画的是什么? -蝴蝶 And what is Mummy? -A butterfly. 老虎会做什么 What do tigers do? 那是什么? What"s that? 你能听到吗

 我听到有人在我们屋里 Can you hear what I can hear? There"s someone in our house. 你敢去看一眼吗


 去看看 Do you dare go and take a look? Cos I don"t. Go and see. 你想去看看吗? Are you going to go and see? 你看到了什么? Well? Can you see anything? 很高兴你回来了

 欢迎回来 I"m so pleased you"re back. -Welcome home. 这太美了 That"s beautiful! -喜欢吗 -是的 Do you like it? -Yes. -继续 -什么? Go on. -What? 继续 Carry on. -亲爱的 -嗯? Hey, darling. -Yeah? 在房♥子前建条长廊如何? How about building a veranda onto the front of the house? 什么? 长廊? A what? A veranda? 长廊最没用了 There"s nothing more useless than a veranda. 你不会坐在那的

 你买♥♥了鞑靼牛排 You never sit in it. You bought some steak tartare. -但很棒

 不是么 -长廊是不错 But it"d be great, wouldn"t it? -A veranda is great. 亲爱的


 你会待在外面 Oh, come on, sweetheart. In summer you go outside when it"s hot 冬天冷

 你又会待在火炉旁 and in winter you stay indoors by the stove. 但我们在比利时呀


 But we live in Belgium, where it"s a bit too cold to sit outside 屋里又太热 and a bit too hot to stay indoors. 你真的买♥♥了鞑靼牛排? You really bought some steak tartare? -这不是鞑靼牛排 -这是素食

 不错吧 That"s not steak tartare! -It"s vegetarian. Nice, isn"t it? 我的天啊 Bloody hell! Come on! 我不想吹到风

 孩子也不想 I don"t like sitting in the wind and neither does our baby. 所以这事儿定了

 你要建个长廊 So it"s decided, you need a veranda. 好 OK, 但这是最后一次你打那张牌了 you"ll get your veranda but this is the last time you use that argument. -谢谢 -怎么

 不就是个长廊么? Thanks. -What? It"s only a veranda. -是男孩还是女孩?

 -我只知道是个婴儿 Well? Do you know what it is yet? -A baby, I reckon. 但又不确定

 迪迪埃有个马厩 But I can"t be sure. With Didier being such a stallion, 也许是马驹 it could be a foal. 糟了 Shit. 我的羊水破了 It"s coming. My water has broken. -冷静点

 坐下来 -不要 Keep calm. Sit down. -No. 冷静点

 冷静点 Keep calm, keep calm. 爱丽丝生了

 是个女孩 Elise has had the baby. It"s a girl. 对

 孩子叫做... Yes, it"s really... 梅布尔

 梅布尔 Maybelle. Maybelle. 就像梅布尔·卡特(美国女乡村音乐家) Yes, like Maybelle Carter.

 你什么都不知道 You know nothing about names! 不行

 手放下来 No, no. Hands down. 那是什么? What"s that? 什么? What? -那可不是长廊 -对

 那是排廊 That"s not a veranda, sweetheart. -No... No, it"s a "terranda". 就是排屋和长廊的结吅 The perfect combination of a terrace and a veranda. 真好


 谢谢 It"s lovely. It"s wonderful. Thank you. 走

 走 Go on. Go on. That"s it! 走 Go on. That"s it! 小心 Look. Oh, watch out... 这是美国有史以来经历的最严重的恐怖袭击 It is the worst terrorist attack ever experienced by the United States... 我虽然行过死荫的幽谷

 也不怕遭害 因为你与我同在 不会忘记这一天 我们继续前行

 为自♥由♥而战 为世界的一切美好和正义而战 谢谢


 上帝保佑美国 看

 看 Look, look. 新年快乐 Happy New Year! -你也要做牛仔女郎?

 -对啊 Are you going to become a cowgirl too? -Yes. 爸爸 Daddy! 把它放下



 亲爱的 Put that down, Maybelle. Give it to me, sweetie. 别哭


 亲爱的 Don"t cry. Give it to me, sweetie. 爸爸


 Why is the birdie dead, Daddy? 亲爱的

 这只鸟撞到了玻璃上 Well, sweetie... the birdie flew into the glass... 它不知道玻璃是什么 Birds don"t know what glass is. 它们觉得如果自己能看穿 They think that if they can see through it, 就能飞过去

 它们挺笨的是吧 they can fly through it. Not very clever of them, eh? 它死了会去哪? Where does the birdie go when it"s dead? 我们要把它扔了


 梅布尔? We... We just have to throw it away now. Eh, Maybelle? 我们不能拿它做堆肥

 就像公鸡 We mustn"t put it on the compost heap. It"s like a chicken, 它有骨头 it"s got bones in it. 我们必须把它扔到垃圾堆

 好吗 We"ll throw it in the dustbin. Come on. 不干

 爸爸 No, Daddy. 亲爱的


 给我好吗 It"s dirty, darling. Give it to me, sweetie. 我替你扔掉

 好吗 I"ll throw it away for you, OK? 你想自己扔吗? Do you want to throw it away? 给我

 快点 Give it to me. Come on. 给我

 给我 Come on. Give it to me. Give it to me. 不 No! 梅布尔 Maybelle! 化疗没起作用 The chemo isn"t working. 她的骨髓又开始产生不良白细胞了 Her bone marrow is producing abnormal white blood cells again. 这可不是好消息 Which isn"t very good news, of course.


 我们不会放弃 But, as we"ve already discussed, we"re not giving up yet. 我们进入下一阶段治疗即可 We will simply move on to the next stage in the treatment, 干细胞移植 a stem cell transplant. 我们先用更多的化疗和放疗 First, we will destroy her own bone marrow 摧毁她自身的白细胞 with more chemo and radiotherapy, 然后再移植捐赠者的新干细胞 then we will replace it with new stem cells from a donor. 捐赠者和梅布尔越亲近越好 A donor who is as close to Maybelle as possible. 但很遗憾

 父母不能做捐赠者 Unfortunately, parents can"t be considered as donors. 怎么样? How did it go? -下午过的不好 -怎么了? It was a difficult afternoon. -How come? 你刚走 Just after you"d gone 她在外面画画 she was doing some drawing outside 又有只鸟飞进排廊了 and another bird flew into our terranda. 我走出去看见她站在那哭 I came out and she was standing there crying, 手里捧着只死鸟 with a dead bird in her hands. -有长廊不就好了 -那更严重了

 鸟很笨的 That wouldn"t happen with a veranda. -It"d happen even more! Stupid birds! 你得相信它们骨子里就笨 You"d think that it would eventually be written in their genes. 这是本能

 从爹妈那里继承的 That it"d become a sort of instinct passed on from mummy bird to chick, 一看见框架就知道 that when they see a frame 飞过去有危险 they realize it"s dangerous to try to fly through it. 但鸟儿进化成能够穿越玻璃之前

 But innumerable generations of birds obviously need to 还能在玻璃上撞好几代呢 fly into that window before it starts to get through to them. -再见 -再见 Bye. -Bye. 你应该解释给孩子听 You should try explaining to a child 为什么鸟儿不能动了 how come the bird isn"t moving anymore. -很难 -我知道 It"s difficult. -I know. 我很想说人们有 You want to say people have come up 各种各样的解释 with all kinds of ways of dealing with it. 有人说鸟儿有不死的灵魂 That some people believe the bird has a soul 会升入天堂 that doesn"t die and goes up to heaven. 那里可以再见到爸爸妈妈 That it"ll see it"s mummy and daddy again there 一起飞翔 and will fly around forever 那里阳光永远灿烂

 不会有任何窗户 in a place where the sun always shines and there aren"t any windows. 有人说鸟儿是殉道者 That other people believe the bird is a martyr 死于和窗户的搏斗 in the fight against windows. 死后他会得到 And after his death he"ll be given 很多未见过的雌鸟 lots of female birds that have never mated 他可以尽情欢愉 and he can do what he wants with them. 但是这些爸爸都不相信 But Daddy doesn"t believe in any of that. 爸爸觉得... Daddy thinks that... 万物死了就是死了 that everything just dies and stays dead.

 但是... But... -你不能这样说 -对

 不能 But you can"t say that. -No, you can"t say that, Didier. 她自身免疫力会被完全摧毁 Her natural resistance will be destroyed completely first 她会变得非常脆弱 and she"ll be very weak. 所以我们把她放入无菌舱 Which is why we"re putting her in a sterile, pressurized room. 新的血细胞会攻击她的身体 The new blood cells may attack her body. 而同体干细胞则没事 That doesn"t happen with identical stem cells 但必须找到同卵双胞胎或者克隆胚胎 but you only find those in the case of identical twins or cloned embryos. 很遗憾科学还未实现这些 Unfortunately, science hasn"t got that far yet. 她的机会很大 Her chances are very good. 痊愈的机会很大 She has a very good chance of being completely cured. 别气馁 Don"t lose heart. 谢谢 Thank you. -爸爸 -嗯? Daddy? -Yes? 鸟儿变成星星了 That birdie has become a star now. 亲爱的 OK, sweetie. 如果你愿意相信

 那鸟儿变成星星了 If you want to believe that that birdie is a star now, then it is. 来

 选一个吧 I"ll tell you what, choose one. 那个 That one. 那个? 又大又亮的? That one? That big shiny one up there? 那个? 好

 That one? OK. -鸟儿再见 -鸟儿再见 Bye-bye, birdie. -Bye-bye, birdie. -我爱你 -我也爱你 I love you. -I love you too. 聪明的小女孩 Clever girl. 这是血液 And that, that"s blood. 干细胞就在里面

 就像小士兵 The stem cells are in there. Stem cells are little soldiers 会列队进入你的血液 who will march down that tube into your blood. 然后这些小兵开始干活 And those little soldiers mean business. 懂了? Understand? Eh? 它们会治好你 They are going to cure you. -你好 -你好 Hey. -Hello. -我们可以回家了 -是么? We"re allowed to go home. -Are you? -米兰的指数正常了 -太棒了 Milan"s levels are perfect -Great! 祝贺你们 Congratulations. 那是飞机? 那是鸟儿? Is it a plane? Is it a bird? -不

 那不是 -梅布尔... No, it"s not. -Maybelle... -那是美佳·明迪(比利时女超人) -再去睡会 It"s Mega Mindy. -It"s too early. Get some more sleep. -你太闹腾了 -那是飞机? 那是鸟儿? You"re far too lively for me. -Is it a plane? Is it a bird? -不

 那不是 -再睡会好吗? No, it"s not. -How about getting some more sleep? 不


 我要叫你们起床 No, I"m 6, I was allowed to wake you up early. 是啊

 今天是你的生日 Oh yes, of course, it"s your birthday.


 不要 No, don"t tickle me! Don"t! -不要挠痒痒 -生日快乐 Don"t, don"t tickle me! -Happy birthday! -六岁生日快乐 -生日快乐 6 years old! Happy birthday, sweetie. -Happy birthday. 你看起来真可爱 You look... You look lovely. 穿着粉色风衣 In your pink costume. -再睡会好吗 -不行 How about getting some more sleep? -No. 好吧 Yes. Come on. 那是美佳·明迪 美佳·明迪 那是飞机?

 那是鸟儿? 不

 都不是 那是美佳·明迪 在空中飞翔 那是飞机?

 那是鸟儿? 不

 都不是 那是美佳·明迪 在空中飞翔 你弄好了吗? Right, have you almost finished? 亲爱的

 快点 Come on, sweetie. 漱口 Rinse your mouth. 快点

 把鞋穿上 That"s it. Come on, put your shoes on. 快点

 亲爱的 Come on, sweetie, get a move on. -穿上另一只 -妈妈

 我好累 Now what? Get the other one. Come on. -I"m tired, Mummy. 我也是


 我们都累 So am I, sweetie. We"re all tired. 但我们得快点 But we have to get a move on, eh? -亲亲 -公车来了


 Kiss. -The bus is there. Come on. -衣朋 -你牙龈出血了 Coat. -You"re bleeding round your teeth. 我跟你说过多少次

 刷牙不要太用力 How often have I told you not to scrub so hard with your toothbrush? -背包 -对了 Rucksack. -Right. -让她上学去 -好 Let her go now. -Alright. -迪迪埃?

 -嗯? Didier? -Yes? 就一支 Just one. -我一会儿就开门通风 -好 I"ll open the door in a minute. -Yeah, yeah. -她胳膊上的淤青又多了 -我看到了 She"s got more bruises on her arms. -I know, I saw them. 给你 Here. 谢谢 Thanks. 需要生炉子吗? Shall I light the stove? 不用 No. No, it"s OK. 亲爱的

 周日去看看我母亲好吗? Sweetheart... Can we go and see my mum Sunday? 好吧 Yes... I think so. 周日是母亲节 It"s... It"s Mother"s Day on Sunday. 她会很高兴见到你的 She"ll be pleased to see you. 该死



 亲爱的 Fuck! Fuck! You"re going to pull through, sweetheart. Goddammit! 她心脏停跳了

 停车 Her heart has stopped. Stop the ambulance. 出什么事了? What the fuck is happening now? -肾上腺素 -怎么了? Adrenalin, OK? -What"s happening?

 -出什么事了 -她快不行了 What"s happening? -We"re losing her. 把她救过来


 救过来 You"re not losing her. D"you hear me? You"re not! 她不能死

 听见了吗 Don"t let her go! D"you hear me? -她不能死 -退后

 冷静点 Don"t let her go. -Move back and calm down, please. 我们要电击了

 好吗 We"re going to shock her. OK, shocking. Watch out. 所有人站稳 Everyone stand clear. 三


 一 Three, two, one. 看看显示屏

 谢谢 Let"s check. The monitor, please. Thank you. 冷静点

 冷静点 Take it easy, take it easy. Calm down. 冷静点

 好吗 Calm down, OK? We"ll just check. -她活过来了 -好

 我们走 She"s back. -OK, let"s go. 走 Go go go. 爱丽丝 Elise... 你要找点事做


 不能像这样 You need to do something, sweetheart. Things can"t go on like this. 我们需要点变化 Things... Things need to change. 你要做点以前爱做的事情 You"d like things to be like they used to be, eh? 是的

 当然 Yes, of course. 在梅布尔出生前

 你没想过要小孩对吧 Before we had Maybelle. You never wanted the child, did you? 爱丽丝

 这不公平 Elise, that... That"s not fair, sweetheart. 我本该听你的

 你不想要小孩 I should"ve listened to you. You didn"t want kids. 是的



 I did. You being pregnant just took me by surprise, sweetheart. 我从未想过要小孩 I"d never given kids a thought. 但自打她一出生

 我就是世上最快乐的男人 But once she was there I was the happiest man in the world. 高兴得都酗酒了 So happy that you started drinking. -你只是想吵架吧 -她出生时你酗酒了 You just want to pick a fight. -You were drunk when she was born. 她一出生 And once she was there you had to head for a bar 你就和哥们去酒吧庆祝了 with your pals to celebrate. -一走就是十天 -你太夸张了 You were gone for ten days. -You"re exaggerating. 喝出黄疸你才回家 You only came home when you developed jaundice from drinking. -那不是喝出来的 -是喝出来的 That wasn"t from drinking... -It was from drinking. 所以我不得不停止母乳 And because of that I had to stop breastfeeding. 由于你的黄疸

 我只能喂她两周 I could only breastfeed her for two weeks because you had jaundice 母乳里的抗体 and it"s full of antibodies that are important 对那小不点很重要 for a little mite like that. 你刚怀孕三个月的时候... You can talk. For the first three months you were pregnant... 说啊



 都对 Go on, say it. Say it. It"s true. It"s true. 开始三个月时我抽烟喝酒 I smoked and drank during the first three months -但我不知道自己怀孕了 -这不是你的错 but I didn"t know I was pregnant. -It"s not your fault, sweetheart. 头三个月婴儿就形成了 A baby is formed during the first three months. 六周大脑就完全形成 The brain is already fully formed after 6 weeks. -别说了

 爱丽丝 -我不知道 Stop it, Elise! Stop it! -I didn"t know.

 别说了 Stop! 人们会死的很离奇 People die for the stupidest of reasons. 也许地方太脏了 Maybe this place was too dirty for her. 也许吃了不该吃的东西 Maybe she ate something she shouldn"t have done -或者应该多换床单 -你想说什么? or we should"ve changed her sheets more. -What are you saying? -谁换的床单? -我不是那意思 Who changed her sheets? -I didn"t mean anything. 谁每天做饭

 每天都是新鲜食物和有机食物 Who fed her? Cooked for her? Fresh food, organic food, every day. 是我

 谁打扫的卫生? 还是我 I did. And who cleaned the place? I did! 我说话没走脑子 I just said the first things that came into my head, 我可能说错话了 I could"ve said anything. 你在责怪我

 对吧 You"re blaming me, aren"t you? -我没有 -你在责怪我 I"m not. -You"re blaming me. -你在责怪我 -我没有 You"re blaming me. -I"m not! -我也有的说 -什么 I can have a go at you too. -What? 我们家从来没有癌症 There isn"t any cancer in my family, 你们家有

 你两个叔叔和父亲 but there is in yours. Two uncles and your dad. 去你的

 爱丽丝 Fuck you, Elise! -去你的 -去你的 Yeah... Fuck you. -Fuck you. -去你的 -去你的 Yeah, fuck you. -Fuck you! -你从来就不相信 -你说什么? You were never for it. Never! -What did you say? 去你的


 Fuck you! You bitch! You fucking bitch! 这是我见过最酷的纹身 These are the coolest tattoos I"ve ever seen. -进来

 我给你弄一个 -不用 Come in, I"ll do you one. -No, no. -进来 -实话实说

 我不喜欢这个 Come in. -It"s not my kind of thing. Honestly. 怎么可以在身体上纹个永远去不掉的东西 What could possibly be worth putting on your body and never be removed? -你就不后悔吗 -会后悔呀 Don"t you regret any of your tattoos? -Of course I do. 但没事 But it"s not a problem. 如果不喜欢了

 就在上面再纹一个 If you no longer like one, you put another one on top. -是吗? -看 Really? -Look. 这里曾经纹着我的初恋情人比利 The name of my first love, Billy, used to be here. 这里是乔伊

 他还是不错的 And here, Joey. Joey was a nice boy. -汤米在这里

 懂了? -是的 And here Tommy. See? -Yes, yes. 你还能看见一点呢

 汤米很糟 You can still see him a bit. Tommy, the surfer. 马修在这里

 这是最近的 And then, Mathieu. That"s fairly recent. 对不起 Sorry, um... 我不知道今天是怎么了 I don"t know what"s the matter with me today. 怎么讨论起别的事儿了 We were talking about something else. -我们说说你吧 -我? We were talking about you. -Me? 对啊

 你就没有什么值得纹在身上的吗 Oh yes, that there"s nothing in your life worth putting on your body. 我生命中有很多珍贵的东西 There are loads of worthwhile things in my life. -但纹在身上嘛... -告诉我是什么 But putting them on my body... -So tell me, what are they then?

 我对美国感到疯狂 I"ve been crazy about America all my life. -美国? -对

 美国 America? -Yes, America. 地球上最美好的地方 It"s the best place on earth. 不管你从哪里来 No matter where you"re from, 在那里都可以从头再来 when you get there you can start all over again. 梦想家的国度 It"s a country of dreamers. -老鹰 -是的 An eagle. -Yeah, yeah. -你真想给我一个纹身 -我要挣钱啊 You really do want to give me a tattoo. -I need to earn a living. 埃尔维斯 Elvis. -什么埃尔维斯? -埃尔维斯的纹身啊 What d"you mean, Elvis? -A tattoo of Elvis. 埃尔维斯是最伟大的音乐家 Elvis is the greatest musician of all time. 埃尔维斯? 埃尔维斯·普雷斯利(猫王)? Elvis? Elvis Presley? -对 -天哪 Yes. -For goodness" sake! 真棒

 这是我最喜欢的歌♥之一 That"s fantastic. That"s one of the best songs ever. 但那不是埃尔维斯的歌♥

 是汉克·威廉斯的 But it isn"t by Elvis. It"s by Hank Williams. -汉克

 那个牛仔? -对

 汉克·威廉斯 Hank... The cowboy? -The cowboy, yes. Hank Williams. 猫王有点娘娘腔

 世界上最伟大的音乐家是 Elvis is a pansy! The greatest musician in the whole world 比尔·门罗 -谁? is Bill Monroe. -Who? 比尔·门罗 Bill Monroe. -比尔·门罗 -没听过 Bill Monroe. -Never heard of him. 蓝草音乐之父

 The father of bluegrass music. -蓝草 -和乡村音乐有关? Bluegrass. -Something to do with country music? 最纯的乡村音乐 It"s country music at its most pure. 小提琴



 吆他和班卓琴 A violin, an upright bass, a mandolin, a guitar and a banjo. 只有弦乐器

 没有电子乐 Just strings, purely acoustic. 声音很壮丽 And voices. It"s absolutely sublime. 这附近周五晚有家蓝草乐队演出 A very good bluegrass band is performing near here Friday evening. 我肯定会去 I will definitely be there. -我叫迪迪埃 -爱丽丝 My name"s Didier, by the way. -Elise. 你是对的 You"re right. 事情得有所改变 Things have to change. 亲爱的 Sweetheart... 亲爱的 Darling. 别哭了 Come on. -就一会 -不 Just a moment. -No, no. -让我进去 -先生 Let me through. -Sir. 我要和我妻子在一起 I need to stay with my wife. 不行

 先生 Come on, sir. 你在做什么 What are you doing? 那是什么? What"s that? -It"s... 老鹰的贴纸

 自己在店里动手做的 it"s a sticker of a hawk. A hawk sticker from the DIY store.

 想把鸟儿都吓走 It"s supposed to frighten the birds away 它们就不会撞到排廊的玻璃了 so that they no longer fly into the glass in your terranda. 很酷

 不是吗? Cool, eh? 什么? What? 没事 Nothing. 你不觉得这不能根本解决问题吗? You do realize that doesn"t solve anything for the birds in the long term? 亲爱的? Eh, sweetheart? -你说真的? -当然 You"re serious, aren"t you? -Of course I am. 鸟儿怎么能学会玻璃在哪? How are the birds ever going to learn what glass is? 它们害怕老鹰

 但这是假象 Now they"re scared of the hawk but that"s cheating, it"s an illusion. -为什么你总想… -这是贴纸

 不是老鹰 Why do you always have to... -It isn"t a hawk, it"s a sticker. -那里有玻璃 -这是一个办法

 好吗? There"s glass here. -This is a solution, OK? 任何问题都有解决办法 There"s a solution for every problem. 伙计们

 看看谁回来了 Hey, guys. -Look who it is. Hi. -你穿着那内♥裤♥真可爱 -是吗 You look lovely in your underpants. -He does, eh? -啤酒给谁的? -有一杯是我的 Who was the beer for? -There was one for me. -你有票吗? -是的 Did you have a ticket? -Yes. -我也订了一杯 -没门 Me too, I ordered one. -No way. 你只有三张票 You only had three tickets. -Last week I... 我们相信 人人生来平等 造物主赐予我们

 生存的权利 我们要避免这笔资金带来的戏剧性场面 有人却认为干细胞研究拯救生命 百万美国人死于干细胞可以治愈的疾病 我们不能再等了 总统的决定使我们失去了宝贵时间和资源 布♥什♥总统的回应却仍然是努力说朋大众 如果我们能找到吅适方法促进医学进步 我们必须同时拒绝那些错误的方法 所以我和国会否决这项资金 几个月来都在听到干细胞的消息 For months we were surrounded by stem cells 我们都觉得医学还不够发达 and we had the feeling that medical science wasn"t going far enough. 就像有人在踩刹车 That the brakes had been applied. 这种感觉无法解释

 然后孩子死了 It"s a feeling you can"t explain and your child dies... 现在又听到这个混♥蛋♥说 And then you hear that bastards like that 要把此项研究暂缓几年 have been slowing everything down for years. 为了宗教的原因 For religious reasons. 迪迪埃 Didier... 那是美国 That"s America. 是被允许的

 正因如此医学才未有进步 It is allowed here, it"s just that they haven"t got that far yet. 因为这个混♥蛋♥几年内都在暂缓研究 Because those bastards have been slowing everything down for years. 谁给你的权利呢? But what gives them the right to do that? Eh? 这超越了我们这个社会所尊敬的道德界限 所以我否决了它 他们称自己反对堕胎 They call themselves pro-life. 杀人的技术丝毫不受限 Technology for killing people knows no bounds,

 治病救人的却完全不同 but technology for curing people is a different story. 就因为胚胎在体外生长 Because embryos are grown outside of marriage. 胚胎只有针尖那么大 Embryos the size of a pinhead. 这个虚伪的混♥蛋♥ The hypocritical bastard! 反堕胎? 混♥蛋♥ Pro-life? My arse, arsehole! 你们这群极端原教旨主义者 Bunch of extremist fundamentalists! 把十字架贴到屁♥股♥上吧 Stick your cross up your arse! 动动你们的大脑

 混♥蛋♥ Next to your brain. Goddammit! 迪迪埃 Didier... -别这样 -该死的

 爱丽丝 Don"t. -Bloody hell, Elise. 整个世界都为宗教而疯狂 The whole world is obsessed with religion. 整个世界为之疯狂

 你也一样 The whole world has gone crazy! And so have you. 你以为我不知道? 我很笨? 是吗? D"you think I don"t know? That I"m stupid? Do you? 你以为我不知道贴纸拿来做什么? D"you think I don"t know why that sticker is there? 因为你相信梅布尔会回来看你 Because you believe Maybelle may come back to see you 然后撞到玻璃上 and fly into that glass? 不是吗? Is that it? 亲爱的 Sweetheart... 停下

 停下 Stop a moment. Stop a moment. 停下

 就一会 Stop a moment. Stop. Just a moment. 我要问你点事情

 I want to ask you something. 要是约翰尼可以的话

 我也可以 If Johnny"s allowed to do it, so am I. -爱丽丝

 你愿意嫁给我吗 -不行 Elise, will you marry me? -No. 拜托 Please. -帮帮我

 女士们先生们 -不行 Help me, ladies and gentlemen. Elise! -No! 给我一个别针 Pass me a pin. -固定住 -我弄着呢 Just stick it in. -That"s what I"m doing. 迪迪埃·邦提克 你愿意接受爱丽丝·范·德费尔德为妻吗 拥有并持有



 是坏 是富

 是穷 ... 是疾病

 是健康 爱并珍惜着

 直到死亡将我们分开 我愿意 爱丽丝·范·德费尔德 你愿意接受迪迪埃·邦提克... 为你的丈夫吗? 拥有并持有... 我愿意 是吗? Do you? 拥有并持有


 是坏 是疾病

 是健康 直到死亡将我们分开 稍等会 I"ll just be a moment. -你好 -你好 Hi. -Hi. -最近怎么样 -还行 How"s things? -OK. 你睡在这里? Are you sleeping here now? 现在是的


 Yes, for now. I"ve got a mattress upstairs. 这只是暂时的好吗

 亲爱的? It"s only temporary, eh, sweetheart? 爱丽丝

 我... Elise, I... 我要是没有你该怎么办

 爱丽丝 What would I do without you, Elise? 我不是爱丽丝了 It"s not Elise anymore. 我改名了 I"ve changed my name. 我现在叫阿♥拉♥巴马 I"m called Alabama now. 什么? What? 阿♥拉♥巴马 Alabama. 阿♥拉♥巴马? Alabama? 对


 像印度人那样 Yes. I"ve changed my name, like the Indians do when they feel like it. 人生进入下一阶段就改名 When they feel they"ve taken another step in their life. 爱丽丝

 别做蠢事 Come on, Elise, don"t be so silly. 叫我阿♥拉♥巴马

 好吗? Just call me Alabama. OK? 周六见? Will I see you Saturday? 我们还一起演出吗? 还是不做了? Are we still performing together? Or is that over too? 你会去吗? Well? Will you be there? 会的 Yes. 她为什么总给我打电♥话♥ Why does she always call me? 你对她太好了 You were too nice to her. -你好

 爱丽丝 -你好 Hello, Elise. -Hello.

 -一切顺利? -是的 Everything OK? -Sure. 他还可以叫你爱丽丝

 还是告诉他们? So he"s still allowed to say Elise? Or haven"t you told them yet? -说吧 -她不叫爱丽丝了 No. -No? She"s not called Elise anymore. 她正式地改了名字

 她现在叫阿♥拉♥巴马 She"s officially changed her name. She"s now called Alabama. -真的? -是吗? Really? -Is that true? -护照上也改了? -是的 On your passport and everything? -Yes. 所以我们现在叫你阿♥拉♥巴马? 真的? So we have to call you Alabama now? Seriously? -你好

 阿♥拉♥巴马 -阿♥拉♥巴马 Hello, Alabama. -Alabama. 阿♥拉♥巴马

 我能问你点事吗? Hey, Alabama... May I ask you something? 我是谁? Who am I? 你要是阿♥拉♥巴马

 那我是谁? If you"re Alabama, who am I? 门罗 Monroe. -比尔·门罗 -不是

 玛丽琳·门罗 Oh, Bill Monroe. -No, Marilyn Monroe. 我也想要个酷的蓝草名 I want a cool bluegrass name too. -给他起个名 -琳达如何 Go on, give him a name... I know, Linda. -琳达

 很简单 -得了 伙计们 Simple. You"re Linda. -Come on, guys. 你知道... Do you know... 你知道我为谁感到遗憾吗? Do you know who I feel sorry for? 从达尔文开始研究生物学的科学家们 The scientists who, since Darwin, have spent their time studying biology. 他们尝试解释 Who have tried to explain this wonderful world, 描述和研究这个世界

 to describe it and study it. 他们在最艰难的条件下耗尽自己的生命 Who"ve spent their whole life doing it in the most difficult conditions. 我还为那些蠢人们感到遗憾 And who now hear that there are still spastics 他们还在质疑进化论 who question the theory of evolution. 这完全是因为耶♥和♥华♥ Because it was Yahweh. 耶♥和♥华♥在六天内创造了一切 Yahweh created everything and he did it in six days. 而不是 45 亿年 And not in 4.5 billion years. 这让你想吐

 一帮蠢货 It"s enough to make you puke. Bunch of imbeciles! 让我来告诉你们一些事吧

 耶♥和♥华♥ But let me tell you something. Yahweh, 旧约里的上帝 the God from the Old Testament 百分之八十的人类曾经膜拜的神 the God that 80% of the world kneels before, 是文献记载中最邪恶的人 is by far the most evil person in literature. 看看圣经吧

 好好看看 Check out your Bible. Read it carefully. 他是操纵者

 虐待狂 Yahweh is a manipulator, a sadist 杀人犯

 种族主义者 a killer, a racist 讨厌女人和同性恋

 心胸狭隘和爱慕虚荣 a misogynist, a homophobe, who is narrow-minded and vain, 进行种族清洗 who carries out ethnic cleansing, 要求儿童祭品 who demands child sacrifices 玩虐待游戏考验人们的忠诚 and plays sadistic games to test people"s faith. 一个独♥裁♥者


 地球和人类 A dictator who apparently created heaven and earth and mankind on purpose 所以我们不得不卑微的祈求他 so we"d fall humbly to our knees before Him

 恭恭敬敬的给他唱赞歌♥ and deferentially sing His praise. 我生来并非如此 Well, I wasn"t created in that image....

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