
  Abstract:Shooting sports, which has achieved glories in the Olympics Games, has a history of more than 60 years in China. This research, based on historical point, investigated the basic laws of its development by interviewing important historical figures, collecting and studying policy documents and training diary, observing training and competition performance of National Shooting Team. Also, according to the time development order, we summarized the influence factors, such as the culture of reserved personnel, concrete practice of training, competition system, team management, and cultivation of coaches. As a result, the basic law follows, including: the inheritance and innovation of the whole nation system in competitive sports is the fundamental guarantee for the development of China"s shooting sports; the relative stability in the number of talents is the basic premise to realize sustainable development of the project; Quasi military management of sports team is an important content of this game"s culture; the gradual system of training idea is the ideological basis of scientific training; the tradition of cultivating system for coaches is the strategic measure to improve the quality of coaches.
  Key words:shooting sports; development history; influence factors; basic laws
  重视后备人才培养是遵循项目自身发展规律的基本体现,任何项目人才断档了,那必将是无源之水、无本之木。在过去60余年里,我国射击运动项目人才培养工作一直受到重视。立项初,射击运动在民间较为流行。据首届国家队队员赵国瑞回忆,1953年,在北京参加过培训的射手达21 000余人,并修建了国内首个射击运动靶场——北京天坛靶场。当时并没有专门组建参加比赛的运动队伍。为备战1955年社会主义国家国际射击友谊赛,才从军队中抽调171名军人射手,组建了首支国家队射击集训队。直到1958年,为备战第37届世界射击锦标赛,开始从全国范围选拔人才。从此,军队、社会两大后备人才培养系统并行发展。

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