纳米技术 [再也不怕手机掉马桶了,最新纳米技术帮你忙]

   Fear Not the Toilet—New Nano-Coating Keeps Cell-Phones Dry   Most people know someone who has been in the unenviable position of having to retrieve their cell-phone from the toilet, knowing that their mobile connection with the world was probably dead.
  It no longer needs to be the case. An innovative nano-coating technique has been developed which is said can completely make your phone waterproof, protecting it from water-related accidents.
  You need to mail your cell-phone to the creator company of this technology, and they will place it inside an especially engineered machine. In there, a complicated plasma process will be undergoing to permeate your device on a molecular level.7 At the end of that process, which takes about 30-35 minutes, your phone will be “coated”.
  Though with this technology, it is still not advisable that we go swimming with our cell-phones or needlessly expose them to water. It’s more to prevent those accidents which usually water-damage your electronics, such as being caught in the rain, dropped in the sink, or unfortunately, it happens, put in the toilet, or if you’ve got to take a quick call in the shower, those types of things. S

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