高考英语书面表达 浅谈高考英语书面表达语言素材积累教学

  摘 要:2012年《江苏考试说明》对书面表达的要求越来越高,对文章的语言档次分类较往年也有很大变化,教者如何在平时的教学中指导学生积累有用语言素材显得非常必要,本文旨在提出一些切实有效的方法,以期学生能够写出精彩的文章,突显个人的语言魅力。
  关键词:语言积累; 技巧方法
  中图分类号:G633.41 文献标识码:A 文章编号:1006-3315(2012)04-024-002
  众所周知,英语课本中的主副阅读文章里除了有很丰富的语言信息之外,这些文章里往往包含了很多地道的英语语言表达,非常值得我们模仿使用。例如,在上Canada——land of the maple tree一文时,我们首先当然是帮助学生了解尽可能多的有关加拿大的信息,在了解了一定的语言信息后, 很重要的一个环节便是研读文中的佳句。如:
  Smaller in size, but equally famous, is the city of Vancouver in the province of British Columbia on the Pacific coast.
  Nearer to the Atlantic coast is Niagara Falls.
  Toronto, the largest city in Canada, is often said to be the most multicultural city in the world.
  It is like an underground city, covering an area of more than 20 football pitches.
  在平时的练习评讲中,我们也要帮助学生成为语言积累的有心人。例如在评讲单项选择题时,我们除了帮助学生分析语法结构和答疑解难之外,更多地要学会去使用句干中的作文素材,尤其是历届高考的真题,情境感、时代感强,语言很有生命力,且又非常经得住推敲,这些句子都可以成为我们学生笔下的优美作文语言。笔者对近三年全国各省的单选题做了研究之后发现,高考单选题中有许多值得我们借鉴使用的佳句。例如,在写关于如何面对人生挫折、困难类文章的时候,Mistakes will happen. Accept it and learn from them.和The way to success is never paved with flowers.这样的佳句便可以派上用场。而在写获得成功过后喜悦之情的语句时The whole nation is in great happiness, as we have worked another wonder, one several generations of sports people have been working for.这样的语句就显得非常的贴切。而在写人们出行方式变化的时候,用上Some people would rather ride bikes as bike riding has none of the trouble of taking buses.这样的句定能给学生的文章增色不少。在谈到助人为乐的重要性时,来一句Helping others is a habit, one you can learn even at an early age.会使学生的文章与众不同。而如果学生在作文中巧妙地用上It is the ability to do the job that matters not where you come from or what you are. 或It is high time that the government took some measures to strengthen people’s awareness of energy saving.这样的强调句或特殊句式,想必文章的效果也会大不一样。
  It witnessed our cooperation and achievements, through which we improved our ability and broadened our horizons.
  In a gesture to ensure the accuracy of data, we did some research through different approaches.
  He was a great entertainer, a deep thinker. But he was also kind. I suspect that’s a quality that his audiences were drawn to through the years.   当积累了一定的语言素材之后,若在写作过程中,再积累一些合适的过渡词,则整个文章便能焕然一新。在英语的书面表达中,经常被使用的过渡词有First, next, then, finally...thus, therefore, however, in fact, besides, on the contrary, instead of first, second, what’s more, as a result, what is better,as far as I know/am concerned, personally等。
  在In the first place, the bad habit of being wasteful will have a bad effect on their own character. Secondly, it adds financial burden to their parents. Last but not least, the world’s limited natural resources, such as water and electricity,will be used up soon.这样的段落中,过渡词的使用使整个段落浑然一体,流畅自如。
  What is known to us all is that enquiry learning is a beneficial but difficult task. First of all, we made a questionnaire after school. We tried many ways and finally found the best one. After that, we collected the data by referring to the books in the library and surfing the Internet, which took us a lot of time. Then, we interviewed some students and recorded what they said, which we believed would be helpful. After a very long process, we stopped it and began to analyze the data we spent many days collecting. Last but not least, we shared what we found with our classmates. What we did was a great success and all the members were quite happy.
  It is such an experience that we won’t forget it forever.
  一开始的主语从句很吸引人,后面的过渡词First of all, After that, Then, Last but not least,用得很贴切,最后的such…that句型使人印象深刻。

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