
 1760 年

 利物浦 一年后 柯林斯港 欧洲中世纪传说中的魔鬼 黑暗阴影 闲人止步 缅因州

 位于美国东北部新英格兰地区 魔王

 《失乐园》中描写的堕落天使 梦魔

 在男子睡觉时与之交♥媾♥的女妖 美国兄妹组合乐队卡朋特在 1973 年发行的歌♥曲

 世界之巅 柯林斯罐头公♥司♥ 酒吧港

 位于缅因州的海港小镇 波士顿

 美国东北部新英格兰地区最大城市 北美洲纽芬兰岛东南岸外大西洋上的浅滩

 以大渔场闻名 大浅滩位于纽芬兰东南大西洋上

 以大鱼场闻名 安琪海湾水产品 柯林斯港

 安琪海湾水产品经理安琪莉可·布沙尔 支付巴纳巴斯·柯林斯的支票

 175 万美元 阿斯摩蒂尔斯

 犹太教传说中的恶魔 救护车 休克摇滚之王 招聘家教 常言道

 血浓于水 It is said that blood is thicker than water. 它是生命的意义 It is what defines us. 是命运的羁绊

 是世代的诅咒 Binds us. Curses us. 来吧


 我们走 Come, my love. Let"s go. 来啊

 巴纳巴斯 Come, Barnabas. 对有些人来说


 养尊处优 For some, blood means a life of wealth and privilege. 而对另一些人

 则意味着终身奴役 For others, a life of servitude. 安琪莉可

 我告诉你多少遍了 Angelique, how many times 不要盯着他看 do I have to tell you not to stare at him?

 要记得自己的身份 Remember your place. 当我还是个孩子的时候 When I was but a boy 父亲带着我们去 my fatr took us to the 新大♥陆♥开辟了柯林斯家族王朝 New World to expand the Collins family empire. 我们将英国工业引进缅因州的荒野 We brought English industry to the wilds of Maine 做起了渔业生意 and built a fishing business 规模之大在美国史无前例 the likes of which America had never seen. 一个人应当为自己建立的业绩而自豪 A man should take pride in what he builds. 但是记住

 巴纳巴斯 But remember, Barnabas, 家族才是唯一真实的财富 family is the only real wealth. Hm? 随着家族业务的壮大 As our business grew, 柯林斯港的小镇也日益繁盛 the town of Collinsport grew with it 我们便决定在此落地生根 and we decided to put down permanent roots. 之后的 15 年我们建立起了心爱的家园 We spent the next 15 years building our beloved home: 柯林庄园 Collinwood. 但我们家族的成功不是任何人都能分享的 But not everyone shared in our family"s success. 对我说"我爱你


 我要你" Let me hear you say "I love you, Angelique. I want you." 安琪莉可... Angelique... 很抱歉

 亲爱的, I am sorry, my dear, 那样的话就是骗你 but you would be hearing a lie. 高贵权势卑贱去

 Make the high and mighty low 傲慢自大下地来 Arrogant creatures, down you go 我很确信父母的离世不是意外 Convinced my parents" death was no accident 继而便痴迷于黑魔法和古老咒语 I became obsessed with dark magic and ancient curses. "看哪

 在地狱之门上方 "Lo! Above the gates of hell 他发现了一行字 he found a single letter. 撒旦真名昭然天下 A letter proclaiming Satan"s true name. 靡菲斯特" Mephistopheles." 可即便那时

 在我幽怨的心深处 But even then, in the depths of my grief, 黑暗并未完全将我吞噬

 not all was darkness. 因为我找到了一生挚爱 For I had found my one true love. 答应我

 我们要永远在一起 Promise we"ll be together forever. 苍天在上

 乔塞特 God as my witness, Josette, 我发誓今生永不分离 I swear it. 万万没有想到的是

 我所负的仆人 Of all the servants I could have spurned, 所伤的那颗心 all the hearts I could have broken, 竟有着不可告人的秘密 I got the one with the secret. 我惹了女巫 I got the witch. 若他做别选 If he doth another choose 借其心眼开 To lend his heart an eye 魔法稍显力 Then magic shall the slighted use

 他爱终 So all he loves will 消殆 Die 受了安琪莉可的诅咒 Caught in Angelique"s spell, 我心爱的乔塞特无助地向着寡妇崖游荡 my beloved Josette wandered helplessly towards Widow"s Hill 在那里无数绝望的灵魂一跃而下

 粉身碎骨 where many a despondent soul had leapt to their death. 乔塞特 Josette! 乔塞特 Josette. 救救我 Help me. 乔塞特 Josette! 你都做了什么 What have you done?! 安琪莉可诅咒我变成了吸血鬼 Angelique had cursed me to be a vampire 让我永生永世饱受痛苦的煎熬 so that my suffering would never end. 这就是那怪物 There"s the monster. 安琪莉可认定了无法再得到我 Resolved that I would never belong to her, 她召集了全镇的人对付我 Angelique turned the townspeople against me 将我打入黑暗

 独自经受痛苦的摧残 and condemned me to suffer my anguish alone in the dark 放我出去 Let me out! 永不得超生 for all time. 我说

 放我出去 Let me out, I say! 放了我 Release me! 招聘家庭女教师



 我叫麦琪·伊 Hello. My name is Maggie Ev-- 不列颠哥伦比亚省维多利亚

 冬季运动 你好

 我叫维多利亚·温特斯 Hello. My name is Victoria Winters. 请叫我维姬 Please, call me Vicky. 你打哪儿来

 维罗妮卡 So where are you from, Veronica? 纽约

 我叫维多利亚 New York. And it"s Victoria. "我叫维多利亚"

 我真喜欢这丫头 "And it"s Victoria." I love this chick, man. 纽约这地方不错吧 New York"s a trip, huh? 是吧 I guess. 你呢 What about you? 纽约女孩儿怎么来这乡村小地 What brings a New York girl out to the sticks? 来看望老朋友 An old friend. -小心点

 -祝你今天愉快 - Be cool. - Have a nice day. 后会有期 Catch you later. 慢走啊

 维罗妮卡 Take it easy, Veronica. 你好

 我是维多利亚·温特斯 Hello. I"m Victoria Winters. 恭喜你 Congratulations. 我是来见斯托达德女士的

 应征家教 I"m here to see Ms. Stoddard about the governess position. 对哦

 正等你呢 Oh, yeah. Been expecting you. 进来吧 Come on. 抱歉没去车站接你 Sorry I didn"t grab you down at the station.

 该死的货车最近出了点毛病 Damn wagon"s been acting up. 伊丽莎白小姐都不愿花点钱去修修 Miss Elizabeth won"t spend the money to get her fixed. 这真漂亮 It"s beautiful. 满是灰尘的朽屋罢了 A bitch to dust is what it is. 当初这地方是为容纳一百个佣人设计的 This place was designed for a staff of a hundred. 现在这就我一人 Now they got a staff of me. 我和约翰逊夫人 Me and Mrs. Johnson. 她就跟无底的水桶一样无用了 She"s about as useful as a bucket without a bottom. 不过

 不是每家每户都这样气派的 Still, not every family has a house like this. 整个镇还以此命名 Or a whole town named after them. 何出此言 Come again? 柯林斯

 "柯林斯港" Collins. "Collinsport." 从没想到过 Never got that. 那是谁 Who"s that? 可能是巴纳比 Barnaby, maybe. 反正名字里有个"巴恩" Something with a "Barn" In it. 很久以前是个很了不起的人物 One of the real important ones from way back. 那时候他们还家财万贯

 衣食无忧 Back when they were rich, rich people. 巴纳巴斯 Barnabas. 他名叫巴纳巴斯·柯林斯 His name was Barnabas Collins. 他是这个家族的骄傲

 And he was the finest man this family ever knew. 欢迎来到柯林庄园 Welcome to Collinwood. 那些辉煌只属于过去了 You"ll have to imagine us on a better day. 这屋子里大约有 200 个房♥间 The house has some 200 rooms, 多数关上不用了以节能取暖 most closed off to save on heating. 我们甚至都不去老的耳房♥了 We don"t even go in the old wing anymore. 请坐 Sit. 毕竟这只住了 7 个人 There are only seven of us, after all. 我女儿卡洛琳和我 My daughter, Carolyn, and I. 我弟弟罗杰和他儿子大卫 My brother, Roger, and his son, David. 还有你见过的威利 Willie, who you"ve met. 约翰逊夫人和霍夫曼医生 Mrs. Johnson and Dr. Hoffman 我猜她依然喝得酩酊大醉

 正蒙头大睡呢 who I suspect is sleeping off one of her legendary hangovers. 不介意的话能问下 And where is David"s mother, 大卫妈妈在哪儿吗 if you don"t mind my asking? 劳拉在大卫 5 岁的时候 Laura was lost at sea 葬身大海 when David was 5. 他无法接受母亲的过世 He"s had a rather difficult time accepting her passing. 我就请来了霍夫曼医生

 给他治疗了一个月 I brought Dr. Hoffman here to work with him for a month. 而那是三年前的事了 That was three years ago. 若你不介意

 我想问几个 There are just a few questions, if you don"t mind

 申请上没提到的问题 that were not on the application. 请讲 Of course. 你对总统有何看法 How do you feel about the president? 没见过 Never met him. 对战争呢 The war? 我不看电视 I don"t watch television. 你觉得男女应该平等 Do you think the sexes should be equal? 天哪

 当然不应该 Heavens, no. 不然男人就无法无天了 Men would become unmanageable. 我想我们会相处得很愉快

 温特斯小姐 I think we"ll get along just fine, Ms. Winters. 维姬

 请叫我维姬 Vicky. Please, call me Vicky. 卡洛琳 Carolyn. 卡洛琳

 这位是温特斯小姐 Carolyn, this is Ms. Winters. 你是纽约来的 You"re from New York? 没错 I am. 曼哈顿长什么样 What"s Manhattan like? 我 16 岁后要搬去那住 I"m going to live there when I"m 1 6. 卡洛琳还妄想着我会允许她这么做 Carolyn has a fantasy that I"m going to allow this. 我妈还妄想着我不会违背她意志离家出走 And Mother has a fantasy I won"t run away if she doesn"t. 你是来照顾那个疯子的吧 So you"re here to babysit the loony. 我不是跟你说过别用那个词吗

 What have I told you about using that word? 我是来教大卫的 I"m here to teach David. 祝你好运 Good luck. 之前没人熬得过一个星期 None of the others have made it past a week. 温特斯小姐 Ms. Winters. 请叫我维姬 Please, call me Vicky. 快点快点


 我饿死了 Chop-chop, Willie, I"m starving. 千万别又是干巴巴的炖肉 And God help me if it"s another bone-dry pot roast-- 这是谁 Who"s this? 温特斯小姐


 罗杰 Ms. Winters, this is my brother, Roger. 罗杰

 温特斯小姐是大卫的新家教 Roger, Ms. Winters is to be David"s new governess. 请叫我维姬 Please, call me Vicky. 很高兴见到你 It"s nice to meet you. 是啊


 很高兴见到你 Yeah. Yeah. Nice to meet you. 你是个骗子 You"re a liar. 我从一个人的面相就能看出来 I can tell, you know. Just from a person"s face. 你脸上透露出 Yours says: "我外表甜美纯真

 但有着不能说的秘密 "I might look sweet and innocent, but I have secrets. 这秘密足以让你们 Secrets that"ll make the hairs 不寒而栗" on your arms stand straight up." 别烦她

 朱莉娅 Leave her be, Julia.

 你就是那位医生啊 You"re the doctor. 是的


 她就是那个"婊♥子♥" Yeah. And you"re "The nanny," And she"s "The bitch." 要是我们总给每人都贴上标签 How do you ever expect us girls to advance 还怎么指望我们女人有所进步 if we keep reducing each other to labels? 维姬

 你来自哪 So, Vicky, where"d you c--? 卡洛琳

 请关掉那噪音好吗 Carolyn! Will you please turn that noise down? 大卫

 这是维姬 David, this is Vicky. 他是你的新家教 She"s going to be your new governess. 你搅了我的局 You ruined it! 我本来想吓吓她 I was gonna scare her. 妈的

 我不是让你别在衬单上戳洞吗 Damn it. What have I told you about cutting holes in the sheets? 那可是埃及棉 Those are Egyptian cotton. 我本来想吓唬你 I was gonna scare you. 你害怕吗 Were you scared? 吓呆了 Terrified beyond belief. 你没必要因为他是傻子 You don"t have to be nice 就对他那么好 to him just because he"s nuts, you know. 卡洛琳... Carolyn.... 卡洛琳自♥慰♥

 还像猫一样叫♥春♥ Carolyn touches herself. She makes noises like a kitten. -大卫

 -你这个小杂种 - David. - You little shit. 卡洛琳



 Carolyn. Enough, both of you. 恕我多问

 你们家是做什么生意的 If I may, what is the family business? 海产品

 温特斯小姐 Seafood, Ms. Winters. 我们在镇上有家很大的罐头厂 We had a large cannery in town. 我们还有几艘渔船 We still own a few fishing boats. 旧得生锈的船

 都没人愿意租 Rusty old boats that no one will hire. 大卫妈妈就在其中一条船的底下 And David"s mother"s at the bottom with one of them. 卡洛琳

 回你的房♥间去 Carolyn, go to your room. 这屋里的每个人都围着他转 Everybody in this house tiptoes around him, 没人照顾我的感受 but no one cares how I feel! 她没有死 She didn"t die. -她不会死的


 大卫 - She can"t. - Enough, David. 是的

 大卫相信他妈妈能够 Yes, David believes his mother has some kind of 周而复始地永生 cyclical immortality. 其实挺有意思的 Fascinating, really. 我能感觉到她的存在 I feel her. 她还跟我说话 She talks to me. 经常说 All the time. 我认为鬼魂不过是人们 I think ghosts are just people 进入到和我们稍有不同的异度空间 who"ve moved into a slightly different dimension than ours. 我觉得有的人就是拥有 And I think some people just

 很强的灵力能够感应到他们 have antennas strong enough to pick them up. 事实上还有科学证据证明-- There"s actually scientific evidence to support-- 谢谢你

 温特斯小姐 Thank you, Ms. Winters. 大卫

 你吓到我了 David, you startled me. 是为万圣节做准备吗 Getting ready for Halloween? 他要来了 He"s coming. 我们挖到了什么东西 We hit something. 把它挖出来 Let"s dig it out. 快下来 Get down here. 这是什么玩意儿 What the hell is this? 难道是煤气总管 Think it"s a gas main? 这不该有煤气管道啊 Not supposed to be any out here. 这玩笑开大了

 给我拿把断线钳来 You"ve gotta be shitting me. Grab me some bolt cutters. 天哪 Jesus! 快跑 Run! 真的很抱歉 I am terribly sorry. 你不知道我有多饥渴 You cannot imagine how thirsty I am. 靡菲斯特 Mephistopheles. 给我现身

 撒旦 Show yourself, Satan! 不要用这诡异的光戏弄我 Mock me not with your strange luminance! 好奇特的地形

 Curious terrain. 这是什么 What is this? 幽灵逼近 Some specter approaches. 是恶魔之眼 It is the eyes of the devil himself, 来带我入地狱的审判 come to drag me to my judgment. 来吧

 路西法 Have at me, Lucifer. 我的灵魂任由你处置 My soul is prepared! 混♥蛋♥ Asshole! 我心爱的柯林庄园 My beloved Collinwood. 他们把你变成什么样了 What have they done to you? 我要狂喝豪饮

 听天由命 I"ll keep on drinking and trust my luck 你好啊

 小南瓜 Hi, pumpkin. 别害怕

 酒鬼 Fear me not, drunkard. 我不会伤害你 You shall not be harmed 只要你如实回答我的问题 so long as you tell me all that I need to know. 这就是你要的答案 Well, here"s all you need to know. 看着我

 废物 See me, derelict. 看着我的眼睛 Look into my eyes 将你最深处的想法传输给我 and deliver me your innermost thoughts. 醒醒 Awaken. 好样的 Well done.



 柯林斯家族 Now, tell me, the Collins family, 可有后裔 do they endure? 有

 有四个呢 A-yuh. There"s four of them. 谢天谢地 Thank heaven. 请问

 这是几月份 Pray, what month is it? 十月

 所以才会长南瓜啊 October. That"s why there"s pumpkins. -今夕是何年

 -1972 年 - What is the year? - "72. 等等

 是 71 年 Wait. "71 . 不对

 就是 1972 年 A-yuh, 1 972. 2 年 1972? 听好了

 未来人 Hear me, future-dweller. 你将成为我忠实的仆人 You shall be my loyal servant 直到我还你自♥由♥ until such time as I release you. 那先干点啥

 主人 So, what first, master? 你要帮我清洗身体

 无赖 You will cleanse me, miscreant. 然后带我去见 And then you will take me 你提到的柯林斯后裔 to these living Collinses you speak of. 遵命 Okay. 你见过如此气势恢宏的建筑吗 Have you ever seen such majesty? 每天都见啊 Every day. 欧洲的典雅和美洲的大气

 The perfect marriage of European elegance 浑然天成 and American enterprise. 世上绝无仅有的 Nine of the finest craftsmen 9 位巧匠 the world will ever know 倾尽心血汗水乃至生命 lost digit, limb and life 雕琢这些富丽堂皇的柱子 in the process of carving these glorious pillars. 我敢保证

 他们都心甘情愿为此牺牲 And they all considered it worth the sacrifice, I assure you. 这繁复无比

 精美绝伦的宏伟吊灯 The opulence and complexity of this magnificent chandelier 只有在贵族皇宫方能窥见 should only be found in the palaces of nobility. 这壁炉 The fireplace 完全是用来自弗洛伦撒最精致的卡拉拉 sculpted entirely of the most exquisite Carrara marble 大理石雕琢而成 from Firenze, Italia, 每个结合点都有一颗珍珠 each joint containing a single pearl. 你是喝醉了还是咋了 Are you stoned or something? 他们试图石化我

 亲爱的 They tried stoning me, my dear. 可没成功 It did not work. 什么时候开始 When did they start 允许夜间风流女子进家门了 allowing women of the night on estate grounds? 卡洛琳 Carolyn. -看

 -对了 - Look. - Ah, yes. 真不可思议

 不是吗 Uncanny, is it not?

 我花那么长时间摆姿势也值了 Worth every hour I spent posing. 请原谅

 我的名字是巴纳巴斯·柯林斯 Forgive me. My name is Barnabas Collins. 我是大卫·柯林斯 I"m David Collins. -我们是

 -亲戚 - Are we--? - Related? 可以说是远亲 Distantly, you might say. 很高兴认识你

 大卫少爷 It is a pleasure to make your acquaintance, Master David. 孩子们 Children! 别靠近那个人 Get away from that man. 他说他是巴纳巴斯·柯林斯 He says his name is Barnabas Collins. 我很确定他说我是妓♥女♥ And I"m pretty sure he called me a hooker. 可以了

 卡洛琳 That"ll do, Carolyn. 请借一步说话 A word, please. 若这是什么耍人的鬼把戏 If this is some kind of a joke, 那么游戏结束了 consider it played. 若你是为钱而来 If it"s money you"re after, 恐怕你听信了不实流言 I"m afraid you"ve been misinformed. 可不管你是谁

 你 But whoever you are, you"re 不能再靠近孩子们半步

 明白了吗 not to look at those children again. Am I clear? 女士

 你对家族的忠诚 Your devotion to family 令人敬畏 is admirable, madam. 你的猜忌

 And your suspicion 也可以理解 understandable. 陌生人来访 A stranger arrives 口口声声说是远亲 claiming to be a distant relation. 的确要推敲其动机 The question of motive is to be expected. 作为柯林斯后裔 As a Collins 你一定知道 surely you are aware of 笼罩着家族的无尽黑暗吧 the darkness that has long plagued our family. 你是说家族诅咒 You mean our curse. 女巫


 吸血鬼 Witches, ghosts and vampires. 神秘事件 Myths. 我猜你和之前的许多人一样 And like so many before you 是来帮我们降妖除魔的吧 I suppose you"re here to rid us of them. 从中收取报酬 For a price, of course. -我能证明我与他们不同

 -如何证明 - I can prove that I am different. - Oh? 首先

 我不是为钱而来 Firstly, I do not come seeking money. 而是来造福你们的 Rather, to provide it. 第二 Secondly, 我对这座建筑了如指掌 I know the body of this mansion as well as I know my own. 每一个角落 Every nook, 每一处转角 every corner,

 每一个秘密 every secret! 那是我放饰品的地方 That"s where I keep my macramé. 暴殄天物 A disgraceful misuse. 领教了 Impressive. 但是很多老房♥子都有暗门 But there are plenty of old houses with hidden doors. 我希望你能说出第三点 I hope you have a "Thirdly." 确实 Indeed. 告诉我 Tell me 关于巴纳巴斯·柯林斯 what do you know 你知道些什么 of Barnabas Collins? 其实只是些传说 Just legends, really. 他很自信也很强壮 He was confident and strong. 受人钦佩 Admired by all. 但他相信我们家族受到诅咒 But he believed our family was cursed 父母被杀害后

 他就疯了 and when his parents were killed, he went mad. 四处宣称 Went around insisting 一个女巫把他变成了吸血鬼 that a witch had turned him into a vampire. 他怎么死的 And what is known of his death? 不知道 Nothing. 想象不出 Not that I can think of. 那是因为


 That, madam 他没有死 is because he never died. 我就是巴纳巴斯·柯林斯 I am Barnabas Collins. 就是说你是... That means you"re... 吸血鬼


 夫人 A vampire, madam. Yes. 万分遗憾

 确实如此 And most regrettably so. 但更重要的是 But more importantly, 我是柯林斯家族的一员 I am a Collins. 我以荣誉担♥保♥ And I give you my word of honor: 你和这屋里的任何人 Neither you nor any under this roof 都不必恐惧我这受诅咒的天性 need fear my cursed nature. 我父亲在密道和暗室方面极有天赋 My father had quite a flair for secret passages and rooms. 小时候 As a boy, 我曾逐一探寻过它们 I took it upon myself to discover each one. 但是这间 But this one 这间一直是我的最爱 This one was always my favorite. 家族才是唯一真实的财富 "Family is the only real wealth," 他总是这么说 He would often remark. 尽管

 显然 Though clearly 他也不排斥其他财富 he was not opposed to other kinds. 哦

 我的天 Oh, my God.

 这么多年来 We"ve been sitting on 我们一直躺在这些财宝上面 top of a fortune all these years. 我想留下 I mean to stay. 我想重新成为家族的一员 I mean to be a part of this family again. 有一个条件 On one condition. 请讲 Yes. 答应我

 这些 Promise me that this, 所有一切 all of this, 都将成为我们的秘密 will remain our secret. 一言为定 So be it. 同伴 Partners. 欢迎回家

 巴纳巴斯·柯林斯 Welcome home, Barnabas Collins. 我被一只 I was awakened 铁齿黄龙惊醒 by a yellow dragon with iron teeth. 看到一个巨大的字母 M Confronted by a giant letter M 发出的光芒堪比千百灯笼 with the luminance of a thousand lanterns. 他不会永远说下去吧 He"s not staying with us forever, is he? 我喜欢他 I like him. 是啊

 我相信 Yes, well, I"m sure 英格兰跟我们有很多不同 things are very different in England. 那么


 So, Barnabas, 你在家里做什么生意 what sort of business are you in back home? 柯林斯家族一直做渔业生意 The Collins family has always been in the fishing business. 经过两个世纪的考虑 But after two centuries of consideration 我决定将自己的全部精力投入到 I have decided to devote the entirety of my energies 家族中 to family. 他是想说

 感觉像两个世纪 He means it seemed like two centuries. 早上好 Morning. 这家伙是谁 Who the hell is this? 霍夫曼医生, Dr. Hoffman, 这是我们的远房♥亲戚 this is our distant relative, 巴纳巴斯·柯林斯 Barnabas Collins. 三世 The Third. 巴纳巴斯·柯林斯三世从英格兰来 Barnabas Collins III is going to stay with us 准备住在这里 from England. 巴纳巴斯 Barnabas? 这是朱莉娅·霍夫曼医生 Dr. Julia Hoffman. 上帝 My God. 一个女医生 A woman doctor. 这是个什么时代啊 What an age this is. 他在开玩笑吧 Is he for real?

 我觉得他是长途旅行太累了 I think he"s just tired from his long trip. 我知道你们生活窘迫 I see that you have grown desperate enough 家族中最珍贵的银器都被变卖&hets;♥了 to sell off the prized family silverware. 你怎么知道 How could you tell? 这些都是高仿品 These are exact replicas. 如果这个叉子是银制 Had this fork been real silver 只要轻轻一碰 my hand would have burst into flames 我的手指就会燃起火焰 upon its slightest touch. 是啊

 你说过 Yes, you mentioned 你有严重金属过敏 you have a terrible metal allergy. 总之

 渔业生意目前奄奄一息 Anyway, the fishing business is all but gone. 庄园也快成废墟了 The manor is nearly in ruins. 好了

 我回来了 Well, I have returned. 很快

 我们的财富也将回归 And in short order, so shall our fortunes. 祝你好运 Good luck. 缅因州大部分渔船的生意 Angie has deals with 是安琪在处理 most of the boats in Maine. -安琪

 -安琪海湾 - Angie? - Angelbay. 他们占据了东海岸的所有港口 They"ve taken just about every port on the East Coast. 那么我的工作就由此展开 Then that is where my work begins. 有你们的祝福

 And with your blessing 我会让家族事业重现往日辉煌 I shall restore the family business to its former glory. 乔塞特 Josette. 这是维姬 That"s Vicky. 她相信鬼魂

 跟我一样 She believes in ghosts, like me. 你好 Hi. 幸会 Enchanted. 你当然不会让他们叫你维姬 Surely you do not let them call you "Vicky." 像维多利亚这般美妙的名字 A name like Victoria is so beautiful 我实在无法忍♥受将其减少任何一个音节 I could not bear to part with a single syllable of it. 是啊 Yeah, well 可能你呆的那个地方长着摇钱树 money might grow on trees where you"re from 但我们这儿要赚钱可不容易 but it"s a little harder to come by here. 别为我的方法担忧 Do not concern yourself with my methods. 我想尽快见到工厂 I should like to see the factory immediately. 备马需要多久 How soon can the horses be ready? 我们没有马 We don"t have horses. 我们有辆雪佛兰 We have a Chevy. 安琪

 祝你今天开心 Hey, Angie, have a great day! 早上好

 安琪 Morning, Angie! 你好

 安琪 Hi, Angie!

 早上好 Morning! 一个封口机冒烟了 One of the seamers blew a clutch. 恢复生产需要两个小时 It"ll be two hours before it"s back online. 给你一个小时 Make it an hour. 这里要开始严格监工 And start cracking the whip out here. 今天所有人看起来动作慢了一半 Everybody looks like they"re moving at half speed today. 跟你说实话

 我觉得 Tell you the truth, I think they"re 他们是被昨晚的事吓到了 a little spooked about what happened last night. 什么意思 What do you mean? 你没听说吗 Didn"t you hear? 今天早上 9 号♥公路边的树林里 They found 11 workers 发现了 11 个死去的工人 dead in the woods off Route 9 this morning. 意外总会发生 Well, accidents happen. 那不是意外 It wasn"t an accident. 某个疯子割断了他们的脖子 Some maniac ripped their throats out. 9 号♥公路边哪里 Where off Route 9? 好啦 All right! 你敲前 20 下的时候我就听到了 I heard you the first 20 times. 把你♥他♥妈♥的裤衩 Keep your damn panties -穿上

 -我尽量 - on. - I"ll do my best. 跟巴纳巴斯·柯林斯说句话


 A word with Barnabas Collins, please. 哦


 谁 Oh, he"s... Who? 我想你知道是谁 Oh, I think you know who. 乌黑头发

 外表英俊 Black hair, handsome features. 衣着怪异

 沾满鲜血 Strange clothes covered in fresh blood. 天哪 My, 我们让这个地方进了地狱

 是吗 we"ve let this place go to hell, haven"t we? 正是属于它的地方 Right where it belongs. 你一定是卡洛琳 You must be Carolyn. 你像一只饿虎 You"re like a hungry tiger 我们都成长为多么迷人的尤物了 We"re growing into quite the fetching creature. 安琪莉可 Angelique. 伊丽莎白 Elizabeth. 你看起来不错 You"re looking well. 是什么令我们有此荣幸 And to what do we owe the pleasure? 我代表镇议会到这里 I"m here on behalf of the town council 欢迎新访客来到柯林斯港 to welcome our new visitor to Collinsport. 恐怕他现在在睡觉 He"s asleep, I"m afraid. 大白天

 多奇怪啊 During the day? How odd. 那地狱般的噪音是什么 What was that infernal banging? 巴纳巴斯

 我们有客人了 Barnabas, we have a guest.



 我刚起床 My apologies, madam. I have just arisen. 你一定觉得我是个胆小鬼

 女士... You must think me a fright. Miss...? 你好

 巴纳巴斯 Hello, Barnabas. 我是安琪·布沙尔 My name is Angie Bouchard. 是啊 So it is. 你知道我想把你怎么样吗 Do you know what I would very much like to do with you? 我只能想像 I can only imagine. 我很想跟你在会客厅里说句话 I would very much like to have a word in the drawing room. 如果你允许的话

 伊丽莎白 With your permission, Elizabeth. 可以吗 Would you excuse us? 你竟胆敢玷污我的庄园 How dare you defile my manor 你这肮脏的... with your noxious...? 真的是你 It"s really you. 你竟胆敢把你邪恶的嘴唇放在我嘴上 How dare you place your wicked lips upon me? 我记得这地方以前没这么压抑 I remember this place being less depressing. 我还记得我们两个有过很多快乐 I also remember the two of us having a lot of fun. 在这儿 Here 还有 and 这儿 here. 你知道你令我所经受的折磨吗 Have you any idea what you put me through? 你杀害我爱的女人

 You killed the woman I love 将我变为这样丑恶的怪物 and cursed me to be this hideous creature. 巴纳巴斯

 忘掉吧 Barnabas, get over it. 把我锁在盒子里 200 年 Locked in a box for 200 years! 别那么夸张

 只有 196 年 Don"t exaggerate, it was only 196. 万劫不复 It was an eternity. 我应该让你也感受一下巫术 I shall have you tried for witchcraft 再被烧死在柱子上 and burnt at the stake. 可怜的宝贝巴纳巴斯 Poor, sweet Barnabas. 你睡觉的时候很多事都变了 Things have changed while you were taking your little nap. 我的安琪海湾现在已经取代柯林斯港 My Angelbay is Collinsport now. 所以你就是那个 So you are the one who has 让柯林斯家族事业走向深渊的人 sent the Collins family business into the abyss. 他们爱我 They love me here. 我是他们的小水塘里唯一一条大鱼 I"m the only big fish left in their little pond. 真的吗 Is that so? 柯林斯港的民众 And do the good people of 知道他们敬爱的安琪 Collinsport know that their beloved Angie 是魔王的妓♥女♥吗 is a whore of Beelzebub? 你真以为会有人相信你说的话 Do you really think anyone would believe a word you said? 200 年来我一直是这个社区的 I"ve been an upstanding member of this community

 模范成员 for 200 years 只是用了不同的身份 in one form or another. 你的名字可能改变 Your name may have changed, 但你始终是撒旦的梦魔 but you remain the Succubus of Satan. 魔鬼的娼妓

 下流的... Harlot of the devil. Vulgar... 柯林斯港的人们现在都是我的崇拜者 The people of Collinsport are my worshippers now. 对他们来说 And to them 你只是个怕见阳光的陌生人 you"re just a stranger who"s afraid of the sun. 欢迎重回阴影 Welcome back to the shadows, 巴纳巴斯·柯林斯 Barnabas Collins. 我很想你 I"ve missed you. 安琪海湾 Angelbay. 厚颜无♥耻♥的名号♥ The very audacity of the name 招来我内心深处的唾弃 summons vomit into the recesses of my mouth. 我一直觉得安琪有些怪怪的 I always knew there was something off about Angie. 但她是女巫 But a witch? 确实 Indeed. 而且是一个 But a witch 对我怀有无法释怀的仇恨的女巫 with an impenetrable hatred of me. 仇恨 Hate? 不


 No, if she merely hated you, 她会杀了你 she would"ve killed you. 诅咒需要做出牺牲 A curse takes devotion. 为什么我必须独自品尝 Why must I alone 家族树上结出的诅咒腐♥败♥之果 bear the rotten fruit of our cursed family tree? 我的父母

 被夺走 My parents, taken. 我的真爱

 被夺走 My true love, taken. 你做了什么 And what did you do? 我试图从悬崖上跳下自杀 I attempted to throw myself from a cliff. 悲惨地

 徒劳无功 Tragically, to no avail. 接着 And then 我变成了吸血鬼 I became a vampire 开始杀害无辜的居民 and started to kill innocent townspeople. 是的 Yes, 但你还是保全了家族的事业 but you also kept the family business afloat 保持庄园不分崩离析 and tried to keep the manor from falling apart. 是 Yes. 是的


 对吗 Yes, I did, didn"t I? 你抗争了

 巴纳巴斯 You fought on, Barnabas. 你以疯狂而悲惨的方式抗争了 In your own crazy and miserable way, you fought on 直到他们将你拖入 until they had to drag you away

 上锁的铁箱子里 and lock you in an iron box 使你无法抗争 to keep you from fighting. 上帝

 你是对的 My God, you"re right. 你抗争

 因为这是你的本性 You fought on because it"s in your blood. 是我们的本性

 夫人 In our blood, madam. 现在你有机会重新开始抗争 And now you have a chance to fight again. 我应当抗争 And fight I shall. 这种感情萦绕着我 Such a feeling"s coming over me 很多事情上我心存疑虑 There is wonder in most everything I see 没有云的天空 Not a cloud in the sky, 阳光照在我的眼中 got the sun in my eyes 如果一切如梦

 我也不会惊恐 And I won"t be surprised if it"s a dream 我对于世界的美好幻想 Everything I want the world to be 都能特别为我而实现 Is now coming true especially for me 原因明了 And the reason is clear, 因为这里有你 it"s because you are here 在你身边便与天堂无异 You"re the nearest thing to heaven that I"ve seen 站在世界之巅俯瞰众生 I"m on the top of the world looking down on creation 心中明白 And the only explanation I can find 只要你在身边就能看到爱 Is the love that I"ve found ever since you"ve been around 你的爱令我站在世界之巅

 Your love"s put me at the top of the world 风中已有我的故事 Something in the wind has learned my name 它说世界已经变得不同 And it"s telling me that things are not the same 绿叶枝头摇

 清风迎面飘 In the leaves on the trees and the touch of the breeze 这种感觉多美妙 There"a pleasing sense of happiness for me 在我心中只有一个愿望 There is only one wish on my mind 时间流逝希望我会找到 When this day is through I hope that I will find 明天对我们来说仍是一样 That tomorrow will be just the same for you and me 有你在此

 我会心想事成 All I need will be mine if you are here 站在世界之巅俯瞰众生 I’m on the top of the world looking down on creation 这是什么巫术 What sorcery is this? 现身吧

 小歌♥女 Reveal yourself, tiny songstress! 只要你在身边就能看到爱 Is the love that I"ve found ever since you"ve been around 你的爱令我站在世界之巅 Your love"s put me at the top of the world 站在世界之巅俯瞰众生 I"m on the top of the world looking down on creation 心中明白 And the only explanation I can find 只要你在身边就能看到爱 Is the love that I"ve found ever since you"ve been around 你的爱令我站在世界之巅 Your love"s put me at the top of the world 站在世界之巅俯瞰众生 I"m on the top of the world looking down on creation 心中明白 And the only explanation I can find 只要你在身边就能看到爱 Is the love that I"ve found ever since you"ve been around

 你的爱令我站在世界之巅 Your love’s put me at the top of the world 你想要渔夫 You want fishermen, 就得先去找塞拉斯·克拉尼 you gotta get Silas Clarney first. 从酒吧港到波士顿 He"s got the ear of every captain 都有他的眼线 from Bar Harbor to Boston. 他们叫他大浅滩的教父 They call him the "Godfather of the Grand Banks." 打扰了

 克拉尼船长 Excuse me. Captain Clarney? 克拉尼船长 Captain Clarney, 这位是巴纳巴斯·柯林斯 I"d like you to meet Barnabas Collins. 柯林斯 Collins? 为什么柯林斯家的人要跟我说话 And why does a Collins want to talk to me? 向你提供合同 To offer you a contract. 我已经签了合同 I have a contract 跟安琪海湾 with Angelbay. 如果我告诉你我能给你更好的呢 And if I told you I could offer you a better one? 那么

 柯林斯先生 Then, Mr. Collins, 我会告诉你

 做你的美梦去吧 I would tell you to take a long walk off a short pier. 在我们这行里有样东西叫做忠诚 There is such a thing as loyalty in our line of work. 我知道 I see. 克拉尼先生 Mr. Clarney, 你已经对为安琪海湾工作感到厌烦了

 you have grown rather weary of working for Angelbay. 事实上

 你宁愿将灵魂卖♥♥给撒旦 In fact, you would rather sell your soul to Satan 也不愿再卖♥♥一条鱼给安琪莉可·布沙尔 than sell another fish to Angelique Bouchard. 明白了吗 Do you understand? 我 I 明白了 understand. 很好 Very good. 现在 Now 你是否愿意帮忙介绍一些 if you would be so kind as to introduce me 你手下的船长给我 to some of your fellow captains? 巴纳巴斯 Barnabas? 你盯着卡洛琳的房♥间看什么 Why are you staring into Carolyn"s room? 那是什么 What is that thing? 是盏灯 It"s a lamp. 看起来像一个血脉喷张的罐子 It looks like a pulsating blood urn. 我觉得你该来我办公室坐坐了 I think it"s time I showed you my office, 巴纳巴斯 Barnabas. 你知道精神病医师是干什么的吗 Do you know what a psychiatrist is? 很遗憾

 我对这个词很陌生 Regrettably, the word is foreign to me. 我可否假设它是一种美式佳肴 May I assume it is some species of American delicacy? 是专门研究混乱思维的医生 It"s a medical doctor that specializes in disorders of the mind.

 我就是精神病医师 I"m a psychiatrist. 你在哪里出生 Now, where were you born? 利物浦 Liverpool. 能描述一下吗 Can you describe it for me? 肮脏 Filthy. 空气中充满烟尘 The air is choked with soot 街...

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