
 promptly adv. 迅速地;立即地 use land economically and intensively 节约集约用地 grant v. 授予;允许;承让 city clusters 城市群 municipality n. 市民;自治市;市政公债 carrying capacity n. 承载能力 bring population growth in megacities under control 控制超大城市人口规模 megacity n. 大城市 prefectural adj. 县的;府的;地方行政长官的 prefectural cities 地级市 county towns 县城 hub towns 中心镇 malady n. 弊病;疾病 traffic congestion 城市拥堵 developing the western region, revitalizing the northeast, boosting the rise of the central region, and ensuring the eastern region takes the lead in development

 四大板块 hub n. 中心;木片 dock n. 码头 quay n. 口岸 maritime country 海洋大国 dispute n. 争吵 v. 辩论 resolutely adj. 坚决的;果断的 medium-hign level 中高端 Made in China 2025 中国制造 2025 upgrade China from a manufacturer of quantity to one of quality

 从制造大国转向制造强国 accelerate equipment depreciation 加速折旧 depreciation n. 折旧;贬值 acquisition and restructuring 兼并重组 let market competition determine which business survive

 在市场竞争中优胜劣汰 the extensive application of information technologies in industrialization

 工业化和信息化深度融合 areas of intense competition 竞争高地 high-end equipment 高端设备 integrated circuits 集成电路 paid vacations 带薪休假 large-scale wholesale 大型批发 cold chain facilities 冷链 commoditization n. 商品化 attract high-caliber foreign professionals and bring in other expertise from overseas

 引进国外高质量人才和智力 caliber n. 口径;水准;才干 intellectual property rights 知识产权 crack down on infringements 打击侵权 infringement n. 侵权;违反 thrive v. 繁荣;枝繁叶茂 collaborative adj. 合作的;协作的 give them a leg up to get them going 扶上马,送一程 grassroots 草根 cutting-edge technology 前沿技术 The only way to build a country is to enrich its people.


 income distribution system 收入分配制度 a record high 历史最高 community level 基层 vulnerable urban residents 城镇困难人员 decommissioned military personnel 退役军人 missing or delayed wages of migrant workers 拖欠农民工工资 premium n. 保险费;奖金 entitled adj. 有资格的 v. 给予…权利 have a bearing on a great number of people 受益面广 Education is an endeavor for today, but a source of hope for tomorrow.


 foster virtue through education 立德树人

 put ideas into practice 实践能力 We should ensure that students strengthen dedication to socialism with Chinese characteristics. 培养中国特色社会主义建设者和接班人。

 provincial-level government 省级政府 vocational education 职业教育 pairing programs 对口支援 world-class universities and disciplines

 世界一流大学和一流学科 discipline n. 学科;纪律;惩罚;训练 preschool education 学前教育 clear any obstructions to upwards mobility 畅通纵向流通渠道 general practitioner system 全科医生制度 practitioner n. 开发者;从业者 the system of tiered diagnosis and treatment 分级诊疗体系 tiered 分层布置 diagnosis n. 诊断 extortionate adj. 敲诈的;勒索的 preempt v. 先占;先取 per capita 人均 traditional Chinese medicine 中医药 traditional medicine of ethnic minorities 民族医药事业 mediate v. 调解;斡旋 lifeblood 精神命脉 a source of innovation 创造源泉 core socialist value 社会主义核心价值观 archiving n. 归档;档案 cultural relics and intangible cultural heritage 非物质文化遗产" intangible adj. 无形的;触摸不到的;难以理解的 avid adj. 渴望的;贪婪的 public fitness programs 全民健身 bid n. 申办;竞标 untie v. 解脱;脱钩

 minor n. 未成年人 v. 副修

 mitigate v. 缓轻;缓和 seismology n. 地震学 meteorology n. 气象学 the handling of public complaints filed through letters and visits

 信访举报制度 bring into line with the rule of law 纳入法制轨道 see to it that 努力使;记得… pornography, gambling, drug abuse and trafficking 黄赌毒 trafficking (traffic 的现在分词)非法交易尤指毒品买卖 cult activity 邪教 smuggling 走私 conserving energy, reducing emissions 节能减排 blight n&v. 枯萎 a blight on people"s quality of life and a trouble that weights on their hearts

 民生之患,民心之痛 fight it with all our might 铁腕治理 hydropower n. 水力发电 wellbeing n. 民生;幸福 put great weight behind the development of 大力发展… exploit v. 开发;开拓 set a ceiling on 限制… circular economy 循环经济 new pillar of the economy 新兴的支柱产业 expand the trial of having localities situated on the upper and lower reaches of river basins compensate each other for their impact on water quality 扩大流域上下游横向补偿机制试点 situated v. 使位于 reach n. 河段;范围 basin n. 水池;流域;盆地 compensate v. 补偿;抵消 logging n. 纪录;伐木工作 afforest v. 绿化;造林于空地

 unrelenting adj. 无情的;不屈不挠的 blue skies, lucid waters 绿水蓝天 fully promote 全面推进 move more swiftly 加快… service-oriented government 服务型政府 enhance the government"s administration capacity and public credibility

 增强政府执行力和公信力 exercise governance 执政 law enforcement system 执法体制 impartial adj. 公平的;公正的;不偏不倚的 rectify v. 改正 respect, study, abide by, and apply the law 遵法学法守法用法 provision n. 规定;条款;准备 earnestly adv. 真挚的;认真的 affiliation n. 友好关系;同盟 thrift n. 节俭 integrity n. 完整;正直;廉正 conscientiously adv. 认真地 rent-seeking (权利)求租 tirelessly adv. 不知疲倦地 truss v. 捆绑;用构架支撑 truss up the institutional fencing 扎住制度围栏 eradicate v. 根除;根绝 breeding n. 繁殖;培育;再生 our tough stance on corruption is here to stay 始终保持反腐高压态势 diligence n. 勤奋;勤勉 keep the wellbeing of the people at the forefront of their minds 把群众冷暖忧乐放在心头 indolent adj. 懒惰的;无痛的 sloppy adj. 草率的;粗心的 commend v. 称赞;表扬

 equality, unity, mutual assistance, and harmony

 平等团结互助和谐 joint responsibility 共同责任 overseas Chinese nationals 海外华侨 sovereignty n. 主权;主权国家 one country, two systems 一国两制 a high degree of autonomy 高度自治 adhere v. 坚持;依附 both sides of the Straits 海峡两岸 1992 Consensus 九二共识 compatriot n. 同胞;同国人 a historical trend that can be neither resisted nor reversed 不可阻挡不可逆转的历史潮流 commemorate v. 庆祝;纪念 era n. 时代;年代;纪元 rally v. 团结;重整;恢复 hold high the great banner of socialism with Chinese characteristics

 高举中国特色社会主义伟大旗帜 banner n. 旗帜;横幅;标语 great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation

 中华民族的伟大复兴 Chinese people"s War of Resistance against Japanese Aggression 中国抗日战争

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