

  宏观政策连续性稳定性可持续性:continuity, consistency, and sustainability of macro policies 合理区间:an appropriate range 主要经济指标:major economic indicators 赤字率:the deficit-to-GDP ratio 小规模纳税人:small-scale taxpayers 增值税起征点:the VAT threshold 宽带和专线:broadband and dedicated internet access services 中小企业:small and medium enterprises 港口建设费:port development fee 民航发展基金:civil aviation development fund 重大突破:major breakthroughs 关键技术:key technologies 扩大内需:to expand domestic demand 家电:home appliances 大宗消费(品):big-ticket items 二手车:second-hand vehicles 区域全面经济伙伴关系协定:Regional Comprehensive Economic Partnership Agreement 中欧投资协定:the China-EU Comprehensive Agreement on Investment 生态建设:ecological conservation

 清洁取暖:clean heating 碳达峰:to achieve peak carbon emissions 碳中和:carbon neutrality 教育公平:equitable education 进城务工人员子女:children of rural migrant workers in cities 医保:basic medical insurance 基本公共卫生服务:basic public health services 住房问题:housing issues 长租房市场:long-term rental housing market 民族区域自治制度:the system of regional ethnic autonomy 强军思想:thinking on strengthening the armed forces 新时代军事战略方针:military strategy for the new era 练兵备战:military training and preparedness 战略能力:strategic capacity 一国两制:One Country, Two Systems 港人治港:The people of Hong Kong administer Hong Kong. 澳人治澳:The people of Macao administer Macao. 外部势力:external forces 一个中国原则:the one-China principle 九二共识:the 1992 Consensus 祖国统一:China"s reunification 独立自主的和平外交政策:an independent foreign policy of peace 全球伙伴关系:

 global partnerships

 新型国际关系:a new type of international relations

推荐访问:英文 政府工作报告 词汇