
 魔镜向你展示了什么 What does the Mirror show you? 你能看见什么 What do you see? 被讲了一遍又一遍的 An oft-told tale, 白雪公主的故事 that of Snow White. 她是如何打败邪恶的王后蕾文娜 How she vanquished the evil Queen Ravenna, 夺回理应属于她的王位 and took her rightful place on the throne. 但还有个故事 But there is another story, 你还从没听过 one you have not yet seen. 一个早在圆♥满♥结局之前的故事 One that comes long before "Happily ever after". 猎神:冬日之战 区区小卒 A mere pawn? 不起眼的小卒也能扳倒国家的 A humble pawn can bring down kingdoms. 别分我的神了 Stop distracting me. 可怜的小卒

 刻薄的老国王 Poor little pawn. Mean old king. 真悲哀 So sad. 但最终决定权... But the final say... 在王后手里 Well, Queen, will have that. 王后吃国王 Queen takes king. 你还以为只是下盘棋而已 And you thought this was just a game. 有魔镜听命于蕾文娜 With the Mirror at her command, 她势不可挡 Ravenna was invincible. 像之前那些国家一样

 她占领了这里 She took her kingdom as she had taken others before it. 而且她还会占领更多国家

 and as she would take others again, 她的妹妹弗雷娅

 陪伴在她左右 with her sister, Freya, at her side. 你爱他吗 Is it love? 真心的 Truly? 我真心爱他

 到你了 It is love, truly. Your move. 我为什么要自寻烦恼呢

 你总能赢 Why should I bother? You always win. 是你总让我赢 You always let me win. 谁让你就是我的弱点 I suppose you are my weakness. 好吧 Very well. 后到第五格

 三步将死 Queen to Rook five. Checkmate in three. 失败是经验


 总有一天你会赢 Learn from lost, Freya, and your day will come. 一旦你心底的魔力被唤醒 Your possibilities will be endless 你的潜能不可限♥量♥ once the magic awakens in your heart. 不会醒的 It won"t. 我们都明白的

 我不像你 We both know it won"t. I"m not like you. 我们家族的女人都有这种天赋

 弗雷娅 All the women of our blood are gifted, Freya. 总有一天 And in time... 你会找到你力量的源泉

 像我一样 you will find the source of your power, as I"ve found mine. 那我们就等着看吧 We"ll see. 怎么了 What? 你怀了他的孩子 You"re carrying his child. 你不知道 You didn"t know. -他和别人订婚了的


 - He"s promised to another. - He does not love her. 他们的婚约板上钉钉

 不能毁约 Their engagement is sealed and cannot be break. 他不会承认你 He will deny you. 也不会承认你的女儿的 And he will deny your daughter. 他不会的 He will not. 弗雷娅 Freya. 不是我残忍♥ I"m not being cruel. 我只是想保护你 I simply wish to protect you. 事情的发展也许会出乎你所料的 You may be surprised how things turn out. 你知道得很多

 蕾文娜 You know much, Ravenna. 但并不是一切 But you do not know all. 恐怕就是一切 I"m afraid I do. 弗雷娅没有相信她姐姐 Freya did not believe her sister. 因为爱情能蒙蔽哪怕最明智的双眼 For love blinds even the clearest eye. 在她女儿只有几周大时 And when her daughter was but a few weeks old, 弗雷娅的信任最终得到了回报 Freya"s trusting heart was rewarded at last. 她的情人来了信 Her lover had sent word. 他会抛弃家人 He would defile his family 在皇家花♥园♥里跟弗雷娅秘密成婚 and marry Freya in secret in the royal garden. 他们会带上孩子 They would gather their child 逃出王国

 开启新生活 and flee the kingdom to begin a life of their own. 弗雷娅

 别去 Freya, don"t. 我别无选择

 I had no choice. 我别无选择

 弗雷娅 I had no choice, Freya. 不 Noooooooo! 悲愤交加的弗雷娅 Consumed by grief and anger, 辞别了姐姐 Freya left his sister to seek 去遥远的北方寻找属于自己的国度 a kingdom of her own in the land far to the north. 在那里

 人们一听到她的名字就会害怕 There, the people would come to fear her very name. 烧

 杀光他们 Burn it! Kill them all! 既然她无法养大一个孩子 For if she could not raise a child, 那就养一支军队作为替代吧 then in it"s place she would raise an army. 来吧

 小子 Come on, boy! 不 No! 艾瑞克

 快跑 Eric! Run! 来吧

 小不点 Come on, you runt. 弗雷娅把北部曾经的绿色沃野 Freya turned the once green farm lands of the North 变成了冰冻废土 into a frozen wasteland. 她在那建起城♥堡♥

 成了王国的冰雪女王 There she built her fortress, and rule as the Ice Queen. 牛车 Carretas! 你们多幸运 How lucky you are. 来到了我这里 You"re with me now. 再也不必受这种折磨了 And you will never know this suffering again. 你在害怕吗 You are scared? 不

 No. 你在想念你父亲 Is it your father that you missed? 你母亲 Your mother? -是

 -是 - Yes. - Yes. 告诉我你的名字 Tell me your name. 塔尔 Tull. 爱是谎言 Love is a lie. 是残忍♥者欺骗愚蠢者和弱小者 It is a trick played by the cruel on the foolish and the weak. 摒弃这种想法吧 Cast it from your mind. 不要让它把你们的心灵或意志变得脆弱 Never let it render you frail of mind, or of will. 因为我的王国只有一条法律 Because in my kingdom there is but one law: "禁止爱" "Do not love." 那是一种罪

 我不会饶恕 It"s a sin, and I"ll not forgive it. 我不想再听到什么家庭和爱了 Now, let"s hear no more of family and love. 那些幻想配不上你们 Those illusions are beneath you. 我已经让你们从中解脱了 I have freed you from them. 我这珍贵的礼物

 只求一样回报 And in exchange for this precious gift, I ask only one thing. 你们的忠诚 Your loyalty. 你们会接受训练

 变得坚强冷酷 You will train. You will harden. 你们会成为我的精英

 我的猎人 You will become my elite, my Huntsmen. 从此没什么能摧毁你们 And nothing will ever, ever destroy you. 拿着 Take it! 一



 One. Two. Three. 劈 Strike! 从此

 孩子们成长为战士 And so, children grew to be soldiers. 持剑拿弓 Becoming one with blade and arrow. 准备 Prepare your bows! 拉弓 Draw! 放箭 Release! 侍卫 Guard? 那个男孩和那个女孩 The boy and the girl. 他们是谁

 名字叫什么 Who are they? What are their names? -哪个

 -最优秀的 - Which? - The best ones. 艾瑞克和萨拉

 女王陛下 Eric and Sara, my queen. 我吓到你了吗 Did I scare you? 你不知道吗 Do you not know? 我从不会射偏 I never miss. 牛车 Carretas! 新的孩子们到了

 长官 The new children, sir. 是时候了 It"s about time. 快点



 出来 Come on, kids. Come on, hurry up, get out. Come on. 快点 Come on. 别担心 Don"t worry. 出来 Out! 快点


 Come on. Move, faster. 你在里面干什么 What are you doing in there? 我知道住在这里的人是谁 I know who lives here. 我害怕她 She scares me. 你是对的 Uh, you"re right. 她有时候可能会有点暴躁 She can be wee bit grumpy from time to time. 你知道我怎么办吗 Do you know what I do? 我从来都不让她知道我真正的想法 I just never let her know what I am thinking. 你怎么做到的 How do you do that? 你能做个愤怒的表情吗 Well, can you make a mean face? 还不错 That"s not bad. 这样呢 What about like this. 好点了

 这就是你上战场的表情 That"s better. Now, that"s your war face. 只要在女王面前你总是这幅表情 If you wear that always when the Queen is near, 她就永远不会知道你的真实想法了 she"ll never know what you"re thinking either. 你这样做

 就没事 You do that and you"ll be fine. 来吧 Come on. 女王派军队 The Queen sent her army 与北方诸王交战 to wage war against the great kings of the North. 打赢了一仗又一仗

 他们荣耀归来 Battle after battle, they returned victorious. 当然得活着的才行 Those who were left alive. 你们做得很好

 孩子们 You"ve done well, my children. 非常好

 Very well. 你忘记了要走在阴影中 You forget to walk in shadow. 而你忘记了平衡 And you forget your balance. 你干什么 What are you doing? 你看不出来吗

 傻小子 Well, can"t you tell, you daft boy? 我要嫁给你 I"m marrying you. 本来是我母亲的 It was my mother"s. 我唯一的宝贝 My only treasure. 之前我为她而活 I lived for her. 现在 Now... 我为你而活 I live for you. 在这种地方我们怎么为彼此而活 How do we live for each other in this place here? 弗雷娅只要一眼就能看出来

 怎么办 Freya will take one look at us and she"ll know, what then? 天快亮了 It"s almost day. 收拾好东西 Gather your things. 在院子里跟我碰面 Meet me in the courtyard. 也许她会抓到我们

 也许抓不到 She"ll catch us, or she won"t. 但不论如何 But either way... 我们都自♥由♥了 we shall be free. 你是爱我的

 对吧 You do love me, don"t you? 是

 我爱你 Aye, I do. 为你而生

 为你而死 I give you my life and my death. 无论生死我都绝不离开你


 Stand or fall, I"ll never leave your side, I swear it to you. 我知道这个故事 I know this story. 女子偷偷与她的真爱相会 The girl goes in secret to meet her one true love. 我想知道这次会如何结束 I wonder how it ends this time. 我给了你们一切 I gave you both everything. 作为回报

 你们却背叛了我 And in return, you betray me. 因为爱 For love. 我们替你打了不少仗

 已经做得够多了 We fought your wars. We"ve done enough. 求您了


 放我们走吧 Please, my Queen, let us go. 别求我 Do not beg me. 那是软弱 It is weak. 你们太软弱 You are weak. 你们想走 You want to leave? 好

 你们走向彼此 Very well, go to each other. 要是能做到

 我就放你们走 If you can, and I"ll let you go. 应该不会太难 Shouldn"t be too hard. 爱能征服一切 Love conquers all. 据说 So I"ve heard. 带他下去 Take him out of my sight. 很久很久以前

 一男一女相爱了 Once upon a time, a man and a woman fell in love. 但爱不会持久 But such things cannot last. 因为人心是不可信任的 For the heart is a treacherous thing. 爱

 And love... 爱不过一个童话 love is nothing more than a fairy tale. 日复一日年复一年 Days turn to years. 弗雷娅的王国继续扩张 Freya"s empire continue to rise. 而她姐姐蕾文娜的王国 While her sister, Ravenna"s 却落到了白雪公主和猎人的手中 fell at the hands of the Huntsman and Snow White. 但某些邪恶 But some evil... 无法被真正打败 cannot truly be vanquished. 七年后 白雪公主的王国 散开 Fan out! 并成一排 Align the flanks ! 失陪了

 亲爱的 See you later, love. -陛下


 我的朋友 - Your Majesty. - Please, my friend. 你怎么找到我的 How did you find me? 找到你可不容易 It wasn"t easy. 是尼昂 Oh, Nion. -你承诺过的

 -他... - You sworn. - Well, he... 他的人把我塞进了一个大罐子 He friends put me in a big... big pot. 别听他胡说

 我们给了他三个金币 What nonsense. We paid him 3 gold. 三个

 才这么点吗 3? Is that all? 一人三个 3 each. -你又是谁

 -格雷夫 - Who are you? - Gryff. 随时为您效劳

 At your service. 追债讨账什么的都可以来找我 Bonds, rewards, debt collection. -我是他哥哥

 -半个哥哥 - I"m his brother. - He, half brother. -同母异父

 -同母异父 - Same mom. - Same mom. 跟我来 Walk with me. 我有很重要的事情找你商量 I have come on a matter of grave importance. 重要的事应该找重要的人来解决 Well, you should find some gravely important people then. 魔镜不见了 The Mirror is gone. 我们以为它的黑魔法已随蕾文娜消失 We believed it"s dark magic died with Ravenna. 可是我们错了 We were wrong. 魔镜里的邪恶力量日益壮大 There is an evil within the Mirror that has only grown in power. 白雪女王已立下诺言 The Queen Snow White has vowed 在情况不可控之前 to rid her kingdom of it 驱除这股邪恶力量

 让它远离王国 before it"s darkness cannot be stopped. 两周前

 女王派遣一支队伍 2 weeks ago, the Queen ordered a detachment of soldiers 带魔镜去神殿

 却有去无回 to take the Mirror to Sanctuary, they never returned. 等等

 我可不是你们的人 Wait, wait, I"m not your man. 你是这个王国最擅长追踪的人 You"re the best tracker we have in the Kingdom. 正如你所言

 魔镜非常邪恶 As you say, the Mirror is evil, 不能让它落入坏人之手 it mustn"t fallen into the hands of the wrong person. 所以女王认为该去找它的人是我吗 And Snow White thinks I"m the one to find it? 她命令你找到魔镜 She commands you to find it. 带它去神殿

 And deliver it to Sanctuary 只有那里才能将它的邪恶力量永远封存 where it"s wickedness can forever be contained. 你接受命令吗 Do you accept or not? 接受


 他接受 Yes, yes, yes. He accepts. 如果有奖赏的话 Provided, there"s a reward. 我可不要什么奖赏 I don"t want no reward. 艾瑞克 Eric. 白雪公主的状况不太好 Snow White is unwell. 是魔镜 The Mirror... 她说她无法自控得去看它 She said she couldn"t stop looking at it. 她能听见魔镜召唤她的声音 She can hear it"s voice calling for her. 所以她才叫人把它送走 That"s why she sent it away. 那是什么 What was that thing? 把所有的军队都调到北界 Move all your forces to the northern border. 为什么

 你是知道什么了吗 Why? What do you know? 是弗雷娅

 北方的冰雪女王 Freya, Queen of the North. 那个猫头鹰是她的密探 That owl was her spy. 现在她知道了魔镜的事 Now, she knows about the Mirror. 如果让她找到魔镜 And if she finds it, 你珍视的一切都将淹没在冰雪之中 everything you hold dear will be covered in ice. 把军队调到北边 Move your men to the north. 你们俩怎么还在这儿 What are you two still doing here? 我们是你的搭档

 We are your partners. 你们不是 No, you are not. 我也是白雪公主的人啊 I am Snow White"s men as well. 我是说矮人


 我得帮她 I mean... I mean dwarf. If she"s in trouble, I want to help! 女王陛下 My Queen. 凡德海姆攻克了 Vardhelm has fallen. 它是最后一个要塞 It was the last stronghold. 整个冰雪之地都是您的了 The entire White Lands are yours. 您赢了 You"ve won. 我赢了吗 Have I? 游戏还没有结束 The game is not finished. 这就是世界边缘

 还是之外亦有世界 Is this where the world ends? Or is there more? 女王

 南方是无法攻占的 My Queen, the South cannot be conquered. 白雪公主的领地幅员辽阔 Snow White"s lands are too vast, 她的军队... her armies are... 你知道艾瑞克还活着吗 Did you know that Eric was alive? 你早就知道对不对 Did you? 我...

 他怎么会活着 I... How? 我发誓我把他的尸体扔在... I swear to you I threw his body... 行了 That"s alright. 这样更好 I prefer it this way. 他在找一样东西 There"s something that he seeks. 我想要

 I want it. 我姐姐的魔镜 My sister"s mirror. 它拥有巨大的魔力 It holds great power. 只要我手持魔镜

 必能成就大业 And with it in my command, I can do great things. 我会解放所有的孩子 I will free every child. 救赎所有人

 就像我救赎你一样 I"ll save them all, as I"ve saved you. 我的猎人军队将会不断壮大 And my army of Huntsman will grow 壮大到任何人都无法阻挡 until nothing will stand in it"s path. 你看

 游戏尚未结束 So, you see, the game is not finished. 让军队准备就位 Prepare the Huntsmen. -他们经过了这里

 -当然了 - They came through here. - Obviously. 从这里能到北路 It"s to access to the Northern road. 直接通往神殿 Leads directly to Sanctuary. 就算不是猎人也知道 No need to be a Huntsman to know that. 尼昂

 你看我像谁 Hey, Nion, who am I? 我在与尘土对话

 我听见它在与我交流 I"m talking to the dirt. I hear it speak to me. 他对这个很在行的

 格雷夫 He"s actually quite good at this, Gryff. 他这是虚张声势 跟个小丑似的 He"s stuff. He"s a buffoon. 我们往北走 We ride north. 事实上

 他们往西边去了 Actually, they headed west. 北方的平原一览无余

 无处躲藏 The Northern road cuts through a plain No where to take cover. 而西方沿路有一片森林 The Western road runs next to a forest. 他们能够在那儿扎营

 That"s where they would have make camp. 我们就去那儿找他们 That"s where we"re going to find them. -当然了...

 -嘘 - Obviously... - Shhh, shhh, shhhh. -尘土又对我说话了

 -它说什么 - The dirt is talking to me again. - What"s it saying? 它说那个话多的家伙是个蠢货 It"s saying the mouthy one is an idiot. 他自己一天都活不下去

 他该早点回家 He wouldn"t last a day on his own and should go home. 我看也是 I agree. 不得到奖赏我是不会回家的 I"m not going home till I get my reward. 你想要金币

 但你在这儿只能找到死亡 You want gold, but all you"re going to find out here is death. 太夸张了吧 A bit dramatic. 夸张

 万一要是真的呢 Dramatic, yeah, unless it"s true. 这是个忠告 We should consider it a good warning. 我才不怕冰雪女王弗雷娅 I know I"m not afraid of Freya of the Frost. 别这么大声

 收敛点吧 Hey, not so loud. Keep your voice down. 你比我想象的还蠢 You"re even more stupid than I thought. 我的天啊 Bloody hell. 谁这么明目张胆地攻击了他们 Who would have attack them out here in the open? 提高警惕

 他们可能还没走远 Keep your eyes peel. They could still be around. 我们找找脚印


 任何线索 We"ll look for tracks, blood trails, anything. 走开 Get off. 这里只有他们自己的箭 These are their own arrows. 自己的刀 Their own blades. 他们是自相残杀而死

 They killed each other. 可是为什么呢 But why? 他们都是公主的手下 These are all the Queen"s men. 魔镜本来在这里 The Mirror was here. 这绝对不是他们的箭 This is definitely not one of theirs. 我在矿山长大 I grew up in the mines. 我敢说这东西价值连城 It"s worth half the world. 魔镜就在这支箭的主人手里 Whoever it belongs to has the Mirror. 我们要赶在弗雷娅之前找到它 We need to find it before Freya does. 这是什么 What"s this? 我们不能待在大路上了 We have to get off the road. 我想打听点事儿 I"m looking for... information. 这点钱可打听不到什么 You"ll not get much for that. 离这儿不远的路上发生了一场屠♥杀♥ There was a wee massacre on the road not far from here. 是女王的士兵

 这事儿你知道吗 The Queen soldiers. You know anything about that? 嗯

 他们几天前从这儿路过 Yeah, they passed through here a few days ago. -是吗

 -但是并没有进来歇脚 - They did? - They didn"t stop. They weren"t thirsty. 有人...有人跟踪他们吗 Was anyone... anyone following them? 给我也来一杯吧 Oh, a pint as well. 看来是不愿意 I take that as a "No". 祝你过得愉快 Good day. 就她那样还挑三拣四的 A bit choosy for what she"s offering. 也许你找自己的种族会比较好一点

 Or perhaps you would have better luck with your own kind. 你见过女矮人吗 Have you ever seen a female dwarf? -那倒没有

 -惊悚 - No, I can"t say I have. - Horrifying. 惊悚简直是最宽容的形容了 Horrifying is the best of them. 简直看都不能看 Repulsive things. 如果这是大众对女矮人的认知 So, assuming this is a commonly held opinion. 你们是如何繁衍后代的呢 How exctly are new dwarfs made? 基本碰运气吧 Uh, generally by accident. 黑灯瞎火的 To little light. -或者酒后失足

 -好吧 - Too much of this. - Yeah. 来

 接着喝 Come on, keep up. 一开门可真冷啊 Chilly with the door. 把那个递给我 Pass me that. -什么

 -给我点那个 - What? - Pass me some of that. 你们三个看起来是长途远游啊 You 3 looked like you"re far from home. 就是找个落脚地儿

 还要赶路呢 Aye, aye. Just seeking shelter and moving on. 他们是你的孩子吗 And these your children? 你的太太肯定是个大美人啊 Your missus must be quite a looker. -这个梗不错

 -什么 - That"s a good one. - What? -他们什么意思

 -别管了 - What did he say? - Leave it aside. 不不

 我可不买♥♥账 No, no, no. I"m not having it. 我看你还是管好你的舌头 You want to hold your tongue mate, 否则它就要遭殃了

 before you loose it. 是吗 Is that so? 是的

 如果你惹的只是我 Yeah, If it were just me own, 那你一点都不用担心 I wouldn"t be worried. 但如果是我和他

 就得小心点了 If it"s me and him, I would be a tiny bit worried. 因为他出手可不管三七二十一 Because he"s a bit of a waster. 他在瞎说 Not true. 但是这都不重要 But none of that matters. 因为我们跟他是一伙儿的 Because we are with him. 他将以迅雷不及掩耳之势将你们碎尸万段 And he will gut you like a deer, quicker than you can blink. 因为这个男人 Cause this man here... 是猎人 This man is the Huntsman. 是真的吗 Is this true? 你是猎人吗 Are you the Huntsman? 对的 That"s me. 这样 Well. 事实上 The thing is... 我们都是猎人 We are all Huntsman. -抱歉


 -没事 - I"m sorry. I"m sorry. - It"s alright. 等等

 等一下 Wait. Wait, wait, wait... 我们能不能好好聊聊 Can we not talk about this? 你还好意思说自己是猎人吗 You call yourself a Huntsman? 我以为有胆量

 I expected more from a 背叛女王的人应该比这厉害点呢 man who had the courage to betray his queen. 而且为了什么呢 And for what? 为了一个没用的女人所谓的爱情 For the love of some spineless woman. 也许当年的你真的算个人物 Maybe you were something in your day, brother. 但那也只是过去了 But that day is long gone. 你准备好受死了吗 Have you made your peace? 我会

 很快就会 I"ll be, soon enough. 告诉弗雷娅

 我死时也是自♥由♥之身 Tell Freya I died a free man. 弗雷娅不在乎你死时是什么 Freya doesn"t care how you die. 没人在乎 No one cares. 你早就被遗忘了 You"re already forgotten. 撤退

 快撤 Fall back! Fall back now! 你老了 You have aged. 萨拉 Sara. 是我把你绑起来的 I tied you up. 她是他老婆还是谁 Is she his wife or something? 不可能

 他老婆已经死了 No, it can"t be. His wife"s dead. 死了 Dead? 你就是这么跟别人说的吗 Is that what you told everyone? 说你是可怜的鳏夫

 伤心欲绝 You poor heartbroken widower. 这故事肯定让不少姑娘为之落泪吧 That story must have wet the eyes of many young lass. 也许奉献的还不只是眼泪

 Maybe more than their eyes. 不


 你已经死了 No, no, no. You"re dead. 我亲眼看着你死的 I saw you die. 这不是真的

 这是幻觉 This is not real. It"s not happening. 你是个幽灵 You"re a ghost. 要么就是 Or you"re some... 就是

 我死了 Or some... I"m dead. 我死了吗 Am I not alive? 你活着呢 You"re alive. 照理是活不成的

 你脑袋被敲了 6 下 Although you should be dead. You got hit on the head like six... -你觉得是多少

 6 还是 7

 -7 下 - What do you say, six or seven? - Seven. 7 下

 好多下呢 Seven times, a lot. -这么说


 -真的 - So, this is... - Real. 千真万确 Very. 你觉得我会忘记吗 Did you think I would forget? 你觉得我会原谅你吗 Did you think I would forgive? 无论生死

 你曾说 "Stand or fall", you said. 永远对我不离不弃

 你曾说 You"ll never leave my side, you said. 你发了誓的 You swore it. 然后你就逃之夭夭了 And then you fled. 我看着你战斗

 也看着你逃跑 I see you fight and I see you run. 不对


 不是那样的 No, no, no, Sara. That"s not what happened. 我看到塔尔杀死了你

 I saw Tull killed you. 亲眼看着他杀死了你

 我怎么会抛弃你 I saw him killed you with my own eyes. I would never leave you. 但我是亲眼看着你弃我而去了 But I saw you leave me with my own eyes. 而且你应该最清楚 And you of all people should know. 塔尔不会杀我的 Tull could never kill me. 萨拉

 我 Sara. I... -别说了

 -我发誓 - Don"t. - I swear to you. 她把我丢在地牢里关了 7 年 She put me in her dungeon for 7 years. 我终于逃出来后

 发誓一定会找到你 And when I finally escape, I swore I would find you. 找的我好苦 It"s taken me a long time. 但最终还是找到了 But here we are. 丈夫 Husband... 和妻子 and wife. 你真的信吗 You honestly believe that? 相信我会抛弃你 That I abandon you? 信 Aye. 你总是忘记保持平衡 You still forget your balance. 她还有把刀 She"s got another knife. 是啊

 她应该事先说清楚 Yeah, yeah. She probably should have said so. 她的左靴里还藏着两把小的 She"s got 2 more little ones in her left boot. 已经不重要了 That"s no longer important. 如果命中注定临死前还能见你一面 If your face is the last thing that I"m meant to see, 我死而无憾

 then I"m grateful. 见到我你就死定了 It should be the last thing you see. 我不喜欢她 I don"t like her. 我一点也不喜欢他 I don"t like her one little bit. 女王陛下 My Queen. 把火灭了 No fire. 把火灭了 No fire! 没事了 It"s alright. 那么 So. 如果弗雷娅得到镜子会怎样 What happens if Freya gets this Mirror? 你不觉得我俩还有别的事需要谈吗 Don"t you think that you and me, have other things to discuss. -比如我俩的事

 -免谈 - Like us. - No. 告诉我会怎样 What happens? 她将战无不胜 She"ll be unstoppable. -我的马呢

 -放了 - Where"s my horse? - I sent if off. -干嘛放了

 -马♥会♥留下痕迹 - Why did you do that for? - Them horses make tracks. 我们走小路

 这样安全 We keep off the road, we"ll be safe. 这么说

 你会跟我一起走 So, you"re coming with me then? 错

 是你跟我走 No, you"re coming with me. 你爱怎么说都好 Whatever you need to tell yourself, that"s fine. 没有我

 你们几个小矮人根本不够看 From what I can see, your wee band won"t do too well without me. 不论这面镜子有什么魔力 Whatever power this Mirror contains, 我都不会让弗雷娅得到它

 I"ll not let Freya yield it. 我们找到镜子

 送去神殿 We"ll find it and we"ll bring it to the Sanctuary. 然后我和你

 从此各走各路 And then you and I... will part forever. 现在 Now. 跟我说说这东西 Tell me about this. 我们要在天黑前赶到卡伦十字 We"ll hit Callan Crossing by nightfall. 那有集市

 他们也许会在那儿卖♥♥掉镜子 There"s a market there, they might have sold the Mirror. 如果我们的敌人用钻石装饰箭头 If an enemy uses diamonds for arrows 我觉得他们不会为了钱卖♥♥镜子 I doubt if he"ll sell the Mirror for money. 你要是不喜欢我的计划

 可以滚蛋 Well, if you don"t like my plan, you can piss off. 你好凶 Oh. That is charming. 你也尽可以走

 引用您的话 And you can piss off too, you so elegantly put it. 但是你别想撇下我 But that"s not going to get rid of me. 你还是我的妻子 You"re still my wife. 我们都被骗了 We... we were deceived. 弗雷娅用冰墙把我们隔开 The ice wall that Freya put between us, 她让我们看到了虚假的幻象 she showed us what she wanted us to see. 别走

 如果我说的是真的呢 Wait. And what if I"m right? 难道给个重新来过的机会都不行吗 Do we not deserve that chance? 给了也没用 It wouldn"t have matter. 你会再次离我而去 You would leave again. 因为我们脆弱

 才对真♥相♥视若无睹 We blind ourselves to the truth because we are weak, 因为我们痴心妄想

 because we hope. 但爱没有希望 But there"s no hope for love. 爱都以背叛告终 Love ends in betrayal. 向来如此 Aye, and always. 我不相信 Well, I don"t believe you. 别动

 别动 Don"t move. Don"t move. 看着眼熟 That looks familiar. 小矮人擅长设陷阱

 换我也会设在这里 A dwarf made trap. That"s where I would have put it. 但想抓住我们 Yes. It will take more than that, 技术还差了点儿 to catch the like of us !!! 糟糕 Oh, no! 咋了 What? 谁能想到 It was unexpected. 隐藏的矮人陷阱很意外吗 Oh. Oh what? The hidden dwarf trap was unexpected? 你的追踪能力并没你想的那么好 You"re not the tracker you think you are. 我刚刚在想别的事 I"ve been a little distracted. 朵琳

 我们抓到了 Hey, Doreena, we"ve got some of... 大丰收

 大丰收 catch of the day, catch of the day. 老天 God, no. 小心了

 甜心 Careful, sweetheart. 我可不想糟蹋了你那张漂亮脸蛋 I wouldn"t want to ruin that pretty little face of yours. 好的 Okay. -真是见鬼了


 - Oh, boggle me. - Oh, it"s like that, is it? 你又不认识我们 See, you don"t even know us. 没必要认识

 丑八怪矮人 What do I need to know, you squawk face little he-dwarfs? 看着就让人想吐 The sight of you clods make me sick. 闭嘴

 你这只煤渣猴子 Shut your mouth, you monkey slag. 你闭嘴

 野蛮人 Shut yours, you grunty wanker. 见鬼去吧

 你这狗娘杂种 Kiss my ass, you filthy minger. 你见鬼去吧

 倒霉孩子 Kiss mine, you wobbly shed box. -抱歉

 -矮人女士 - Sorry. - Madam Dwarf, 我们不想和您吵架 we have no quarrel with you. 我们在找一面镜子 We seek a mirror. 我没有什么镜子 I don"t got no mirror. 看就知道没有 Ho, ho, that"s clear. 我受够了 Right. Oh, you are getting... 别

 别闹了 No, no, no! Enough, enough, enough. 告诉我们你想要什么 Well, just tell us what you want. 个人来说 Well, personally I like you 我想要你脱掉衣服跳舞给我看 to take your shirt off and prance around me. 但看你这么害羞

 把你的钱都给我就行 But since you"re so modest, I"ll settle for every penny you got. 这么说你是冲钱来的 Ah, so it"s money you"re after. 抱歉 My-My apologies. 这是我的全部家当 All I have is this. 你知道这是什么吗

 You know what this is? 嵌着钻石的金箭头

 我又没瞎 It"s a great big bullion diamond. I"m not blind. -哪儿弄来的

 -放我们下来就告诉你 - Where did you get that? - You let us down and I"ll tell you. 朵琳 Doreena! 来了

 布劳恩夫人 Coming, Mrs. Bromwyn! 看着这些家伙 Keep an eye on this lot. 矮子多嘴就射他 Shoot the he-dwarfs if they get mouthy. 射着玩也行 Or you just feel like it. 别直接割啊 Hey, don"t just cut it. 你口渴吗 You... you thirsty? 我可以给你弄点水来 I could get you some water if you like. 好的


 我渴死了 Oh. Yes, thank you, I like that a lot. 不

 我不要你们给的东西 Aw. I mean, no. I don"t want nothing from the lots of you. 好了

 小鱼儿们 Alright, my little fishes. 我有个小提议 I have got a little proposition for you. -休战

 -休战 - Truce? - Truce? 等我掐住你那虱子咬过的脖子 When I get my hands around your lice bitten neck... 好了

 休战 Aye... Truce. 那个钻石

 是支金矛的矛头吧 Your diamond. You got it from a golden spear, right? 没错 Aye, I did. 地精 Goblins. 地精 Goblins. 卖♥♥鱼老妇的旧故事

 That old fishwives tale. 你指望我们信吗 You expect us to believe that? 我指望你乖乖站着

 和你又丑又蠢的脸 I expect you to stand there, and look ugly and stupid, 别给我多嘴 and say nothing else. 地精真的存在 Goblins real. 世界一流的小偷 Finest thieves in the world. 天有多大

 他们就有多贪 And greedy as the day is long. -我们还想抓一个呢

 -对 - Which we want to catch one. - Yeah. 传言他们的铠甲是金子做的 You know, they say their armor is made of gold. -哪里能找到他们

 -不远 - Where can we find them? - Not far. 过了多里安河

 有一片隐秘的森林 There"s a hidden forest just up the Dorian river. 就在神殿的西北方向 On the Northwest side of the Sanctuary. 传说他们把所有财宝都藏在那片林子里 They say they keep all their treasure there in that wood. 金子



 一眼望不到头 Gold, silver, jewels, as far as the eye can see. 你的魔镜要是闪闪发光

 肯定也在那儿 If your Mirror shine, it would be in there somewhere. 从森林可以去神殿吗 Could we access the Sanctuary from there? 不知道

 或许 Don"t know. Maybe. 你可以为我们带路吗 Will you show us a way? 这就是我说的小提议 Well, you see, that"s where the proposition comes in. 从没有人能活着走出那片森林 You see, no one"s ever come out of them woods alive. 你们两个高个子

 看着像猎人 You two big one, you look like Huntsman. 猎人刀剑功夫都不错吧 And Huntsmen are pretty handy with the blade, yeah? 我们一起进去


 We all go in together. You get your Mirror. 我和朵琳拿财宝 Me and Doreena fill our 能拿多少是多少 pockets with as much loot as we can carry. 成交吗 Deal? 成交 Aye, deal. 等我杀了这两家伙 Right after I kill those two. 不行 What? No. 等等 Wait. 为什么 Why? 我也不知道

 也许是有点喜欢他们吧 I don"t know. I like them, I guess. 你喜欢矮人是吗 Like the dwarf, do you? 布劳恩夫人 So, Mrs. Bromwyn. 你的布劳恩先生呢 Where is Mr. Bromwyn? 死了

 谢天谢地 Dead, thank God. 怎么死的 How did he die? 吃太多撑死了吗 Engorging his own eyes out? 再叽叽歪歪

 我就让你知道知道 Keep flapping and gobble and you"ll find out. 之前真是抱歉 I"m sorry about before. 我本来是想喝你的水 I would have drunk your water. 你看上去挺渴的 You seemed thirsty. 对 没错 Yeah, yeah I was. 我有时候会很渴

 天热或者奔跑之后 I get thirsty sometimes. If it"s hot or if I"m running. 我也是

 Me too! 或者吃了很咸的东西 Or sometimes if I eat something really salty. -比如说烤鸡

 -烤鸡 - Like roast chicken. - Chicken. 我知道你为什么不说话 I know why you"re not talking. 是吗 Do you? 因为我和布劳恩夫人之间的小火花 You noticed the sparks between me and Ms. Bromwyn. 没办法

 她合我口味 I don"t know what to say, she"s my type. 大嗓门又易怒 Loud and angry. 我都习惯这些了不是吗 Well, that"s what I"m used to, isn"t it? 我相信你们在一起会幸福美满 And I"m awfully sure you"ll have a good life together. 是啊

 我们会的 Aye yeah, we would. 但是有一个问题 But there"s a problem. 我心里有另一个女人 Another woman. 她高一点

 但没那么漂亮 A bit taller, not as pretty mind you. 她听着不蠢

 不会在你身上浪费时间的 She sounds far too clever to waste her time with you. 我记得 I remember 有次我们被困在一个网里 that one time we were caught up in a net together. 那是很久以前的事了 That was a long long time ago. 你就没一个英雄不是你自己的故事好讲吗 And you not the hero of every story you tell? 没有

 因为我很勇敢啊 Aye, that"s because I"m very brave. 所以我会保护你

 不让你掉下水 Which is why I"m going to save you from drowning. 你要怎样 And how do you expect... 这条河可不平静

 That"s some unpredictable waters around here. 不是我♥干♥的 It"s not me. 你真是个流氓 You"re a real bully. 你也一样 So are you. 我们到了 We"re here. 天啊

 赶紧走 Oh, dear. Oh, dear. Come on. 你找到什么了 What did you find? 打火石和钢叉 Flint and steel. 他们的血闻起来一股汽油味 Their blood smells like tar. 看吧

 黄金的 You see. It is gold. 是啊 Yeah, it is. 你还说地精不存在呢 Goblins ain"t real, aye? 瞧 Look. 小心别掉下去了 Do your best to stay dry. 这太疯狂了 This is bonkers. 感恩送你过河的桥吧 Praise the bridge that carries you over. 更多的 More 死亡 death. 他们也是自相残杀的 They killed each other. 就像公主的部队一样 Just like the Queen"s army. 现在怎么办 What now? 拿我们要拿的东西 Now we take what we came for. 裹着魔镜


 Keep it covered. Do not look into it. 糟了 Bollocks. 搬走魔镜 The Mirror. Move! -好重啊

 -我什么也看不到 - It"s so heavy. - I can"t see anything. 你推到我了 Ow, you"re pushing me! -快点

 -我看不见 - Come on. - I can"t see. 你看什么看

 我在前面能看就行 What do you need to see? I can see in the front. 脚别乱踩

 移到一边 Aw, watch your feet. Move to the side. 举起来 Lift up. 这桥太摇晃了 Oh, this bridge is wobbly. 那么明显谁不知道

 你能不能闭嘴 It"s obviously wobbly, will you just shut up? 厉害吧 See that? 我没有取下来过 I"ve never taken it off. 该走了

 亲爱的 It"s time to go, love. 赶紧的 Come on. 走走走 Go, go, go! 把魔镜拿到神殿去 Take the Mirror to the Sanctuary. 来吧 Come. 我需要火 I need fire! 来吧 Come on. 别射偏了 Don"t you miss. 我从不射偏 I never miss. 他救了我们

 He saved us. 艾瑞克 Eric. 你在哭吗 Are you crying? 真想赶紧摆脱那玩意儿 Can"t rid ourselves soon enough of that thing. 离神殿的中心地带只有两小时路程 The heart of the Sanctuary is only 2 hours away. 我们今晚就动身吧 I say we move tonight. 今晚月亮会很光

 一路上不怕黑 Aye, there will be a strong moon. Plenty of light. 不行 No. 谁知道暗夜里潜伏着什么 Who knows what"s lurking in the dark. 我同意 I agree. 小儿科

 没有什么是我们的对手 Kid"s stuff. There"s nothing out there that can take us. 说得没错 Yeah, that"s right. 在酒馆

 就输给我了 I took you, in a tavern. 还输给过我 I took you as well. 还是早上吧 In the morning then. 晚安 G...

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