


 ——外星人 我是谁 我叫男孩

 欢迎来到我的奇妙世界 My name is Boy, and welcome to my interesting world. 我的最爱是迈克尔·杰克逊 My favourite person is Michael Jackson. 他是世上最棒的歌♥手和舞者 He is the best singer and dancer in the world. 就在上个月

 他推出了新专辑"颤栗者" Last month he put out a record called "Thriller". 专辑大卖♥♥ It sold a gazillion copies 现在他和蛇

 猴子同住在城♥堡♥里 and now he lives in a castle with a snake and a monkey. 他远近闻名

 甚至在星星里都能看见他的身影 He is so famous that you can even see him in the stars. 我和奶奶

 表兄妹住在一所白色的房♥子里 I live in a white house with my nanny and my cousins 哈克斯



 查伊和凯莉 Hucks, Kiko, Miria, Chay and Kelly. 我有只宠物羊

 名叫利夫 I have a pet goat called Leaf. 我还有个六岁的弟弟叫洛奇 I also have a six-year-old brother called Rocky. 笨蛋 Loser! 他自认为有超能力 He thinks he"s got powers. 其实没有 He doesn"t. 再见 Bye-bye. 昨天奶奶去参加一个葬礼 Yesterday my nan went away to a funeral. 她走了以后

 我就要照管全家 While she"s gone I"m in charge of the house. 我在洛可可尔学校上课 I go to Raukokore School. 我有很多喜欢的科目 I have many favourite subjects, 像是艺术

 including art 社会研究 social study 当然还有迈克尔·杰克逊 and Michael Jackson. 我的朋友有达拉斯和她的妹妹丹丽 My friends are Dallas and her sister Dynasty. 他们还有个妹妹

 法尔康·克里斯特 They also have a sister called Falcon Crest. 丹丽是周围唯一有工作的女孩 Dynasty is the only girl around here with a job. 她放学后为父亲做些园艺工作 She does after-school gardening work for her dad. 格雷西阿姨是妈妈的姐姐 Aunty Gracey is my mum"s sister. 她工作可多了 She has lots of jobs. 她是网球教练 She"s the tennis coach, 还是邮递员

 校车司机 the mailman, the school bus driver 同时还在当地经营一家商店 and she runs the local shop. 阿姨

 可以送我支冰棍吗 Aunty, can I have a free iceblock, please 我真正的名字是阿♥拉♥曼 My real name is Alamein. 我是用爸爸的名字取的

 他是用某个地名取的 I"m named after my dad and he"s named after some place 二战时

 毛利人的队伍曾在那里战斗 where the Maori battalion fought during World War II. 爸爸的兄弟姐♥妹♥们♥有 Dad"s brothers and sisters 法恩莎



 还有迈克尔·杰克逊 are Faenza, Tunisia, Libya and Michael Jackson. 爸爸现在不在这里




 My dad"s not here right now. He"s a busy man. 他是个雕刻大♥师♥

 深海宝物潜水员 He"s a master carver, deep-sea treasure diver, 还是橄榄球队队长 the captain of the rugby team


  and he holds the record for 他可以用一只手揍最多人

 punching out the most people with one hand. 他回来时 When he comes home 会带我去现场

 看迈克尔·杰克逊 he"s taking me to see

 Michael Jackson live. 就是这样了 The end. 谢谢你

 男孩 Thank you, Boy. 塔尼


 到讲台上去 Tane, your turn. Get up there. 我是塔尼

  My name is Tane 小家伙


 你♥爸♥爸根本不在外国 Young man, you"re a liar. Your dad"s not overseas. 他因为抢劫被关在监狱呢

  He"s in jail for robbery. 闭嘴


 你不知道 Shut up, Kingi. You don"t know. 事实如此

 他和我爸爸在同一个牢房♥呢 Yes, he"s in the same cell block as my dad. 现在不在了

 他逃走了 Not anymore. He escaped. -怎么逃走

 -他在围栏底下挖了一个洞 -How -He dug a hole underneath the fence. -用什么

 -一把勺子 -With what -A spoon. 那些警卫呢

  What about the guards 他把他们干掉了 -Aarggh! -He wasted them. 用那把勺子 -With the spoon. -Aarggh! -一派胡言



 你什么都不知道 -Bullshit. -Shut up, Kingi, you don"t know. 看我一眼 Look at me. 看我一眼


 Look at me. Look at me. 看我一眼

 看我一眼 Look at me. Look at me. 男孩 看我一眼

 看我一眼 Look at me. Look at me. 看看我吧 Look at me. 去找她说话啊

 老兄 Go and talk to her, bro. 男人需要告诉女人他们的感觉 A man needs to tell a woman how he feels. 我不想和她说话 I don"t want to talk to her. 塔尼可想 Tane would. 他还想和她法式热吻呢 He"d probably French kiss her too. 你是不是和所有女孩法式热吻了

 伙计 You French kiss all the girls, eh, bro 许多许多 Pretty much. 不是所有 Not all the girls. 开个玩笑而已

 引他上钩 Well, here"s my trick. 我和女孩们说我讨厌内衣 I tell the girls that I"m afraid of undies 所以当她们希望我离开时

  and when they want me to go away, 就给我看内衣 they show me their undies. 酷一点


 她过来了 Act cool. Act cool. Here she comes. 做些什么吧 Go do something. 莎当妮

  Hey, Chardonnay, 想看迈克尔·杰克逊的舞步吗 want to see some Michael Jackson dance moves 他在格莱美上也是这么跳的

 He did those moves at the Grammys. 这孩子讨厌内衣 Al, the boy"s afraid of undies. 虱子




 虱子 Nits, nits, nits, nits, nits. 这里谁有过虱子

  Who here has had nits 闭嘴 Oi, shut up. 现在


  Now, who knows what disease this sheep has got 艾滋病 AIDS. 不是艾滋

 笨蛋 Not AIDS, you dork. 因为它看上去像默里

 他就有艾滋 Yes, because it looks like Murray and he"s got AIDS. 别傻了


 除非是同性恋 Don"t be stupid. Kids can"t get AIDS only gays. 他就是同性恋

 他经常和男孩一起出去 He"s a gay. He goes out with Boy. 闭嘴

 金吉 Shut up, Kingi. 你要干吗


  Ohh! What are you gonna do Get your brother on me or something 这图看上去像是金吉的内衣 That picture looks like Kingi"s undies 那天运动会他拉屎在裤子上


  when he shat his pants on sports day, remember -他妈的闭嘴


 -你闭嘴 -Fuck up, Boy. -You fuck up. -你♥他♥妈♥的闭嘴

 -你♥他♥妈♥的闭嘴 -You fuck up. -You fuck up. 闭嘴 Fuck up. 你们俩个闭嘴

 否则我送你们去见校长 Both of you fuck up or I"ll send you to the principal! 现在


  Now, who"s heard of the plague 你嘛

 你妈妈得过 You. Your mum had it.

 你去死吧 Fuck you! 你们这些残忍♥的孩子

 快住手 Hey, you bloody kids, cut it out! 西蒙说摸摸你的鼻子

 给我快走 -Simon says touch your nose. -Move your bloody arse. 现在把蜡笔拿出来 Now get all your crayons. 放学啦 School"s finished! 你好吗


  You alright, Boy 想谈谈这件事吗

  You want to talk about it 他取笑我妈妈

 他是个混♥蛋♥ He made fun of my mum. He"s a dickhead. 这只是说说而已

 男孩 It"s just words, Boy. 人们一直叫我蠢货 People call me a dumb honky all the time. 我没有找他们去痛打一顿 I don"t go around punching them out. -为什么呢

 -因为通常他们都是些孩子 -Why not -Because they"re usually children. 你的演讲做得很好 That was a good speech you did. 看来在我们手上要诞生演说家了 Looks like we might have an orator on our hands, eh 那是什么

  What"s that 这个

 我爸爸就很擅长 Oh, yeah, my dad was good at that. 是啊


 他是个好学生 Yeah, I went to school with him. Yeah, he was a good student. 像你一样

 充满潜力 Like you, full of potential. 把这清理完就回家


  Finish to the end here and go home, eh 朗斯顿先生


  Hey, Mr. Langston, what does that word mean "潜力"

 "potential" 现在已经 3 点半了


 我要下班了 Ah, it"s 3:30, mate I"m off duty. 假期愉快 You have a good holiday 再敢碰我弟弟

 我就给你好看 Touch my brother again and I"ll kick both your nuts off. 那时你就一无所有了


  Then you"ll have none. OK -听见了吗

 -知道了 -OK -OK. 拜托 Oh, man. 这个人拥有魔力 This one has all got magic powers, 这个人可以跳过房♥顶 this fella can jump real high, 这个人可以跑过汽车 this fella can run real fast, 这个人可以炸毁任何东西 this fella can blow things up 这个人可以随时隐形 and this fella can turn invisible. 洛奇

 该回家了 Rocky, you have to come home. 我在画画呢 But I"m drawing. 快点


 我有更好的事情去做 Hurry up, fool. I got better things to do than this. 过会再来完成吧 Finish it off later. 他妈的


 让我走那么远到这来 Bloody hell, you"re a nuisance. Making me walk all the way down here. 妈妈

 再见 Bye, Mum. 我要你别在这晃悠了

 这儿很恐怖 I want you to stop hanging around down there. It"s creepy. 别像个怪胎一样 And stop being so weird. 快点

 笨蛋 Hurry up, egg.

 讨厌的笨蛋 Bloody egg. 你是什么

 就是个笨蛋 What are you An egg. 臭鸡蛋 Rotten egg. 炒鸡蛋


 荷包蛋 Scrambled egg. Boiled egg. Poached egg. 他妈的 Bloody hell. 又是龙虾 Crayfish again. 所以如果你们这些家伙住在中部 So if you fellas live in the middle, 那还是老实待在家里吧

 反正也没更好的地方去 may as well stay home because no bloody good anywhere else. 你想做什么呢


  What do you want to do, eh, Leaf 我们最好还是待在这


  We might as well just stay here, eh 伙计


 今天可是个大日子 Oh, man, had a massive day at school today. 今天学校里有一伙人打群架 There was a big-ass rumble at school. 大多数孩子都加入了 Most of the children were involved. 但我没有

 因为我是好男孩 I wasn"t, because I"m a good boy. 我才不喜欢打架呢 I don"t like fighting, eh. 发生了好多事啊


  Far, lots of things happened, but what else 对了


 莎当妮 Oh, yeah. I seen my girlfriend, Chardonnay. 她邀请我去她家

  She invited me back to her house 我们还一起吃麦当劳 and we had McDonald"s to eat. 真好吃啊 It was yum. 你为什么爱吃人们的垃圾呢


 Why do you like to eat other people"s rubbish, eh, Leaf 暴风雨要来了 Storm"s coming. 你是谁

  Who are you 男孩 Boy. 什么男孩

  What boy 阿♥拉♥曼 Alamein. 阿♥拉♥曼 Alamein. 是的 Yeah. 好吧

 我是你♥爸♥爸 Alright, I"m your dad. 你好啊

 爸爸 Hey, Dad. 嘿 Hey. 欢迎回家 Welcome back. -很高兴见到你

 -见到你我也很高兴 -Good to see you. -Good to see you. 一切都好吗

  How"s it been going 很好


  Good. How"s it been going with you 不错 Good. 妈妈呢

  Now, where"s Mum 我的妈妈


  My mum, you know, your nanny 她现在不在 Oh, she"s not here at the moment. 她在惠灵顿南方的坦基 She"s at a tangi down Wellington. 有人去世了 Someone passed away.


 -下星期吧 -When"s she getting back -Sometime next week. 洛奇


 见见爸爸 Rocky, come over here. Meet Dad. -爸爸



 这是爸爸 Dad, this is Rocky. Rocky, this is Dad. 你好吗


  Yeah, how are you, Rocky 见到你真好

 实在是太好了 Good to see you, man. Too much. 说你好

 笨蛋 Say hello, egg. 你好

 笨蛋 Hello, egg. 那是凯莉 That"s Kelly. 侄女


 阿♥拉♥曼 Yeah, niece, I"m your uncle Alamein. 真好

 又一个这样的 Oh, great. Another one. 这是我的朋友

 朱朱和恰帕 Well, these are my mates Juju and Chuppa. 你好吗

 他们也算是你叔叔吧 -How are you doing -They"re basically your uncles. 你们想喝杯茶吗

  So, you guys want a cup of tea 喝茶

 听起来真不错 Oh, yeah. Yeah, a cup of tea sounds good. 你们想进屋坐坐吗

  So, you fellas want to come inside 好啊 Yeah. 好啊

 好啊 -Yeah. -Yeah. 那我们进去吧 Yeah, let"s do that. 看过"外星人"吗


  Seen "E.T." yet, the movie 没有


  No. What"s it about 外太空人

 Spaceman. 其实是外太空的孩子 Oh, space kid, really. 他被困在地球上 He gets trapped on Earth 他和那孩子可以骑着自行车自♥由♥飞行 and him and this kid fly around everywhere on a bicycle. 我看了四遍呢 I seen it four times. 不错的房♥子

 老兄 Nice house, bro. -真像个粪坑

 -没错 -It"s a shithole. -Oh, yeah. 我可不确定

 兄弟 Oh, I don"t know, bro. 这些老房♥子都是由当地木材制成

  These old houses are made of native timber 那可是昂贵的材料 expensive stuff. 很多人都不知道吧


  Not many people know that, eh 这些门把是铜做的

 是啊 I mean, these door handles are made of copper. Yeah, yeah. 如果我是个贼 Yeah, if I was a thief, 第一件事就是带走这些铜 the first thing I"d do is I"d take all the copper 把它在熔炉或是火里熔掉 and I"d melt it down in a furnace or a fire 再卖♥♥给一个铜商 and then sell it to a copper dealer, eh. 好了

 我看是发礼物的时候了 Alright then, I guess it"s time for presents. 去吧


 去给孩子拿礼物吧 Go on, boys, go get them presents. 什么礼物

  What presents -就是车里的东西

 -明白 -The stuff from the car. -Oh, yeah. 我去帮把手 I might go give them a hand.


 真正的牛奶 Hey, real milk! 一台新电视 A new TV! 哦

  Eh 谢谢你 Oh, thank you. 该死的世界 -拿去



 爸爸 -Here, you can have the rest. -Oh, thanks, Dad. 但是不要烧到眼睛或是其他东西 Now, don"t go burning your eyes out or anything. 和他一起分着玩 Share them with him too. -知道这过去是我的房♥间吗

 -知道 -You know this used to be my room -Yeah. 你仍然可以住在这 Oh, well, you can still use it. 我和朋友睡在车♥库♥里 I"ll sleep in the garage with my mates. 没问题的 Not a problem. 看看你那个鸡窝头 Wow, look at that mop of hair you"ve got. 哪天我要带你去理个发 I should cut your hair one day. 让你看上去和他一样 Make you look like this fella. "颤栗者"我看了 10 遍 I"ve seen "Thriller" 10 times. 这是我弄的 I did that. 可别卷进纳粹里去 Don"t get into the Nazi stuff. 晚安 Night. 晚安

 爸爸 Night, Dad. -他要在这住多久

 -不知道 -How long is he here for -Don"t know.

 但是我们会和他一起走 But we"re leaving with him when he goes. 为什么

  Why 因为一家人都是这样的

 笨蛋 Because that"s the way families work, egg. 他会和以前一样吗

  Is he the same as before 是的

 会更好 Yeah, better. 你觉得他记得我吗

  Do you think he remembers me 当然了 Yeah, of course, man. -从我出生时吗

 -是啊 -From when I was being born -Yep. -可我不记得了

 -你当然不记得 -I don"t remember it. -No, of course you don"t. 你那时只是个小婴儿

 现在也是 You were just a little baby and you still are. 她是什么样的

  What was she like 又来了 Not this again. 好吧


 是个出色的歌♥手 Well, she was pretty. She was a good singer. 她和爸爸一起总是充满欢声笑语 And her and Dad were always laughing. -他们怎么遇见的

 -在海滩上 -How did they meet -At the beach. 她游泳时差点溺水

 爸爸救了她 She was swimming and Dad saved her from drowning. 然后为她做了雕刻 And then he did a carving of her. 他们又有了孩子

 就是我们 And then they had babies us. 他能做许多很酷的事情 And he can do heaps of cool stuff. 他跳舞跳得和迈尔克·杰克逊一样好 He can dance as good as Michael Jackson. 曾经


 And once, when he was a soldier, 所有共♥产♥党人把他按在地上 all these commies pinned him down to the ground, 他却能跳出那些散兵坑 so he leapt out of his foxhole 跳起最熟练的哈卡舞 and just did this meanest haka 所有人都吓的跑开了 and all them commies got scared and ran away. -他原来是士兵吗


 他可是战斗英雄 -And was he a soldier -Hell, yeah! He"s a war hero. 他还有一顶绿色贝雷帽呢 He"s even got a green beret. -那是什么

 -就是一种帽子 -What"s that -A type of hat. 看

 看 Shh. Look. Look. 是那个疯子 There"s that mental fella. 怪人 Hey, weirdo! 嗨 Hey! 来啊


 砸他 Come on, Rocky, get him. 快滚开

 怪胎 -Aarggh! -Get out of here, you weirdo. -你砸他了吗


 -没有 -Did you get him, Rocky -No. 不出所料

 笨蛋 Typical, egg. 这一点都不结实 Not too hard. 疯马是什么

  What"s the Crazy Horses 它是我的组织

 我是主席和创始会员 It"s my gang. I"m the president and founding member. 是啊

 疯马 Yeah. Crazy Horses. 那是我们的标志 That"s our sign.


 但是已经决定了 It would"ve been that, but it was taken. 我们是叛逆者 We"re renegades. 那是什么

  What"s those 那些游离于法律之外的人

 但是依旧很酷 Someone who lives outside the law, but they"re still cool. 就像天龙特攻队

 或是绿巨人那样 Like the A-Team or the Hulk. 即使是日本武士

 他们也是很了不起的叛逆者 Gee, even these samurais they"re the meanest renegades. -这么棒的雕刻是谁的

 -我的 -Hey, whose is this mean carving -Oh, mine. 看上去就像外星人 Yeah. Looks just like E.T. 这是模仿你的一个雕刻

 但是还没完成 It"s based on one of yours, but it ain"t finished yet. 我知道

 你还没做眼睛 Yeah, I know, "cause you ain"t done the eyes. 就差给他们眼睛了

  That"s the last thing you do them eyes. 你现在还雕刻吗

  Do you still carve 不了

 我没时间做那个 Nup. I ain"t got time for that. 我可是个大忙人 I"m a busy man. 洛奇 Oh, Rocky! 你要溜去哪里

  Hey, where you skating off to 那是什么意思

  What"s that supposed to mean 他是怎么回事

  What"s wrong with him 要乘我的车去兜风吗

  You want to go for a ride in my car 好啊 Yeah. 太棒了

 Cool. 出发吧 Let"s go. 天哪 Far! 好帅啊真是好车 Phwoar! Mean car. 叔叔你好 Hey, Uncle. 这是谁 Who"s this, then 发霉的史密斯 Mouldy Smith. 好了 Well 回家见了

 好吗 see you at home, then, eh 什么



  What Are you going Can I come 我很忙的

 我有很多事要照看 Oh, I"m busy. I"ve got a few things to take care of. 你在这里和伙伴们玩吧

 伙计 You hang out here with your mates, man. 正义前锋 Dukes of Hazard. 他终于还是回家了


  So he finally came home, eh 他会在这里待多久

  How long"s he here for 不知道

 不长吧 Don"t know. Not long. 那就好 That"d be right. 他去看你妈妈了吗

  Has he been to see your mum yet -还没有

 -他妈的还是老样子 -Nah, not yet. -Fucking typical! 阿姨



  Hey, Aunty, can I have an iceblock, please 不行 No!



 伙计 -Oh, it"s not fair. -Get a job, man. 哪里还有工作 Oh, there"s none left. 你全部都占了 You got them all! -男孩


 -不行 -Boy, can I have a go with one -Can"t. 这是特殊场合专用 Saving them for a special occasion. 那是你♥爸♥爸吗

  Hey, was that your dad 是的 Yep. 他有一辆普莱默汽车 Oh, he"s got a premo car. 他会在这待多久

  How long"s he staying for 不久

 但是我们很快全都会搬走 Not long. But we"re gonna be moving pretty soon. 搬去哪

  Where to 不知道

  Don"t know. 也许就是开着酷车四处巡游 Probably just cruise around in his mean-ass car. 伙计们

 我刚在那完成了一项壮举 Hey, you guys, I just did a massive shit in there. 你们应该去看看

  You should go and check it out. 好的

 我要去看看 Oh, yeah. I"ll check that out! -别碰


 -我想要吃冰棍 -Don"t touch, Falcon. -I want the lollies. 这些冰棍是给大人的



 讨厌鬼 They"re lollies for adults, not for children, Falcon. Pest! 天哪真棒

 达利 Wow! What a mean one, Dally. 我们收工了

 回去吧 Alright, we"re finished. Let"s go. 打到了

 Tip! 怪人


  Hey, weirdo, do you live here 为什么我们要小声说话

  Why do we have to whisper 因为河上很危险 Because it"s dangerous on the river. 对不起 Sorry. 我和妈妈住在这里 I live here with my mum. 我妈妈死了 My mum"s dead. 是我杀了她 I killed her. 你有朋友吗

  Do you have any friends -你有兄弟吗

 -没有 -Do you have a brother -No. 我有个哥哥

 他很酷 I"ve got a brother. He"s cool. 他经常和爸爸一起出去 He"s hanging out with our dad. -他是什么样的

 -他很吵 -What"s he like -Loud. 对不起

 我想是我的责任 Sorry. I think I did that. 什么

  Hey 我想是我让你摔倒的

 对不起 I think I made you fall over. Sorry. 我得看好我的超能力 I have to watch out for my powers. 太危险了 They"re too dangerous. 哥哥说这就是妈妈的死因 My brother says that"s how my mum died. 因为我的超能力太强大 "Cause of my powers were too strong 在我出生的时候 when I was getting born.



  You gotta use them to do good, eh 就像漫画书里那样 Just like in the comic books. 我们要找什么

  What are we looking for 随便 Anything. 快点他们来了

 警♥察♥来了 Quick! Here they come. Here come the cops! 快点抓紧这里这里




 是这里 Quick! Quick! Here! Here! Alright. Where am I Here. Here. 挖 Dig. -别着急



 就是这里 -Forget it, man. -Something here. It"s right here. 一定在这里 That"s where it is. 不是那里 Not there. 我的意思是


  So, I mean I would"ve 我不可能跑得更远了 I would"ve run further than that. -我相信你知道

 -我确实知道 -I thought you knew, man. -I do. 我数了从邮局到这里有多少步 It"s a certain number of steps from the post. 只是忘记具体数字了

  I just can"t remember the exact number of steps 或是忘记邮局位置了

  or the post. 如果我们现在要在这里挖


  If we"re digging here, why didn"t you draw a map 我当时太急了


  i was in a hurry. Cops were right behind me. 根本没时间画地图 I don"t have time to start drawing maps. 我们去找个拖拉机开工吧 Let"s just get a tractor and dig it up, man. 是啊


 Yeah, if I want to dig holes all day, 我就不会待在监狱里 I would"ve stayed in jail. 你们知道吗

  You know what 我已经受够你们两个笨蛋的废话了 I"m fucking sick of this shit from you pricks. 我正在创造历史 I"m making history here. 他们就要写到我了

  They"re gonna write about me. 你们可以说:"我参与了这一切" You can say, "I was part of that." 想不想入伙

 不想就滚开 Want to be part of it or not If not, piss off. 当然


 爸爸 -Yeah, I want to be part of it. -Hey, Dad. 叔叔 Hey, Uncle! 快招手

 你好 -Wave. -Hey. 你们在找什么

  What are you looking for 一些东西 Something. 什么


  What Worms 宝藏 Treasure. 我们在找一个包裹

 大概这么大 We"re looking for a package, OK It"s about this big. 是的

 被塑料袋包着 Yep. Covered in plastic. 只要你找到它

  When you find it 爸爸


  Hey, Dad. Do you know what "potential" means -什么

 -朗斯顿先生说的 -What -Mr. Langston says it. 住手两个蠢货 Oi! Cut it out, you pricks!

 别胡闹 Quit pissing around. 爸爸


  Dad, what are you gonna do with the money 我不知道


  I don"t know. What do you reckon 你应该买♥♥一所大房♥子 You should buy a big-ass house. 也许可以 Mmm. Maybe I should. 也许我也应该买♥♥个海豚

  Maybe I should buy me a dolphin too, 整天骑着它环游世界 ride around on him all day. 你也可以有一只

 洛奇也有 You can have one too. And Rocky. 我们三个骑在海豚上

  Yeah, all three of us on dolphins 走遍天涯海角

  that go anywhere 随心所欲

  do what we want 可以成为任何人

  be anyone. 爸爸

  Dad 看看这个

  look at this. 你从哪拿来的

 快拿过来 Oi! Where"d you get this Give it here. 你从哪拿的

  -Oh. -Where"d you get it -我找到的


  -Oh, I found it. -Where 在路边上 On the side of the road. 你要保证如果找到更多 Hey, you make sure you find any more of this, 直接拿来给我


  you bring it straight to me, eh 直接给我


 Straight to me. OK 男孩快来奶奶打电♥话♥来了 Boy! Quick! Nan"s on the phone! 继续挖 Keep digging! 他要去哪里

  Where"s he going 它不算一个真正的组织

 只有三个人 It"s not really a gang. There"s only three of them. 你干吗 Hey! 妈妈


 阿♥拉♥曼 Mum, it"s me Alamein. 我很好

 我在家呢 I"m good. I"m home. 你好吗

  Well, how are you 我给你带了礼物 Yeah, I got you a present. 是烤炉

 有钱人才有的 It"s a type of oven. Only rich people have them. 你什么时候回来

 孩子们都在这 Uh, when you getting home There"s all these kids here. 我们相处很融洽 Yeah, we"re getting on great. 你能借我点钱吗

  Uh, do you think I could borrow some money 这段时间我手头有点紧 I"m just a bit broke at the moment. 这太不公平了 Oh, it"s not fair, man. 这些孩子比我们得到的还多 These kids get more than we ever got. 我知道这不是竞争 Oh, I know it"s not a competition. 我也没这么说 Never said it was. 你成熟一点 No, you grow up! 我会花更多的时间和男孩们相处 I will spend more time with those boys.

 全心全意的优质时间 Quality time. 看看这头发下面的皮肤 Eh, look at the skin under here. 如黑夜一般

 你一定有非洲血统 Black as night. You must be part African. 真是废话

 人们肯定都以为迈克尔·杰克逊来了 Shit. Everyone will think Michael Jackson moved to town. 你是的

 就是你 You! Yeah, you. 待在这不许动 You stay there. 是你叫候登吗


 回答我 Is your name Holden Is it Yeah 欺负我儿子是不是


  Picking on my son, are you Want me to pick on you 外星人是我看过最丑的家伙了

  Man, I mean, E.T. is one of the ugliest buggers I"ve ever seen 大金鱼眼

 长脖子 big googly eyes, long neck. 但是在他的星球上

 他看上去很平常 But you know what on his home planet, he probably looks normal. 那孩子在这干吗呢

  Hey, what"s that kid doing out here 洛奇

  Rocky 你在忙什么

  what are you up to 他真的知道怎么说话吗

  Does he actually know how to speak 洛奇



  Rocky, what are you doing, egg 我在玩呢 Playing. 洛奇



 一起去吧 Well, Rocky, come on, man. We"re going to go to the beach. Come with us. 快上来

 笨蛋 Hurry up, you egg! 上来 Come on. 好极了

 Cool. 我们所做的一切

 太美好了 This is good, what we"re doing. 优质时间 Quality time. 这里真美 Ah, it"s nice here. 我喜欢海浪

 它们非常浪漫 I like the waves. They"re romantic. 你和妈妈在这遇见的吗

  Did you and Mum meet here 不是 Nah. 我们小时候在学校里遇见 We met at school when we were kids. 那时我就知道她是今生至爱 Even then, I knew she was the one. 为什么这么问


  Why You got a girlfriend 有个女孩对我很有意思 Oh, there"s this girl that really likes me a lot. 但是我不知道

 该不该被卷进去 But I don"t know if I wanna, you know, get involved. 不要让她怀孕

 金玉良言啊 Well, don"t get her pregnant. That"s all. -什么

 -这是头号♥法则 -Hey -It"s the number one rule. 你可以给她看你的老二

 摸摸她的胸部 Hey, you can show her your dick, feel her tit. 如果你得到唇印

 我会很高兴 I"d be happy if you just got a hickey. 但是别生孩子

 我还不想当爷爷 But don"t have a kid, "cause I don"t want to be a koro just yet. 一个唇印 A hickey! 伙计


 她可不想碰你 Well, she ain"t gonna touch you looking like that, man. 你要稍微打扮一下

 像我这样 You want to dress up a little, like me. 有一天我能穿上"疯马"夹克吗

  Can I be on the Crazy Horses one day

 你还太年轻了 Oh, you"re a bit young, man. 这更像是成年人的项目 It"s more of an adult"s game 我们可不能带着玩具和儿童游戏游手好闲 and we don"t muck around with toys and games. 也许等你长大一些吧 Maybe when you"re older. 来吧

 准备好了 Come on. Gear up. 我们要占领高地 We"re going over the top. 让我们消灭他们吧

 兄弟们 Let"s get "em, man! 冲啊冲啊 -Charge! -Charge! 前进


 前进 Move, move, move, move, move! 那是埋葬的宝藏 It"s buried treasure. 什么

  What 埋葬的宝藏 Buried treasure, man. 像是海盗的宝藏 Like a pirate"s treasure. 像是金子吗

  Like gold 是


 是钱 Yeah, but better money. -多少钱

 -大概一百万美元吧 -How much -About a million dollars. 如果我们找到了会怎么样

  What happens if we find it 那我们就会离开这里 Then we"re out of here! 在城里买♥♥个房♥子

 买♥♥辆车 Buy a house in the city, buy a big car, 买♥♥些海豚 buy some dolphins. 可能还会一直穿着晚礼服

 Probably dress up in tuxedos all the time too. 我不想去城里 I don"t wanna go to the city. 我打赌你会去的

 那里还有游泳池呢 I bet ya there"s even a swimming pool. -我可以在海里游泳


  -I can swim in the sea. -Go on, then. 我和爸爸可以在泳池里放松自己 Meanwhile, me and Dad will be relaxing in our swimming pool, 骑着海豚

 喝着鸡尾酒 riding dolphins and drinking cocktails. 你最好不要告诉任何人

 否则我非揍扁你 And you"d better not tell anyone or I"ll knock your bloody block off. 这聚会糟透了 This party"s dead. 这不是聚会


 这是个会议 It"s not a party, egg. It"s a get-together. 两者可不一样 There"s a difference. 如果这是个聚会

 你会知道的 Rightio. If it was a party, you"d know about it. 无所谓 Whatever. 洛奇

  Rocky 再见了 Oh, see ya. 你玩得开心吗

  Hey, you having a good time -是啊


  -Yeah. -Yeah 你的发型看起来真有型 Yeah, your haircut seems to be a bit of a hit. -想要喝一小口啤酒吗

 -想啊 -Hey, you want a little sip of beer -Yeah. 只能喝一小口 Little one. 好喝吗

  Good 好喝 Yep.

 1 岁

 第一次喝酒还是太年轻了 11, eh That"s pretty young for your first sip. 如果你找到更多这玩意儿



  Oh, if you find any more of that stuff, bring it to me, eh 没问题 OK. 你可以不要叫我"爸爸"吗

  And can you stop calling me "Dad" 这听起来怪怪的


 我俩也更像兄弟嘛 It sounds weird. Besides, we"re more like bros, you and me. -那我叫你什么



  -Then what shall I call you -I don"t know. What do you reckon -阿♥拉♥曼

 -让我想想 -Alamein -Maybe. "将军"怎么样

 我很喜欢 What about "Shogun" I like that. -将军是什么

 -日本武士的主人 -What"s Shogun -Samurai master. 像是指挥官 Like a commander. -他统治所有武士

 -像是阿里基 -He rules the samurais. -Like ariki. 是啊

 但是他也是个武士 Yeah, but he"s a samurai. 武士更强大一些 Samurais are better. 将军 Shogun. 听起来多棒 Yeah. Oh, that sounds good! 那叫我什么呢

  So what should we call me "小将军"怎么样

 很有意思 I don"t know. "Little shogun" That"d be funny. 你好

 男孩 Hey, Boy. 阿♥拉♥曼

 你好 Oh, hi, Al. 好啊

 孩子们 Hey, boys! 进来



 Come in. Come in. Here, have a seat. -来



 叔叔 -Go on. Sit down. -Thank you, Uncle. 叫我将军吧 Nah, nah, nah. Call me Shogun. 这才是聚会 This is a party! 为什么你们不出去交朋友呢

  Oi, why aren"t you out there making friends 我们谁都不认识

 伙计 We don"t know no-one, man. "我们谁都不认识

 伙计" "Don"t know no-one, man." 先学着说话吧 Hey, learn how to speak! 男孩


 我们都饿了 Boy, you didn"t make dinner. We"re hungry! 我看上去像你妈吗

 自己去做 Do I look like your bloody mother Make your own. 滚开

 我已经受够你们这群孩子烦我了 Piss off, will ya I"m sick of you kids hassling me. -冷静


 这是个聚会 Chill out, man. Chill out, man. It"s a party. 冷静 -Eh -Chill out. 太迟钝了

 你这个老家伙 Oh, too slow, you old man. 你过来 Hey! Come over here. 这是个男子汉


 这是个男子汉 Here"s a real man, right here. This is a real man. 不像你们两个笨蛋 Not like you two eggs. 我的儿子

 亲爱的朋友们 Hey, my son. My best friend. 我的男子汉 My main man. 另一个我的男子汉 And my other main man. 这里是谁

 三个男子汉 Who"s this Three main men.


 三个男子汉 Who"s that The three main men. 那是谁

 两个笨蛋 Who"s that The two egg men. 看看你们

 朋友 Look at you, man. 拜托

 伙计 Oh, come come on, man! 我真希望他是我爸爸 Oh, man. I wish he was my dad. 我也能成为"疯马" I"m gonna be a Crazy Horse too. 将军


 将军 Shogun. What"s my name Shogun. 我是个将军 I"m a shogun! 我是个将军 I"m a shogun! 走开

 伙计 Piss off, man. -你好


 莎当妮 -Hello -Oh, hi, Chardonnay. 我是男孩 It"s Boy speaking. 我在想你可不可以赏脸 I was just wondering if you would like 来坐我爸的车兜风 to come for a ride in my dad"s cool car. 快去接 Fetch! 我觉得很无聊 I"m bored. 好啊 Hey. 好吧 Well 你可以看我的老二


  you can see my dick, but I ain"t allowed to get you pregnant. 该死的混♥蛋♥ You fucking arsehole. 看


 Look, I got a hickey. -是个男子汉了

 -是啊 -Man! -Yeah. -挖啊挖啊


 兄弟 -Dig! Dig! -That"s the way, bro! 好男孩


 就在那里 Good boy. That"s it. That"s the one. 找到我的东西

 我就能离开这鬼地方了 Find my shit so I can get the hell out of here. 好奴隶

 男孩 Good slave, Boy! -不是什么该死的奴隶


 老兄 -Not a fucking slave. -Sorry, bro. 我也不想要唇印的 I wasn"t really expecting a hickey. 知道吗

 它就这么自然而然发生了 Well, what It just came. 在我脖子上

 就这么发生了 It"s on my neck happened. 你来打我


  So you go to punch me and then I block it 完全正确 Yep. 该死的 Aarggh! Fuck! -你还好吗


 -现在一点也不好 -You alright, mate -Not now! 就这些吗

  Is that it 别动 Stop moving. 别动

 这很酷很有型 -Just hold still, bro. -It"s just hot. 太棒了

 这纹身真酷 Far. Mean-as tatts. 好了

 现在轮到你了 Yep. And now it"s your turn. 什么

  What 别担心

 你是用孩子的工具 Don"t worry, man, you"ll get the kids" version.



  Know why I pulled you over, miss -也许你还不会开车呢


 笨蛋 -Probably can"t even drive, anyway. -As if you can, egg. 你脑子进水了吗

 这是个发型 -Far, what happened to your head -It"s a haircut. -最新的发型

 -现在已经不新了 -It"s the latest style. -It"s late alright. 好吧

 进来吧 Alright, come on in, then. 这车子闻起来有大♥麻♥味 Phew! This car smells like marijuana. 你不应该抽大♥麻♥ You shouldn"t smoke it. 你的下场会像周围的傻瓜一样

  You"ll end up like all the rest of them dopeheads around here 莫名其妙的哭

 又莫名其妙的笑 laughing at nothing and crying at everything. 你最近去哪里了

 好久不见 Where you been, anyway Ain"t seen you in ages. 和大人一起出去玩呗 Hanging with the old man. -你和谁一起来这里


 她在玩扑克机 -So, who are you here with -My mum. She"s playing the pokies. 赢了什么吗

  She win anything 没有 Nuh. 但是她认为最好把钱放在大生意上 But she reckons it"s better to risk your money on something big, 那样即使穷困潦倒也比整天无所事事好 be real poor, instead of sitting around being a bit poor. 你错过了很多有意思的事 Far, you"ve been missing out on all the fun. 昨天我们把默里推下码头了 We pushed Murray off the wharf yesterday. 现在我没时间管小孩的事了 Ain"t got time for that kids" stuff. 我在工作

 尽快离开这个鬼地方 I"m working. Trying to get out of this dump. 你们什么时候走

 When you guys leaving 不清楚

 可能等爸爸闲下来吧 Don"t know. When my dad"s free, I guess. -但他是个大忙人

 -他们一直都这样 -But he"s a busy man. -They always are. 看来我们都逃过那些了 Oh, well, looks like we lost. -你怎么知道

 -因为我们要回家了 -How do you know -"Cause we"re going home. 再见

 笨蛋 See ya dopehead. 怪人


  Weirdo, do you feel sleepy yet 没有 No. 我的超能力一定是出问题了 My powers must be stink. 也许它不是对每个人都有效 Maybe power don"t work on everyone. 谁呢


  Well, who, then 妈妈



 我只是需要一点钱 Please, Mum, I just need a little bit of money till I f...

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