
章力干,石心怡,王玉宝,杨欣润,2,余 舫,江 彤,常婷婷,马 超


章力干1,石心怡1,王玉宝1,杨欣润1,2,余 舫1,江 彤3,常婷婷4,马 超1※

(1. 农田生态保育与污染防控安徽省重点实验室,安徽省绿色磷肥智能制造与高效利用工程研究中心,自然资源部江淮耕地资源保护与生态修复重点实验室,安徽农业大学资源与环境学院,合肥 230036;
2.南京农业大学资源与环境科学学院,南京 210095;
3.安徽农业大学植物保护学院,合肥 230036;
4.河海大学农业科学与工程学院,南京 210095)

亚热带季风气候下还田病害显著减轻,温带季风气候下显著加重,水田下还田病害较轻,旱地,尤其是冬小麦与春玉米轮作下还田病害加重显著,微酸性土壤中还田病害轻于微碱性土壤,此外,土壤有机质含量大于15 g/kg、土壤小于7 000 kg/hm2、初始碳氮比大于15时还田均会导致病害的加重。线性回归分析显示,秸秆还田病害发生与年平均降雨量、有机质含量呈显著负相关,与初始碳氮比和土壤pH值呈正相关。综上,通过增加初始氮肥用量、改善土壤墒情以及在微酸性土壤上的应用,可最大限度地减少秸秆还田下中国主要粮食作物的病害发生。研究可为中国主要粮食作物病害的绿色防控以及秸秆资源高效利用提供理论依据。




1.1 数据收集与分类

以“秸秆还田或残茬保留或秸秆掺入(straw return or residue retention or straw incorporation)、病害(diseases)、水稻(rice)、小麦(wheat)、玉米(maize)”为关键词,在中国知网、Web of Science进行文献检索,收集2021年12月之前公开发表的期刊论文。通过以下标准来进行文献筛选:1)试验区域为中国且在田间进行试验;

表1 Meta分析所用的研究

本文根据获取数据情况及前人研究经验综合考虑,选取病害类型(气传病害、种传病害、病毒病害、土传病害)、气候类型(亚热带季风气候、温带季风气候和温带大陆性气候)、土壤pH值(<6.5、6.5~7.5、>7.5)、土壤有机质(Soil Organic Matter,SOM)(≤15 g/kg、>15 g/kg)[23]作为环境因素,还田条件(旱地和水田)、作物类型(水稻、小麦、玉米)、秸秆类型(水稻、小麦、玉米)[24]、秸秆还田量(<4 000 kg/hm2、4 000~7 000 kg/hm2、>7 000 kg/hm2)和还田初始C/N(<15、15~25、>25)作为农业管理措施,以阐明秸秆还田对粮食作物病害的影响。其中气传病害主要包括小麦锈病、水稻稻瘟病、玉米大小斑病等;


1.2 整合分析





lnRR=(elnR−1)×100% (3)


发表偏倚检验使用R语言中的“metafor”软件包[27-28]进行分析,采用Egger test法或罗森塔尔失安全系数法进行评判[29-31]。

1.3 统计分析

如果某一因素不同分组95%的置信区间不重叠,则分组之间的作用差异显著。采用线性回归分析效应值与各个可量化的影响因子(如年平均降水量、年平均温度、土壤pH值等)。Meta分析采用METAWIN 2.1软件进行,线性回归分析和图表均使用Origin 9.0进行。

2.1 秸秆还田对主要粮食作物病害的总体影响

本研究共筛选后得到369组数据,经罗森塔尔失安全系数分析,发病率和病情指数数据的检验结果分别为失效安全数分别为1 820 206和8 883,其统计学意义为至少需要1 820 206和8 883组具有发表偏倚性的研究数据才能改变本研究的结论,可知数据不存在偏倚[29-30]。整合分析结果显示,与秸秆不还田相比,秸秆还田总体上会显著增加主要粮食作物的发病率和病情指数,增幅分别为9.5%和12.2%(<0.05)(图1)。

2.2 秸秆还田对中国主要粮食作物不同类型病害的影响



2.3 不同环境条件下秸秆还田对主要粮食作物病害的影响

中性土壤条件下秸秆还田,作物病害的病情指数显著增加14.6%(<0.05)(图3)。而从SOM含量上看,SOM >15 g/kg下秸秆还田会显著增加中国主要粮食作物病害的发病率和病情指数,分别增加了26.2%和9.2%,≤15 g/kg的条件下秸秆还田显著增加作物病害的病情指数27.1%(<0.05)(图3)。

图2 秸秆还田对主要粮食作物不同病害类型发病率和病情指数的影响


2.4 不同农业管理措施下秸秆还田对中国主要粮食作物病害的影响

旱地进行秸秆还田会显著增加中国主要粮食作物病害的发病率(13.8%,<0.05)和病情指数(16.3%,<0.05),但在水田条件下作物病害发病率却显著降低了24.9%(<0.05)(图4)。在作物为玉米和水稻时,秸秆还田对病害发病率和病情指数的影响不显著,而当作物为小麦时病害发病率和病情指数显著增加,分别增加了8.6%和15.6%(<0.05)(图4)。玉米秸秆还田将作物病害的发病率和病情指数分别显著增加16.2%和18.0%,而水稻秸秆还田却使得作物病害发病率显著降低了43.7%(<0.05)(图4)。秸秆还田量>7 000 kg/hm2时,作物病害的发病率和病情指数分别显著了16.5%和14.3%(<0.05);

图4 不同农艺措施下秸秆还田对主要粮食作物发病率和病情指数的影响

2.5 秸秆还田对中国主要粮食作物病害影响与环境和管理因子关联性分析



3.1 秸秆还田对主要粮食作物病害的总体影响


3.2 不同环境条件和下秸秆还田对主要粮食作物病害的影响


3.3 不同农艺管理措施下秸秆还田对主要粮食作物病害的影响

而水田条件下土壤病原菌则会因其厌氧环境和秸秆厌氧发酵而受到抑制[44-46]。玉米秸秆还田可显著增加作物病害的发病率和病情指数,这或是由于玉米本身品种和病害种类多样,以及玉米秸秆还田极大地增加了多种病原菌在土壤中的数量,导致这些土传病害逐年加重[47-48]。此外,水稻、玉米和小麦病原菌寄生转化性的差异也是其发病率发生变化的原因[49-50]。当作物类型为小麦时病害会显著增加,这可归因于小麦根系分泌物对病原菌的繁殖或孢子萌发均有明显促进作用[51-52]。秸秆还田量>7 000 kg/hm2时会显著增加作物病害的发病率和病情指数,而<7 000 kg/hm2时对作物病害的发生影响不显著。这可能是秸秆可为病原菌的繁殖提供基质和营养[42],还田秸秆量大时会将更多的病原菌带入土壤,增加病害的发生可能性[21]。初始C/N范为15~25时显著增加发病率和病情指数,而>25时显著增加病情指数,这可能是因为氮肥施用不足导致微生物与作物竞氮,导致作物苗期生长弱、易染病。线性回归显示,作物病害与初始C/N比呈显著正相关,也证实了上述推论[53-54]。








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Meta-analysis for the impacts of straw return on the diseases of major grain crops in China

Zhang Ligan1, Shi Xinyi1, Wang Yubao1,Yang Xinrun1,2, Yu Fang1, Jiang Tong3, Chang Tingting4, Ma Chao1※

(1.,230036,; 2.,,210095,; 3.,230036,; 4.,,210095)

Straw returning has been one of the most important practices in agricultural management. At the same time, crop diseases, in this case, have been always concerned in China. It is a high demand to clarify the effect of straw returning on the prevalence of diseases of main grain crops. In this study, a meta-analysis was conducted to determine the overall impact of straw returning on the occurrence of the main grain crop diseases. The key factors were also evaluated in response to various environmental factors and agronomic interventions. The data was collected from the published studies before December, 2021. The effective data was selected from the works of literature including: 1) the experiments were conducted in the croplands of China, and 2) the same experiment needed to include the paired treatment and control group. The treatment group was the straw returning to the field, and the control group was no straw returning. The rest experimental conditions of the treatment and control group were strictly consistent, except for whether the straw returned to the field or not. 3) The collected articles contained the incidence rate or disease index data. 4) The crops and returned straw were set as the main food crops rice, wheat, and maize. A total of 369 data sets were obtained to classify, according to the environmental conditions and agricultural management measures. Specifically, the environmental conditions included the climate type, soil pH, and soil organic matter (SOM). Agricultural management measures included the land use type, crop type, straw type, straw returning amount, and initial C/N. The results showed that the straw returning to the field significantly increased the incidence rate and disease index of the main grain crops, indicating an increase of 9.5% and 12.2%, respectively (<0.05). There was a most serious increase in the virus and soil-borne diseases. Different environmental conditions and agricultural management practices presented a significant impact on the occurrence of major grain crop diseases under straw returning. Among them, the diseases of returning farmland decreased significantly in the subtropical monsoon climate, whereas, there was an increase in the temperate monsoon climate. Returning rice straw to the paddy field was beneficial to the reduction of the diseases. The disease increased significantly in the dry land, especially the wheat-corn rotation. The disease in the slightly acidic soil was lower than that in the slightly alkaline soil. In addition, the occurrence of diseases significantly increased under the conditions of soil organic matter (SOM), the straw returning amount, and the initial C/N were greater than 15 g/kg, 7 000 kg/hm2, and 15, respectively. The linear analysis demonstrated that there was a strong negative correlation of the annual precipitation and organic matter content with the occurrence of straw-returning disease, whereas, the initial C/N and soil pH presented a substantial positive correlation. Therefore, straw returning to the paddy fields and acidic soil cultivation greatly contribute to the fewer diseases in China with the high annual average rainfall and warmth. At the same time, a better way is to raise the initial application rate of nitrogen fertilizer.

crops; straw; diseases; main crop; incidence rate; disease index; Meta-analysis


S141.9; S432



章力干,石心怡,王玉宝,等. 秸秆还田对中国主要粮食作物病害影响的Meta分析[J]. 农业工程学报,2022,38(21):93-100.doi:10.11975/j.issn.1002-6819.2022.21.012 http://www.tcsae.org

Shi Xinyi, Wang Yubao, Yang Xinrun, et al. Meta-analysis for the impacts of straw return on the diseases of major grain crops in China[J]. Transactions of the Chinese Society of Agricultural Engineering (Transactions of the CSAE), 2022, 38(21): 93-100. (in Chinese with English abstract) doi:10.11975/j.issn.1002-6819.2022.21.012 http://www.tcsae.org






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