
  【摘 要】传统的参与式教学模式由于受时间、空间和学生人数的限制,其操作性和教学效果具有一定局限性。利用现代网络技术,所有学生可以随时随地参与课程教学,真正做到发挥学生的学习主体地位,自主参与教学,自我发展。因此,利用网络技术开展自主参与式教学就非常重要。在具体教学中要遵循主体与主导结合、共性与个性结合、理论与实践结合、民主与监督结合、过程与多元结合、现实与网络结合等原则,采取建立教学信息收集和反馈系统,开展以任务驱动为目标的主题教学形式,组建课程教学的网络参与平台,采取小组互助网络学习方式,形成以实践考核为主的评价方式,以期取得最大教学效果。
  【关键词】网络技术 自主参与 教学模式 高校思想政治理论课 应用
  【中图分类号】G642 【文献标识码】A 【文章编号】2095-3089(2016)32-0035-02
  The application of the independent participation mode in the University"s ideological and political theory course based on the network technology
  Guangdong industry and Commerce Career Academy
  【Abstract】Due to the limitation of time, space and the number of students, the traditional participatory teaching mode has some limitations. By using modern network technology, all students can participate in the course teaching at any time and place, so that students can play the main role of the students in their study. Therefore, it is very important to use the network technology to carry out the independent participation teaching. This kind of teaching mode should follow the principle of combination between the subjectivity and dominance, the combination of commonness and individuality, the combination of the theory and practice, the combination of the democracy and supervision,the combination of the process and diversity , the establishment of teaching information collection and feedback system, to carry out the task driven as the goal of the subject teaching form, teaching form to participate in the network platform. Take a group of network collaborative learning, form a practical assessment based evaluation method, in order to obtain the maximum teaching effect.
  【Key word】Network technology, independent participation, teaching mode, College Ideological and political theory course, application
  高校思想政治理论课是一门实践性很强的学科,具有强烈的实践性和操作性。实践是理论的来源和归宿。实践也是检验理论的标准和生命力所在。 传统的教学单纯靠教师的的权威和“一言堂”是很难吸引学生。要发挥师生双主体的教学理念,大力发挥教师主导作用和学生学习主体地位。学生必须要才参与到整个理论课教学当中,自我学习、自我教育、自我成长。

推荐访问:政治理论 教学模式 课堂 网络技术 课中